Robin's Journal
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03/24/2005 22:57 #33526
porn search gone wrong03/24/2005 01:35 #33525
snow angelI did it, for the first time. Robin's first snow angel is right in front of the music hall. The snow was so pretty and pure walking home I could not help myself from wallering in it.
03/23/2005 20:32 #33524
but i reckonvaginas are a different story, maybe women have a more difficult time because their chest are considered more visually unacceptable than male chest. of course that's only because they're so damn hot. red hot in my case.
03/23/2005 20:25 #33523
hahahaha, necked, ha. oh that's funny. Paul, what's the big deal? Why does it matter what mr ? said or posted. I missed it so... crazy. yeah. Scroll down and look at that boob I posted a few weeks ago. It's still there. Should I put a big X over it? Nah, who gives a shit,really? I reckon women are allowed to appreciate their bodies because for some reason they're more socially acceptable. Thank goodness I'm a woman. My exhibitionism has free rein of expression in all forms. Well, not really.

03/21/2005 12:46 #33522
NY tripI was good. The loss of my cell phone on the train into Brooklyn was sad at first but the next morning the coolest guy ever called Ho and she called me and I called the guy and he said "Come and get your phone," so me and my friend Nate hopped on a bus and went further down into Brooklyn to the guys house. When the guy answered the door he radiated coolness. I had to restrain myself from crying out "I love you"! That guy was fucking cool.
I made a picture inspired by the trip and also by Raoul Vaneigem's book that I'm reading
The Revolution of Everyday Life Click to see the pic. 
I made a picture inspired by the trip and also by Raoul Vaneigem's book that I'm reading