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03/17/2005 18:40 #33517

oh misery
I have some advice for all of you out there. Don't drink several budweisers and follow them with a couple of tequila sunrises and a shot of tequila. I don't care how "free" those last 3 drinks were. I've vomited 8 times today. I vomit, get thirsty, drink water, vomit again. I want a buffalo mommy who will let me watch tv on her couch and give me a washcloth for my forehead. I guess I did better than Keith, he actually vomited on the bathroom floor last night. That was after he stopped short on the drive to his house and catapulted me into the front seat from the back. I'm going to have a serious knee bruise to show off in a few days. I still need to do a few more things to my damn website but I think I need to be completely inactive today and try to comfort my fractured body. If anyone out there loves me and brings me a ginger ale I will reward them with an eternal fondness.

but uh... yeah

Happy St. Patty Day


03/16/2005 15:17 #33516

little robin red breast
That's what Granny used to call me and now I've done gone and made a web site under the name. It should be up and running, although a little slow because video files are do damn huge. Check it out, It's almost as good as tv if you've never seen it before.

03/12/2005 05:01 #33515

up all night
delta dawn, what's that flower you have on? could it be a faded rose from days gone by?

I slept around the clock after I got done teaching the other day so now I can't sleep. I should've gone out and got drunk. I have some beer in my fridge from when my sister was here. I guess I could drink but I never drink alone unless I'm going out to the bar. Right now I feel strangely tempted. It must be the lack of green in my life. I made my sis a celebratory St. Pattie's day CD. It only has one Irish drinking song but I figure that's enough. I'm going to send it to her along with a card that has leprechauns arguing about who is the wee-est.
When I was a kid I found a leprechaun stool, no not stool as in poop. Stool as in seat. I was wondering around the woods by myself and I came across a weird plant. It looked like this


it was about a foot or so tall. I picked it and went and asked my dad "what is this" he said "it's a leprechaun stool." My dad comes up with the best lies. I didn't believe him though so I took it to school and asked my teacher Mrs, Dalton but she didn't know either so I believed my Dad after that. I can't remember what happened to the damn thing. It was 15 years ago when I found it. hmmm

03/08/2005 07:44 #33514

I feel like it's bedtime
but I have to stay up, until 11:30 to teach some things about editing and show some strange videos. Fuck! I just remembered the reading I was going to do this evening but I spent the whole night working on this picture fer my new desktop.
this is a scaled down version.

I've got some kind of obsession with dismemberment lately. I'm off to the tub to speed read a little Soft Subversions. It's already taught me that we're all homosexuals, hopefully, so that's reassuring.

03/07/2005 17:53 #33513

new computer
I'm the luckiest and most in debt girl in the world. My baby has arrived, ohhhhh, so sleek and shiny. The Internet is magically connected. It has to be the neighbors. Is this wrong? to be typing on their connection or whatever?