delta dawn, what's that flower you have on? could it be a faded rose from days gone by?
I slept around the clock after I got done teaching the other day so now I can't sleep. I should've gone out and got drunk. I have some beer in my fridge from when my sister was here. I guess I could drink but I never drink alone unless I'm going out to the bar. Right now I feel strangely tempted. It must be the lack of green in my life. I made my sis a celebratory St. Pattie's day CD. It only has one Irish drinking song but I figure that's enough. I'm going to send it to her along with a card that has leprechauns arguing about who is the wee-est.
When I was a kid I found a leprechaun stool, no not stool as in poop. Stool as in seat. I was wondering around the woods by myself and I came across a weird plant. It looked like this
it was about a foot or so tall. I picked it and went and asked my dad "what is this" he said "it's a leprechaun stool." My dad comes up with the best lies. I didn't believe him though so I took it to school and asked my teacher Mrs, Dalton but she didn't know either so I believed my Dad after that. I can't remember what happened to the damn thing. It was 15 years ago when I found it. hmmm