Well, I never in my life. Liz sure knows how to make a person feel welcome, from the Cheese, to the peppers, to the vodka, and back.
What interesting company there was. I've never been around so many nude people all at once. Penises and balls are so funny. I wonder what it feels like to have those things attached to your body? They're so swingy.
Yes, when me and Liz get together all sorts of drunken debauchery is likely to occur.
Robin's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/07/2004 15:39 #33314
o me o my05/06/2004 23:43 #33313
To Liz's House We Go!Come smell my hair y'all!
05/06/2004 04:20 #33312
Sorry LizI was going to ask if you wanted to go to Keith's house with me, cause I was about to walk over there. It was a good time. We heard records while we talked about the man/boy love organization. Then we started singing, Pharaoh pharaoh, Oh nO, let my people go! and Father Abraham had many son's. Damn the excessive amounts of chick tracks in the house.
I drew on some paper towels and drank a shot of whiskey with the boys. Then I came home. I was asleep all day. I dreamed my sister got the cutest little puppy. It looked like a miniature Benjie and it kept licking everything.
I'm afraid I haven't been doing a good job with my job search. I've vowed to myself to try harder tomorrow so I don't get shipped away to humid boredom and numb bitching.
Going to Georgia sounds a little fun though because my Dad told me he fixed my sister's old truck so I'd have something to drive maybe. Ah yes, cruising with the windows down in the middle of the night, smelling the spring flying by. That sounds fine but that's just a little chunk of a way to spend time.
I drew on some paper towels and drank a shot of whiskey with the boys. Then I came home. I was asleep all day. I dreamed my sister got the cutest little puppy. It looked like a miniature Benjie and it kept licking everything.
I'm afraid I haven't been doing a good job with my job search. I've vowed to myself to try harder tomorrow so I don't get shipped away to humid boredom and numb bitching.
Going to Georgia sounds a little fun though because my Dad told me he fixed my sister's old truck so I'd have something to drive maybe. Ah yes, cruising with the windows down in the middle of the night, smelling the spring flying by. That sounds fine but that's just a little chunk of a way to spend time.
05/05/2004 07:09 #33311
simpler timesThese quotes are from the book "Kids Say the Darndest Things" published in 1957.
What do you think a rich man is?
A bachelor
Would you vote for a woman for president?
Why not?
Their responsibilities are not so political.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Nothing, because I don't wanna grow up.
That's unusual. How come?
Because of all the bills you have to pay at the end of the month.
What do you want to be?
I don't care as long as I get money.
Why do you want money?
Because I want to have a husband and the only way you can get a husband these days is to have money.
What do you want to be?
I'm not sure but I think I'd like to get married.
Well, I'd rather do that than work
What's your favorite expression?
"Bury that crazy prehistoric!"
What does it mean?
It means get rid of that old man.
Who do you use it on?
Anyone over 21.
I've got a new boy friend
How do you know?
Because yesterday he told me to shut up and go home.
What do you want to be?
Who are you going to marry?
I think a woman.
But you're a girl yourself... why would you want to marry a woman?
Because women are a lot less trouble than men, my mother tells me.
Who matures faster girls or boys?
How do you know?
Well, a girl knows when she falls in love with a boy but a boy doesn't even know the girls in love with him or what, and doesn't know much of anything- so girls are more mature.
Would you like to be the president?
Oh, it's all right.
The Governor?
How about the mayor?
Why not?
Because that's a girl horse.
What do you like to do best?
Cook, sew, embroider and clean house.
With those interest what do you think you'll be?
A private secretary.
Do you know what a private secretary does?
Yes, the main thing is to keep the newspaper man away from her boss so they can't get a scoop on anything he doesn't want them to know about.
Would you be willing to sit on the boss' lap?
Well, if you have to- you have to.

Looking at this picture I realize that things were not necessarily simpler. Yes, I could get away with wearing overalls with no shirt but look at my expression. What the hell was I thinking about? I'm sure I had something on my mind, maybe I was thinking "Wow, my sister's Panama Jack shirt is so much cooler than my overalls." I got to many things on my mind lately. I had more disturbing dreams. One of them involved MDMA. In the dream I took the drug and went to sleep. I took the drug with my friend Skip Willimson, this older wild man I know. I was creeped out because someone had recently told me that people only give you ecstasy if they want to have sex with you. The drug was injected into lifesaver shaped candy. I ate it then went to sleep. I could hear them saying "she's asleep, is she ok." When I woke up in the dream the shape of my head had changed.
The second dream was strange, kind of insect like. I was thinking like a preying mantis but it wasn't that cool. It would have been cooler if I were a prey mantis, well, a preying mantis might enjoy having my dream though, ah, who knows?
so yeah, what that says about my own personal psychology, I have no idea. What is more natural the desire to consume or the desire to copulate?
Andy(my Atl sweetie) called and said that he is coming here for a week in June for my birthday,so anyone who comes to me and Soyeon's joint birthday party on June 13th can meet em. I miss how he liked to give me foot massages when I put my feet in his lap while we were watching movies. I gave Soyeon a foot massage the other day because she looked so melancholy. She said she's never had a foot massage before and that made me so sad. Her poor little feet in those high heels
veryday, she needs a good foot massaging man like Andy.
I'm very fortunate to be a woman.
What do you think a rich man is?
A bachelor
Would you vote for a woman for president?
Why not?
Their responsibilities are not so political.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Nothing, because I don't wanna grow up.
That's unusual. How come?
Because of all the bills you have to pay at the end of the month.
What do you want to be?
I don't care as long as I get money.
Why do you want money?
Because I want to have a husband and the only way you can get a husband these days is to have money.
What do you want to be?
I'm not sure but I think I'd like to get married.
Well, I'd rather do that than work
What's your favorite expression?
"Bury that crazy prehistoric!"
What does it mean?
It means get rid of that old man.
Who do you use it on?
Anyone over 21.
I've got a new boy friend
How do you know?
Because yesterday he told me to shut up and go home.
What do you want to be?
Who are you going to marry?
I think a woman.
But you're a girl yourself... why would you want to marry a woman?
Because women are a lot less trouble than men, my mother tells me.
Who matures faster girls or boys?
How do you know?
Well, a girl knows when she falls in love with a boy but a boy doesn't even know the girls in love with him or what, and doesn't know much of anything- so girls are more mature.
Would you like to be the president?
Oh, it's all right.
The Governor?
How about the mayor?
Why not?
Because that's a girl horse.
What do you like to do best?
Cook, sew, embroider and clean house.
With those interest what do you think you'll be?
A private secretary.
Do you know what a private secretary does?
Yes, the main thing is to keep the newspaper man away from her boss so they can't get a scoop on anything he doesn't want them to know about.
Would you be willing to sit on the boss' lap?
Well, if you have to- you have to.

Looking at this picture I realize that things were not necessarily simpler. Yes, I could get away with wearing overalls with no shirt but look at my expression. What the hell was I thinking about? I'm sure I had something on my mind, maybe I was thinking "Wow, my sister's Panama Jack shirt is so much cooler than my overalls." I got to many things on my mind lately. I had more disturbing dreams. One of them involved MDMA. In the dream I took the drug and went to sleep. I took the drug with my friend Skip Willimson, this older wild man I know. I was creeped out because someone had recently told me that people only give you ecstasy if they want to have sex with you. The drug was injected into lifesaver shaped candy. I ate it then went to sleep. I could hear them saying "she's asleep, is she ok." When I woke up in the dream the shape of my head had changed.
The second dream was strange, kind of insect like. I was thinking like a preying mantis but it wasn't that cool. It would have been cooler if I were a prey mantis, well, a preying mantis might enjoy having my dream though, ah, who knows?

so yeah, what that says about my own personal psychology, I have no idea. What is more natural the desire to consume or the desire to copulate?
Andy(my Atl sweetie) called and said that he is coming here for a week in June for my birthday,so anyone who comes to me and Soyeon's joint birthday party on June 13th can meet em. I miss how he liked to give me foot massages when I put my feet in his lap while we were watching movies. I gave Soyeon a foot massage the other day because she looked so melancholy. She said she's never had a foot massage before and that made me so sad. Her poor little feet in those high heels
veryday, she needs a good foot massaging man like Andy.
I'm very fortunate to be a woman.
05/05/2004 05:55 #33310
Marketing researchKeith says that "After looking at my favorite porn sites I guess there might, I supply to my favorite porn sites I suppose. Something about Elmwood strip. I read the journal everyday. I read stickboy. I find myself finishing the job the job when I read Paul did I mention myself reading Stick boy?"