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05/10/2004 05:31 #33316

Oh Crazy Family
Well, I called up my mother around 7pm to tell her, I love you Mama but I never got to it. My sister answers the phone and the first thing she says is "Scott just broke his leg on Eric's motorcycle." Scott is my oldest brother(34), Eric my 2nd oldest brother(32).
So my sister puts me on with my Dad and he asks if I found a job and says that if I don't find one I have to come home. Then he puts me on with my Mom and she asks me if I bought some groceries with the money she sent. I told her yes I have food but I'm out of money. She starts fussing about that but at the same time my brother Scott is sitting on a huge rock in my front yard and it's coming up a thunderstorm there. I tell my Mama if he's really broken his leg they should call an ambulance and I hear my Mama shout "Scott, do you want an ambulance?" My niece, Kiah, starts crying because they will not let her go outside.
So I ask to be put on the phone with Kiah and I calm her down by saying "Oh, poor baby, are they being mean to you? I'll get em. I'll give em all spankings but you and I'll give you candy." Kiah eventually calms down and tells me "Scott broke his leg." Kiah has the most adorable kid southern accent. Well, then she tells me "Poxy(cat) is here, she's not dead," and "the ducks like me." I hear my Dad in the background, he says "Scott broke his damn leg" so I say Kiah, "Did you hear Papa cuss? I remember when you used to cuss." It's true, one of Kiah's first twenty words was "Shit!" and she used it appropriately to, at not even a year old.
Well, after that my Dad gets back on the phone and says they just took Scott to the hospital. And they've gotta let me go cause it's coming up a storm and he can't afford the phone bill and they'll call and let me know how Scott is.

05/09/2004 04:57 #33315

self promotion
I just spent two hours going in and out of AOL chat rooms sending out links to the Baubo animation I made I had a conversation or two about it. People seem to think that children should not see it but that's who I made it for, ages 2-5. I tried to make a point to them. I told them that when I was 14 I used to visit AOL chat rooms in order to collect pornography. Regular old female submissive porn for the most part but I never knew what I was getting until I downloaded the pic so I got a lot of sicko crap, like animal and shit fetish pictures.
The point I was trying to make is that no way is my Baubo animation as bad for young teens as a photograph of a snake coming out of a woman's vagina but who knows, maybe it is. Anyway, Liz if you read this maybe you could check the number of visits to my web page on your site and let me know how successful I was in getting it out there.

05/07/2004 15:39 #33314

o me o my
Well, I never in my life. Liz sure knows how to make a person feel welcome, from the Cheese, to the peppers, to the vodka, and back.
What interesting company there was. I've never been around so many nude people all at once. Penises and balls are so funny. I wonder what it feels like to have those things attached to your body? They're so swingy.
Yes, when me and Liz get together all sorts of drunken debauchery is likely to occur.

05/06/2004 23:43 #33313

To Liz's House We Go!
Come smell my hair y'all!

05/06/2004 04:20 #33312

Sorry Liz
I was going to ask if you wanted to go to Keith's house with me, cause I was about to walk over there. It was a good time. We heard records while we talked about the man/boy love organization. Then we started singing, Pharaoh pharaoh, Oh nO, let my people go! and Father Abraham had many son's. Damn the excessive amounts of chick tracks in the house.
I drew on some paper towels and drank a shot of whiskey with the boys. Then I came home. I was asleep all day. I dreamed my sister got the cutest little puppy. It looked like a miniature Benjie and it kept licking everything.
I'm afraid I haven't been doing a good job with my job search. I've vowed to myself to try harder tomorrow so I don't get shipped away to humid boredom and numb bitching.
Going to Georgia sounds a little fun though because my Dad told me he fixed my sister's old truck so I'd have something to drive maybe. Ah yes, cruising with the windows down in the middle of the night, smelling the spring flying by. That sounds fine but that's just a little chunk of a way to spend time.