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Robin's Journal

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05/05/2004 05:55 #33310

Marketing research
Keith says that "After looking at my favorite porn sites I guess there might, I supply to my favorite porn sites I suppose. Something about Elmwood strip. I read the journal everyday. I read stickboy. I find myself finishing the job the job when I read Paul did I mention myself reading Stick boy?"

05/02/2004 23:47 #33309

no one cares
When I was in grade school we tried to wear green on St. Patrick's Day, If we didn't we would get pinched. I wonder if y'all did that evilness up here? Keith did not. He gave me cornbeef and made me think of that stuff.
When I was three I went to an amusement park with my Mom and a lot of people from church. A tornado went through the park that night. I remember wondering where my brother was and being scared that he would be crushed by a tree but I thought the storm was exciting. We went into a souvenir shop to wait out the storm a bit. I was standing by a sunglasses rack. My cousin, Josh, who was two years old at the time, saved me from kidnappers there. OK, that part has to be bullshit, you know? So I think that's my oldest fantasy.
Josh joined the air force a few years ago. I wrote him a letter telling him how crazy and stupid I think that is and he never wrote me back. He does mechanical work on planes. He recently married a girl from Louisiana and she'll be having a baby if a few months I reckon.
I had scary dreams last night or actually today. It's tidy in here. I wish I had a little money and I would invite people over for food and drinks. I've never done much entertaining in this apartment. I feel like I should do a little this summer because pretty soon I'll move in with Soyeon and that will be different. It'll be our space then, not just my space. I've had my own space for a long time but I think Soyeon will be a good roommate for me. We'll help each other keep our heads on straight.
The job hunt, yes, I'll start up again tomorrow. I hate that the weather is so cold. It's fucking May, for christ sake!
Ah well, at least music is beautiful no matter the temperature.

05/02/2004 11:38 #33308

7 hours
my house is clean. stop on by sometime.

05/01/2004 23:45 #33307

but i love lil kitty

05/01/2004 23:41 #33306

smokin feet