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05/01/2004 15:47 #33305

I Idiot
how complicated sometimes, Lordy, Lordy, Lordy, what the fuck is going on here? I got drunk Thursday, I got drunk Friday, and now Saturday night is approaching and I'm sure to show my face at the astronaut party. I've never in my life so I may as well this time.
My big sister refuses to talk to me. I wonder if its because I offered to do an act of violence for her but then chickened out? I just get scared of big guys sometimes. I made the offer to sporadically. I needed to form a posse to get my back first but by the time I did that Soyeon had disappeared. A little slap wouldn't hurt a big jerk like that anyway, I guess if I had done it in the crowd he might have had a momentary loss of pride.
I love my oldest sister. I reckon she needs a break from me. I get worries. Human beings are so delicate. I'm one of the lest delicate humans that I know. Then I pair up with people and I get afraid that I can destroy them by being insensitive and stupid. Damn it, I'm a little kid.

04/30/2004 20:30 #33304

fetish baby
I just dreamed that my little cousin,image Tanya, had two strange tattoos on her hand and lots of piercing. Her left hand tattoo was a sheet of paper folded in half with little berries all over and her right hand tattoo was the end of a key molded into a counter top.

04/30/2004 14:47 #33303

for my asshole husband, stickboy, He's taking me to lunch in exchange for reading his book and offering him my feminine critique. I'll read for food any day.
That saves my belly for the day. I still need to clean up in here so bad. Jesse keeps telling me to hire Ragly but I can't. I'm to poor now. This mess has to go though. Oh, it's so bad. I'm so sick of it. Where to start?
1. take out all current trash
2. Start a new trash
3. put all dirty clothes in the closet across from the bathroom
4. put all cans and empty cigarette packs in the trash
5. put the bricks back on my shelf the put the top shelf back on
6. put VHS tapes and DVDs inside the end table under the monitor
7. put change in change jar
8. gather and wash all dishes
9. put sugar and stuff in cabinets
10. throw away old food
11. hang up hats and jackets
12. fold laundry on bed
13. put shoes in closet
14. clean out bags and purses
15. stack cassette tapes and mini DV tapes
16. find a good spot for my make-up throw out what I don't use
17. find a storage unit for collage materials
18. wash off counter tops and stove
19. take out trash again
20. Clean out sinks, toilet, and bathtub.
21. dust desk, computer, monitor, tables, and windows
22. sweep and mop floors
23. fold blankets
24. vacuum rug, loveseat, and chair.

04/30/2004 14:10 #33302

o beautiful day!
I just went outside and what a lovely day. It feels like GA weather out there.

04/30/2004 13:40 #33301

strange days
Weird thing, I can't seem to figure things.
I feel like I'm on welfare when I'm waiting for my dad to send me a check in the mail. It's the end of the week and I think my dear daddy forgot me, as well he should.
but the question is, how the hell will I get by? I guess I can scrape together all my change and buy my smokes. Haha, I can dress up real nice and go count out my pennies to an unfortunate cashier. I think on Sunday I might help Tony get started with the organization of his jail space.
I went to the mall yesterday and pretended to be on a day time TV make over show.Soyeon is funny. The first thing she did was turn me into a pink blob. I'm still not sure how I feel about people directing me, well, actually I know it makes me pretty damn uncomfortable but I ended up with some nice things. I exercised my right to agree all the day long.
Now I have barbie shoes.