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04/23/2004 19:27 #33296

Stalker Cops
Today around one I go of the train at the Summer Best stop and I started walking down Summer to get to Elmwood. It was slightly uncomfortable walking because I was carrying a VHS camera in it's case. That dinosaur was giving my shoulder a work out.
When I got to Linwood the light had just changed and a cop was sitting there, He waved his hand to tell me I could pass. Then I walked across the street and he asked me "You work around here?" and I told him no, so he asked "You live around here" and I said Elmwood and he was like oh OK or whatever and I kept on walking.
I was getting paranoid thinking "does this guy think my camera is a bomb or something." It weirded me out a little but I kept on my route. When I was half a block from Elmwood the same cop had pulled and parked on the side of the road that I was walking on. He asked me "What do you do." I told him "I'm a student" he asked what I study I said media studies, then he asked if I was from Buffalo and I said no, Georgia and then he was all you came up here just to study and I was all yeah it was a long trek. Then he told me to have a nice day and I said you to and walked home.
I'm not sure if this guy was suspicious of me of if he just was interested in me either way I don't like it one bit. When Paul gave me a ride home the other night there were five cops in their cars on the street right outside my house. We were so creeped out. Cops are so damn scary. Why would a person want that job unless they have some power/control issues, scary. I'm scared. I'm nice. Leave me alone.

04/22/2004 11:06 #33295

Rude Awakening

This morning around 9 I woke up to the most annoying sounds. It sounded like a person in wooden boots tramping around on the wooden floors in the apartment above me. I was so bothered that I turned on my stereo full blast, after a minute of that the noise above me got louder and I could hear plaster falling. You know that sound you get when you put a nail somewhere you shouldn't. I was so pissed off I turned off my radio and screamed at the top of my lungs "SHUT UP, I CAN'T TAKE THIS, GOD DAMN IT." Then the noise shut up for minute but then it started again. I was so pissed off. I hate waking up before the time I've allotted for myself.
My alarm just went off so now is the time I should be waking. It's good though that those crazies woke me up this morning because I'm doing a load of laundry and will actually be able to wear panties for the first time in weeks.
I had a strange dream about a molester named Jojo. I was sleeping on the couch and he wanted to spend the night but I told him there wasn't room and then in the dream I had a flashback to being in the pool with him. He had a gun and shot himself in the finger when he was shooting at my brother. I took his finger and put it under the water because that is the only way he could feel the sting to know he had been shot so he asked me how I knew to do that and it was because he's shot me in the stomach a few minutes before.

04/20/2004 22:16 #33294

Thank Baubo for Paul, he just saved my life. Paul you rock so hard.

04/20/2004 21:43 #33293

Jesus Christ!
I'm so mad. This stupid movie upload to the server. What the hell am i doinng in the media studies department, fucking shit, I think our kanas city have the right idea getting out of here!!! Jesus, I'm so mad. Why want it work? Damn it! Why!why! why! I need help so bad God Damn It, Fucking Shit, Damn it Damn it. It works on this machine. I'm so pissed, totally pissed, work work work.

04/20/2004 20:42 #33292

Link to my Baubo animation thing