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04/30/2004 14:10 #33302

o beautiful day!
I just went outside and what a lovely day. It feels like GA weather out there.

04/30/2004 13:40 #33301

strange days
Weird thing, I can't seem to figure things.
I feel like I'm on welfare when I'm waiting for my dad to send me a check in the mail. It's the end of the week and I think my dear daddy forgot me, as well he should.
but the question is, how the hell will I get by? I guess I can scrape together all my change and buy my smokes. Haha, I can dress up real nice and go count out my pennies to an unfortunate cashier. I think on Sunday I might help Tony get started with the organization of his jail space.
I went to the mall yesterday and pretended to be on a day time TV make over show.Soyeon is funny. The first thing she did was turn me into a pink blob. I'm still not sure how I feel about people directing me, well, actually I know it makes me pretty damn uncomfortable but I ended up with some nice things. I exercised my right to agree all the day long.
Now I have barbie shoes.

04/29/2004 17:28 #33300

Hateful Babe
Looking at the picture of my nieces below makes me wonder, why is Fisherprice such a bad thing?

04/29/2004 16:15 #33299

Reckon iz Fit to be Tied
My Mama just sent me this picture of my two little nieces. I strongly suspect it is Mama who's responsible for their matching dresses. Seeing that big pine tree behind the girls makes me miss my parent's back yard. I used to have a tire swing on that tree. It's so sunny, hot, and humid in Georgia.


04/29/2004 01:08 #33298

School is out for Summer!
Well, What now? Looks like some serious job hunting for me. I'll start tomorrow. I want some warmth up in this place, Damn it! I've got a lot to do and five dollars in my pocket. How is this going to work?
On Monday I helped Tony make announcements for the student screening. That was some silly business. On UB students and your basic doc masterpieces. I feel bad because Toward the end of the night up in the boot I was chatting with Meg when I leaned up against the deck and sent one of the documentaries into FF. I felt so bad but I still had to laugh a lot.
I'm going to be wasting my days I think. Does anyone want to waste their beautiful summer days away with me?