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04/20/2004 21:43 #33293

Jesus Christ!
I'm so mad. This stupid movie upload to the server. What the hell am i doinng in the media studies department, fucking shit, I think our kanas city have the right idea getting out of here!!! Jesus, I'm so mad. Why want it work? Damn it! Why!why! why! I need help so bad God Damn It, Fucking Shit, Damn it Damn it. It works on this machine. I'm so pissed, totally pissed, work work work.

04/20/2004 20:42 #33292

Link to my Baubo animation thing

04/20/2004 03:25 #33291

well, my bush is gone
I'm wondering if any of you people out there would be willing to shave off your bush and let me take a crotch shot, not wide open beaver or full sausage (unless that's what you want) just a nice straightforward shot. I've been obsessed with this George W. Bush and pubic hair thing for a while, what a nice peaceful but upfront way to protest.
I'm envisioning a room full of hairless crotches. Maybe I could save all the pubic hairs and light them on fire in front of the Washington monument (that sounds a bit unsanitary though). You know I think this is the first time I've shaved my cunt just to remove all reference to the word bush from my body. I feel so clean. Tomorrow it might be itchy but for now I feel clean. I'm willing to suffer a bit for that disassociation.

04/20/2004 02:19 #33290

Everybody Look What's Going Down
I seem to be facing the same dilemma as Mike. Do I have what it takes to get up at 8:30 and protest our fucking shithead of a president? I'm so tired right now. Do I have what it takes to remove my own personal bush as a symbol of my resistance? I'd like to think so but then I'd like to be indifferent as well and pretend that I live in my on little world and all these organized fuckers don't matter but thats hard to do when people are sending me pictures of dead babies in Iraq.
I'm sick of these bush pop ups on MY home computer. They invade my space. That ugly white dude, what a symbol. Well, I have almost a whole pack of cigarettes thanks to Soyeon. That should help with getting me out of bed in the morning.

04/17/2004 19:49 #33289

Aunt Robie's little Sweetheart