Fuck not having a car! It's a pain in my ass.
I was up at city hall this evening. I left around 10:15 and walked to the train. It was puoring down rain. I got to south campus around 11 or so and started a quest for a pack of cigarettes. Those fuckers at Tops, they suck so bad. I wish bad things on that bitch who would not sell me cigarettes. Why is it that they can sell every other fucking product at 11 but no cigarettes? Why is it that dumb, asshole, store working bitches have to follow the rules, what a bunch of chicken shit cuntrags. Jesus, I'm getting all pissed off just remembering.
So the nice security guy at Tops tells me where. Jesus, I'm just remember that woman who was such a bitch. I can't stop. I want to hurt her so bad. i want to kick her in the shins...oh wait the best fantasy I had as I was walking through the sleeting rain was to go into the parking lot and slightly damage the front of her car and stick some fabric from my coat onto it. Then after she pulls away I would wait a minute or two and then inflict wounds onto myself some how(I never really figured out how to do this) but after that I would call 911 on my cell phone an be all like " Some person just ran over me, Oh I'm in pain, bllah blah.' So that fucking sheep of a woman who refused to sell me cigarettes would go to jail for a hit and run. that would make me happy.
Back to the story. The Tops shitheads sent me 4 blocks away to a gas station on bailey and it turned out to be closed. I went into a blockbuster and asked where the nearest gas station was but the guy who worked there was a fucking idiot as well. I was about to cry at this point.
I turned around and backtracked 10 blocks and then walked two or three more. I finally arrived at the mobil on Main and the guy who worked there was nice and cute. I told him about the woes of my journey and he felt sympathy for me as he sold my my cigarettes. Then he told me not to worry because it was only 12 and the last shuttle bus for N campus leaves at 12:30.
So here I am at 5:35, barefoot wishing the kids would go home so I could sleep. My shoes and socks are still soaking wet and my shoulders are all achy but at least I'm through with my loops and I have two packs of cigarettes.