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04/13/2004 06:37 #33286

I'd walk a mile for a Camel
All these kids keep makng sound. I wish they would get out of the pro tools room so I could catch a few winks on the couch. We need a student lounge on this fine campus. My looping is over now I've just gotta wait on Carolyn to get here in the morning so I can dump all this equipment I have to borrow into her car.
Fuck not having a car! It's a pain in my ass.
I was up at city hall this evening. I left around 10:15 and walked to the train. It was puoring down rain. I got to south campus around 11 or so and started a quest for a pack of cigarettes. Those fuckers at Tops, they suck so bad. I wish bad things on that bitch who would not sell me cigarettes. Why is it that they can sell every other fucking product at 11 but no cigarettes? Why is it that dumb, asshole, store working bitches have to follow the rules, what a bunch of chicken shit cuntrags. Jesus, I'm getting all pissed off just remembering.
So the nice security guy at Tops tells me where. Jesus, I'm just remember that woman who was such a bitch. I can't stop. I want to hurt her so bad. i want to kick her in the shins...oh wait the best fantasy I had as I was walking through the sleeting rain was to go into the parking lot and slightly damage the front of her car and stick some fabric from my coat onto it. Then after she pulls away I would wait a minute or two and then inflict wounds onto myself some how(I never really figured out how to do this) but after that I would call 911 on my cell phone an be all like " Some person just ran over me, Oh I'm in pain, bllah blah.' So that fucking sheep of a woman who refused to sell me cigarettes would go to jail for a hit and run. that would make me happy.
Back to the story. The Tops shitheads sent me 4 blocks away to a gas station on bailey and it turned out to be closed. I went into a blockbuster and asked where the nearest gas station was but the guy who worked there was a fucking idiot as well. I was about to cry at this point.
I turned around and backtracked 10 blocks and then walked two or three more. I finally arrived at the mobil on Main and the guy who worked there was nice and cute. I told him about the woes of my journey and he felt sympathy for me as he sold my my cigarettes. Then he told me not to worry because it was only 12 and the last shuttle bus for N campus leaves at 12:30.
So here I am at 5:35, barefoot wishing the kids would go home so I could sleep. My shoes and socks are still soaking wet and my shoulders are all achy but at least I'm through with my loops and I have two packs of cigarettes.

04/12/2004 01:33 #33285

Killing Babies in Iraq
This is a letter I got from a list serv in Atlanta.

Hello everybody,
It looks like the situation in Iraq is even worse than we thought. Read the following eyewitness accounts of what has been going on in Iraq lately. One of the eyewitness is an Italian , Paola Gaspiroli, who we met in Baghdad last month. She is still there, but she is getting ready to leave because the situation is getting too dangerous for foreigners. The mainstream press has been reporting some of this, but clearly the situation is much worse according to these accounts. Obviously, the press has reported that the occupying forces are in a very tough situation and soldiers are being killed everyday, but i don't think they've paid enough attention to the disproportionate killing and damage the occupying forces are inflicting on Iraqis everyday. You can also go to Al jazeera to get more information.

I must warn you, if you click on the link on the right titled, Aljazeera exclusive in pictures: Falluja siege, you will see very graphic pictures of the victims of this war. Feel free to forward this message.
Manuel Llaneras
Manuel Llaneras Photography
1014 Edgewood Avenue #2
Atlanta, Georgia 30307
phone: 404-577-2474

04/10/2004 05:08 #33284

Old Dead People
I think I came from these people. This computer used to be my parents so I've found some strange stuff on here. I think these people were great great grand parents or something.



04/10/2004 04:39 #33283

Old Dream and I Was Cute
Soyeon wants to know what happened. I used to be so cute. I don't understand it either.

Dream 2
After running from alligators in my grandmas pond I ended up laying with a gay guy. His feet were facing the way my head was. I was his slave or something. I rubbed him with my body. It worked. He came on to be on top of me. We kissed and I was rotating my thighs. I could feel his hard dick. I wanted it to be in my pussy but we stopped. He was necked and still kind of hard. I grabbed his dick and put it in my mouth. I tried to remember what Andy told me and use my tongue but it was a fruitless effort. The guys penis faced the floor standing even when it was hard. I told him that I was sorry and I had never been to good at sucking dick. I'm always afraid my teeth with hurt them. The guy said that it was ok, it was a different kind of love and you just had to look for certain points or signs.

04/10/2004 04:30 #33282

Fucking Sad
Well, this long distance thing with Andy is over, I think. He sent me a weird e-mail a while ago and hasn't spoken to me again. He said our egos were to big to be in the same boat or some shit like that. I understand I'm full of myself half the time. It's annoying I guess, but it's nothing new. It's just one of the stupid things that helps me to function in this bull shit life.
I've been dealing with it well, right now is the first time I've cried. It's bad when I cry, I can't stop because I always go back to the saddest time in my life. Now I keep thinking about when I found out for sure that Matthew was dead. I went to Andy's apartment and he hugged me while I cried. Andy was my neighbor then. I was depressed. I would go sleep with him sometimes just because I was so sad and lonely. At that time I was making bad decisions and having sex with some heartless assholes but Andy would always listen to my stories and he never tried anything with me. We used to hang out everyday. We didn't start this sexual relationship thing until a couple of months before I moved up here.
This morning I had a dream that I was at my parents house on the phone with Andy. I was going outside to the rabbit cage on the front porch. I told Andy "My parents got me a rabbit" he asked "is it white" I told him "no, its brown with a black face" I remember I felt happy about that because the red eyes of white rabbits freak me out. Well, after that I got the rabbit out of the cage and I hugged it so hard that it squeaked at me. Its long soft ears were brushing against my cheek. There was something else around me and the rabbit. I can't remember if it was a dog or a chicken. It was some type of overexcited animal.
Rabbit Definition:     Seeing a rabbit in your dream, foretells of luck, magic and of a favorable turn of events and a positive outlook in your future endeavors. Alternatively, rabbits symbolize your sexual activity. Seeing a white rabbit in your dream, symbolizes faithfulness of a lover.     
So yeah, this dream bothered me because I was talking to Andy just like he was still my best friend.
I started my period today. I bet my estrogen levels are causing my emotions to flare up. I'm stressed out with my work and I'm stressed out because I need to find work, soon! Work that I actually get paid for. I'm depressed because I can't even afford Midol right now, I was pissed because I had to spend money on tampons, 2.99 for 10 of those suckers. It's cheaper to get them from the quarter machine at school, unfortunately that thing's not always so reliable.
I've stopped crying. This writing stuff is good I reckon. It makes you attempt thought organization. That's to rational a process to sync well with crying.
I got super drunk on Thursday night. I had a great time. The film candidate guy seems nice. I love to see others in a state of severe intoxication. To bad I had the PMS and hangover mix all day Friday. Alcohol affects women more when they are menstruating.