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04/03/2004 05:14 #33277

Sickly Ungrateful Nicotine Rant

I'm having trouble sleeping because my throat hurts but at the same time I have a terrible craving for a cigarette and I'm all out. I've smoked a pack today. I hate it when one nostril is clogged and the other isn't, it just pisses me off so bad. More than anything I like to breath comfortably. I'm miserable when I have a cold. I'm miserable, Oh, Misery! I also have little patience with people when I feel this way. I swear to God Soybean asked me a million times today "You Ok?" I know that sounds nice you know she's a good friend but after the 5th time or so I just started getting irritated then my friend Keith IM's me tonight asking "Karaoke?"
Jesus Christ! I feel like shit I can't breath, my head hurts, my throat hurts, my nostrils are playing musical chairs with the free breathing passage, why the fuck would I want to go sing karaoke? Keith pissed me off the other night when I told him I had a bad cold he asked me if I had the shits! I mean God damn, I wish, Jesus why does he think that's funny? Why is he obsessed with pooping? Oh, you have a cold you must have runny feces as well. Shit is a part of life and everything but Keith, you talk about shit to much and sometimes it makes me all pissed off. Guess what, shit stinks but at the moment I pray for the shits, if I could switch a headache, sort throat, runny then stopped up nose, cough, chain reaction sneezing, achy body, dry eyes, and chest mucus for the mere shits I would gladly do it.

04/02/2004 00:38 #33276

the sickness
I'm sick. I couldn't get out of bed today. My throat was burning and I was full on mucus. So I've been sleeping a lot. I'm afraid that I have what Matthew has. I hope not cause I way to damn busy to be sick for long. I'm hoping that I've been through the worst of it and I'm on the path to recovery. I've been here in the house all day and I'm I even got this damn machine to work temporarily. I'm getting all stressed out again. Fucking life! What can I do? I'd like to crawl under a rock and be alone for a few weeks.

03/30/2004 14:30 #33275

CITY HALL once more
you gotta take a look at this site, Soyeon has worked so hard on it and I even had to write some stuff. You also have to come to the show though, please, please, please. please, please!

03/29/2004 23:00 #33274

Courtney is a little ho
She was tripping on LSD, 15 years old. I told her she was crazy for doing that shit at school. “It's to hostile of an environment,” I said. We were in the bathroom smoking cigarettes.
I remembered the first time she'd tried LSD it was at my house. I told her there were sharks in my waterbed she wouldn’t get on it after that. I told her that the angel on my wall was real and she touched it and called it pretty. I had a balloon with a face painted on it sitting on my shelf. She touched it and it fell lightly to the floor. She sat down cried, saying “I killed it, I killed it.”
Then my Mama was at the door I was talking to her in the hall and a cricket passed by. Mama shouted "oh kill it kill it" so Courtney ran to the hall and she was crying again saying "oh no no Mrs. Brasington, don't kill it, don't kill it!” My Mama laughed and said “Courtney yer so silly” and then she walked on down the hall.
Into the bathroom came Mrs. Fergi with the one limp hand and a great love for jesus, she taught me art, I reckon. She came with a warning “get out they are coming, they will catch you, hurry up.” So we left the bathroom that day.

03/29/2004 21:18 #33273

I live in a hole. The hole smells like tuna because tuna is all that I eat and I’m saving the cans to use for virgin sacrifice. I have 52 virgins in my back pocket. You had better not try to deflower my virgins because their dicks would fall off inside of you and get stuck. If a doctor were to try and remove the virgin’s detached member from your snatch, bootyhole, or throat, the detached member would bite the doctor's hand off destroying his career. This is not very pleasant so I just recommend that you stay away from them.
If you happen the be the spirit of air feel free to take the virgins because they are meant for you anyway. You can take them home and use them as a display on your mantle or whatever.