Familiar man
Part I
- ring ring
r - Hello
l - Rue?
r - yes, who is this?
l - This is Lorraine from high school.
r - What?
l - Lorraine, remember I was a grade ahead of you.
r - Lorraine, yes I remember.
l - I need to ask of you something very important.
r - What is it?
l - Will you kill David?
r - What? That's not funny David's been dead.
l - No he's back, We've been seeing each other, Please, we need your help. David needs to die!
r - Ok, I'll help y'all.
l - Thank God! Can you meet us tomorrow night?
r - yes
Part II
Now Rue gets out of bed, She rummages through old photographs until she finds one of her and David together. She lays it onto the desk and gazes down at it. Her eyes tear up. She puts her head in her hands and sobs.
Part III
Rue starts her journey to kill David. Along the way she is going crazy. When the streets are crowed everything is silent. When the subway is empty she hears a crowd of school children. Her boots echo extremely loud in the deserted streets.
Part IV
Rue arrives at the meeting place. David, Lorraine, and a familiar man are all seated. Rue pulls out a gun and shoots David in the head. A little red circle of blood appears in the center of his forehead and he slumps over. The familiar man laughs and says "We're like a death cult or something." Rue looks around panicked. She walks over to a magazine rack. She picks out a Life magazine and says "This was David's, I'm taking it"