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03/17/2004 01:40 #33264

Heroes in a half shell, turtle power!
woW, I can't believe my eyes. There must be a foot of snow out there and I have to trek to the store to get cigarettes and laundry detergent. I'm cleaning this place up. Snow makes spring cleaning feel surreal. I went to bed at noon and woke up at 8. Its a decent schedule. I've gotta figure how to finish all the things I need to get started on.
I was on the net this morning seeking information about the teenage mutant ninja turtles. I had a crush on them but I was having trouble remembering which ones I liked. I remember hiding behind racks of clothes in Walmart fantasizing about hanging with the turtles in the underworld (sewers). It was great. I think I liked Raphael and Michelangelo. Raphael was a sour puss and Michelangelo liked pizza. Hey this link helps, I liked all the turtles except Leonardo, he sucked.

03/14/2004 19:29 #33263

long ramble
I'm wearing green. I think that's what I'm supposed to do today. If you don't the kids will pinch you but I didn't wear green around the kids because I didn't realize the significance of the situation. I did drink beer until about 8 or9 do I guess I celebrated in my own way.
Isn't drinking called the well of truth or something like that? If truth exits from my mouth when I'm drinking truth must change every five minutes. I confuse myself with my statements. Keeps on raining, look how it's raining...
Hey, in my presentation of Friday I talked about I printed out my journal and showed a video of Mawmaw telling tales and then I showed a book of Kentucky folk tales. I tied everything together with oral tradition.
I just talked about my own journal so I guess I'm selfish, this lateral thing, I have to stick with it. I just read the stories in my journal. It's story telling stuff. I read my Dad and my Grannies stories.
Showing the home video of my Mawmaw was the greatest. I turned around to look at peoples faces while they watched it. There expressions were mixed between confusion and unfriendliness. I thought that was funny. I didn't prepare to much but I had some genuine concerns concerning the content of Mawmaw's storytelling.
She's a little nutty but the sweetest lady ever. She tried to tell the story or Rawhide and Bloodybones but I think she forgot so she tells the story of her brother getting high on whiskey and hearing a ghost knocking around. This is what gets me though, she starts talking about a black man ghost searching for his big black toe.
In the book of Kentucky folk tales, Hell-fer-Sartin (this is the weirdo book terry stumbled across in my house) they have two of the stories Mawmaw was talking about one is Rawhide and Bloodybones the other is Big Black Toe. The big black toe story doesn't mach up with my Mawmaw's tale. The creature in the books tale is a creature with a tale, not a black man. The use of storytelling to install a fear of black men into kids is scary but I think that has been passed down to me somehow and I guess if it were not for video I couldn't analyze this occurrence so much. I heard my Mawmaw's version of the story when I was a kid. Stuff like this needs to be uncovered and deconstructed ... but nobody in the class has much to say about that... I guess it's just shit that doesn't belong in the public, hell, I don't know. I could have made people uncomfortable or maybe I was mumbling so much that a didn't get across my points.

03/12/2004 06:54 #33262

Wow its super late!
I feel like sleeping but then I want to get together a good presentation for tomorrow. I hope most of the class shows up if I'm going to stay up all night in the state that I'm in some people had better be there tomorrow, giving a shit and all! I've copied my journal off the site and I'm thinking I'll pass it around during my presentation and talk about it a bit. There's some stuff on here that is worth bringing up I think that's why I brought it up in the first place but a lot of it i'll skip, kind of I've still got to figure this shit out + I have like 22 videos to draw from granted I hate most of them and a lot of people have seen a lot of them I can do whatever I don't care as long as I care. Isn't that a great organizing ramble, yeah, just like home, OK really, I must wake and think, wake and think?

03/12/2004 05:28 #33261

Images Paul?
Did you get any good pictures of the bathtub?

03/11/2004 23:23 #33260

Daddy Helps
I wrote my Dad a e-mail the other day telling him about how I didn't got the job I was hoping for and some other worries, this is the advice he gave me in return. I like it so I thought I'd share.

Do not get stressed out over petty items. Several years ago I was working on the Jewish Temple in Atlanta. I was complaining to an old Rabbi who had been a prisoner in the Nazi camps. The old Rabbi looked at me and told me I did not have a problem. He said now if someone cuts off you head and hands it to you, you have a problem. Otherwise, you just face a small nuisance.