Robin's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/08/2004 20:32 #33256
oh lord! I've decided that I'm not a womCrazy girls, Courtney we always seem to get each other in trouble. This is nothing new. Its been happening since the days Bevis and Butthead were on the tube, in fact that's one of the reasons we became friends in middle school, a mutual love of B & B. I feel like a butthead. I'm sleepy as all get out. I had a job interview this morning so I didn't sleep last night because I was afraid that I wouldn't wake up for the phone. I really hope I get this job. I need that money. I can teach kids digital video, no sweat. Please spirits, let me get the job, I am poor, my student loans are going to consume me.
I feel bad for the porn lady. She seems to be confused about sexuality but then who isn't. It's the caps that bother me. Porn is boring to me at this point, I'm desensitized to it I guess. I get sick of the female domination. I'd rather not have sex at this point.
In middle school I used to read all my mom's harlequin romances, then at 14 I started looking up porn. It seemed contradictory to me, the idea of romantic love and the image of pornography. I don't know what it is but I'm VERY turned off lately. I guess it's stress and the stalkers. I need to make things. I need to market my work. I'm damn tried on top of it.
I can go on like this forever and I think I will. I've got to make this installation for the show at city hall. I'm still all confused with my concept. It's about structures of organization.
03/07/2004 23:35 #33255
I'm a liar!It's true. I lie sometimes without even knowing it!
03/06/2004 18:44 #33254
Bush Tax Cuts?My sister just told me that the reason she just got a 2,500 tax return is because of Bush. This kind of confused me because I thought that Bush was all about tax cuts for the rich and my sister is not rich. She is 24 yrs old, she is a single Mom and lives with my parents. She works 3rd shift in a carpet mill. I'm happy about her tax return and I've been trying to persuade her to visit up here. Her baby, my niece, is the best most wonderful kid in the world. I think I miss my niece more than anyone else in GA, sorry Andy, he's a close second. Lori (sister) said that Bush gave tax cuts to people with kids. I still think Bush is a Shithead, of course, because of his stance on marriage and killing people.

03/06/2004 04:33 #33253
Fucking Public Transportation!I stood outside for and hour at north campus waiting for the god damn shuttle bus. I had a rough day but I brought it on myself. It started at the pink Thursday night. I had to many vodka tonics, so I tried to sleep away a brain splitting headache Friday morning. It didn't work. I finally got to school to finish my edit around 5:30 and then it was one technical bullshit problem after the other. I'm so frustrated, still even though the night has past. I'm bummed out because I missed seeing most everyone's work. If I had a car I would have been set. I lost at least three hours today dealing with public transportation. It so hard sometimes, I feel like I'm running in place without an audience to laugh at my folly. I miss things.
03/05/2004 17:04 #33252
la la la la la la tonight!Soundlab everybody, come on out to see some media trouble. I'm screening one of my new Baubo inspired videos!