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03/11/2004 23:23 #33260

Daddy Helps
I wrote my Dad a e-mail the other day telling him about how I didn't got the job I was hoping for and some other worries, this is the advice he gave me in return. I like it so I thought I'd share.

Do not get stressed out over petty items. Several years ago I was working on the Jewish Temple in Atlanta. I was complaining to an old Rabbi who had been a prisoner in the Nazi camps. The old Rabbi looked at me and told me I did not have a problem. He said now if someone cuts off you head and hands it to you, you have a problem. Otherwise, you just face a small nuisance.

03/10/2004 06:16 #33259

This is an image from the video I've been working on. Each layer moves, the eyes, the torso, the mouth.


Missing Image ;(

03/10/2004 18:00 #33258

Rise and Shine
I forced myself out of the bed at 3:45 and rushed down to the bank but those fuckers closed a few minutes early so I'm moneyless for the day. I had some dream where I was taking my little niece around a produce market and she kept getting into everything then Tony Conrad was cleaning up my living space because he wanted to snoop around in my stuff. He uncovered a crazy old painting that I had never painted but in the dream I had painted it. It was incomplete though.
I stayed out to late last night and got to drunk, whiskey and cokes. We went to town last night at 3 or so. Ivan almost passed out at the table. Sometimes I wish I had more of a handle on censoring the thoughts I choose to make verbal when drinking, oh well. Then I got home and typed back and forth to Courtney until 6am. She's crazy from to much work.
When Courtney and I were around 13 we stayed up all night one night waiting for the day light so we could walk half a mile down the road to another pasture and pick blackberries. We did it but the berry picking didn't last long because we were so damn tired. We got around half a bucket and then walked back home and slept all day. For the rest of that summer our schedule was topsy turvy and now I seem to be back on that schedule. It was fun then. Courtney lived at a house with a swimming pool.

03/09/2004 23:04 #33257

Pink Tonight

come on, the libby is leaving, the blond bartender, she's super cool!

I slept till 7pm. I dreamed that I took my black cat up to the roof because she needed to be fucked. There was someone up there and rugs the cats sniffed the rugs and got all horny, then they started fucking, It was funny to see a cat standing on two legs fucking another cat from behind with it's little penis. I also dreamed about chasing teenaged boys because we needed their lizards, also I saw a little girl kill a lizard by pulling it's tail to many times. The lizard got all limp. It was sad. It looked like a little dead brontosaurus.

I've been thinking about my castration lately, I wonder how long I'll continue to bleed.

03/08/2004 20:32 #33256

oh lord! I've decided that I'm not a wom

Crazy girls, Courtney we always seem to get each other in trouble. This is nothing new. Its been happening since the days Bevis and Butthead were on the tube, in fact that's one of the reasons we became friends in middle school, a mutual love of B & B. I feel like a butthead. I'm sleepy as all get out. I had a job interview this morning so I didn't sleep last night because I was afraid that I wouldn't wake up for the phone. I really hope I get this job. I need that money. I can teach kids digital video, no sweat. Please spirits, let me get the job, I am poor, my student loans are going to consume me.
I feel bad for the porn lady. She seems to be confused about sexuality but then who isn't. It's the caps that bother me. Porn is boring to me at this point, I'm desensitized to it I guess. I get sick of the female domination. I'd rather not have sex at this point.
In middle school I used to read all my mom's harlequin romances, then at 14 I started looking up porn. It seemed contradictory to me, the idea of romantic love and the image of pornography. I don't know what it is but I'm VERY turned off lately. I guess it's stress and the stalkers. I need to make things. I need to market my work. I'm damn tried on top of it.
I can go on like this forever and I think I will. I've got to make this installation for the show at city hall. I'm still all confused with my concept. It's about structures of organization.