Robin's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/06/2004 18:44 #33254
Bush Tax Cuts?My sister just told me that the reason she just got a 2,500 tax return is because of Bush. This kind of confused me because I thought that Bush was all about tax cuts for the rich and my sister is not rich. She is 24 yrs old, she is a single Mom and lives with my parents. She works 3rd shift in a carpet mill. I'm happy about her tax return and I've been trying to persuade her to visit up here. Her baby, my niece, is the best most wonderful kid in the world. I think I miss my niece more than anyone else in GA, sorry Andy, he's a close second. Lori (sister) said that Bush gave tax cuts to people with kids. I still think Bush is a Shithead, of course, because of his stance on marriage and killing people.

03/06/2004 04:33 #33253
Fucking Public Transportation!I stood outside for and hour at north campus waiting for the god damn shuttle bus. I had a rough day but I brought it on myself. It started at the pink Thursday night. I had to many vodka tonics, so I tried to sleep away a brain splitting headache Friday morning. It didn't work. I finally got to school to finish my edit around 5:30 and then it was one technical bullshit problem after the other. I'm so frustrated, still even though the night has past. I'm bummed out because I missed seeing most everyone's work. If I had a car I would have been set. I lost at least three hours today dealing with public transportation. It so hard sometimes, I feel like I'm running in place without an audience to laugh at my folly. I miss things.
03/05/2004 17:04 #33252
la la la la la la tonight!Soundlab everybody, come on out to see some media trouble. I'm screening one of my new Baubo inspired videos!
03/04/2004 05:49 #33251
working refrigerator and vagina smellI just went to the store and bought all these things I haven't been able to keep in months. Hurray for the return of a functioning refrigerator! Thank you maintenance man. I have butter, cheese, frozen pizza, and milk. It is fantastic to know that I can make mac and cheese now. I just ate some canned ravioli with a piece of cheese melted on top. I'm like a gourmet cook or something.
I was putting on my gloves earlier tonight before heading off to the store when I noticed vagina smell on my hand. Then I remembered that I had rubbed my pussy, for some reason or the other, while sitting in my chair. When I did that I smelt my fingers and it was like the kick of a gun. I'm telling you if ladies go a day or two without washing their vaginas the smell is ferocious. I've been sitting in class before able to smell my own pussy and I wondered if others around me could smell it.
I put my hand under running water before heading to the store but the smell was still there. I figure aah, fuck it and went to the store anyway. When I was exchanging goods with the cashier I wondered if she smelled the pussy on my hands. I can still smell it. It smells like an animal but the cashier has a pussy so maybe she's used to pussy smell. I've never noticed woman smell except for my own and the time I sniffed my friends crotch in a pheromone contest at the pink (she won pits, i won pussy).
On the walk back from the store I started thinking about that big ass tropical flower (Amorphophallus titanium). It's the bigger flower in the world and it smells like rotten corpses to attract insects. Once the insects are inside the plant they get trapped and covered in pollen then the plant releases them and they go off to find another stinky flower carrying the plant sperm with them.

I was putting on my gloves earlier tonight before heading off to the store when I noticed vagina smell on my hand. Then I remembered that I had rubbed my pussy, for some reason or the other, while sitting in my chair. When I did that I smelt my fingers and it was like the kick of a gun. I'm telling you if ladies go a day or two without washing their vaginas the smell is ferocious. I've been sitting in class before able to smell my own pussy and I wondered if others around me could smell it.
I put my hand under running water before heading to the store but the smell was still there. I figure aah, fuck it and went to the store anyway. When I was exchanging goods with the cashier I wondered if she smelled the pussy on my hands. I can still smell it. It smells like an animal but the cashier has a pussy so maybe she's used to pussy smell. I've never noticed woman smell except for my own and the time I sniffed my friends crotch in a pheromone contest at the pink (she won pits, i won pussy).
On the walk back from the store I started thinking about that big ass tropical flower (Amorphophallus titanium). It's the bigger flower in the world and it smells like rotten corpses to attract insects. Once the insects are inside the plant they get trapped and covered in pollen then the plant releases them and they go off to find another stinky flower carrying the plant sperm with them.

03/03/2004 20:48 #33250
That GirlieIf y’all are wondering were this Courtney gal came from I can tell you that she’s from the same place as me, Adairsville, Ga. When she told me that she was working third shit at a haunted hotel were the internet was her solitary source of entertainment I told her to start up a journal here, even though she lives in Jacksonville, Fl. I’m sure glad she did though because her entry today made me laugh. Oh Lordy, I miss a few southerners sometimes.
I videotaped the Joyce Carol Oates lecture in the rare books library yesterday. I’ve never read anything by her but I want to now. She was a strange and intriguing woman, a democrat with a capital or lower case D, she said. I’m sure her books are worth reading. There was a GSA reception afterwards that I went to enjoy the food and open bar. The GSA president asked me if I wanted to get my picture made with this Oates lady so I did. Soyeon and I both did it together. I bet it’s going to be a funny picture. It was awkward and that’s my favorite thing, awkwardness.
Last night I went to bed at nine and ended up sleeping for 17 hours. I had dreams about stealing make-up and tank tops and trying to sleep with my virgin cousin. Then I had another dream involving a stick shift bike and a theater. People seem to think that sleeping so long is bad for you but I feel fine. People say wow, if you slept that long you must be overtired today but I say no I WAS overtired that’s why I slept so long. I got some e-mails from moveon.org and agreed the help get bush booted but I still refuse to vote in some other shithead. If I stay on this sight long enough I may learn to vote, at least I’m pretty sure by the time I’m an old lady I’ll know how.
Emily if your looking for nocturnal friends, you just found one.