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03/12/2004 06:54 #33262

Wow its super late!
I feel like sleeping but then I want to get together a good presentation for tomorrow. I hope most of the class shows up if I'm going to stay up all night in the state that I'm in some people had better be there tomorrow, giving a shit and all! I've copied my journal off the site and I'm thinking I'll pass it around during my presentation and talk about it a bit. There's some stuff on here that is worth bringing up I think that's why I brought it up in the first place but a lot of it i'll skip, kind of I've still got to figure this shit out + I have like 22 videos to draw from granted I hate most of them and a lot of people have seen a lot of them I can do whatever I don't care as long as I care. Isn't that a great organizing ramble, yeah, just like home, OK really, I must wake and think, wake and think?

03/12/2004 05:28 #33261

Images Paul?
Did you get any good pictures of the bathtub?

03/11/2004 23:23 #33260

Daddy Helps
I wrote my Dad a e-mail the other day telling him about how I didn't got the job I was hoping for and some other worries, this is the advice he gave me in return. I like it so I thought I'd share.

Do not get stressed out over petty items. Several years ago I was working on the Jewish Temple in Atlanta. I was complaining to an old Rabbi who had been a prisoner in the Nazi camps. The old Rabbi looked at me and told me I did not have a problem. He said now if someone cuts off you head and hands it to you, you have a problem. Otherwise, you just face a small nuisance.

03/10/2004 06:16 #33259

This is an image from the video I've been working on. Each layer moves, the eyes, the torso, the mouth.


Missing Image ;(

03/10/2004 18:00 #33258

Rise and Shine
I forced myself out of the bed at 3:45 and rushed down to the bank but those fuckers closed a few minutes early so I'm moneyless for the day. I had some dream where I was taking my little niece around a produce market and she kept getting into everything then Tony Conrad was cleaning up my living space because he wanted to snoop around in my stuff. He uncovered a crazy old painting that I had never painted but in the dream I had painted it. It was incomplete though.
I stayed out to late last night and got to drunk, whiskey and cokes. We went to town last night at 3 or so. Ivan almost passed out at the table. Sometimes I wish I had more of a handle on censoring the thoughts I choose to make verbal when drinking, oh well. Then I got home and typed back and forth to Courtney until 6am. She's crazy from to much work.
When Courtney and I were around 13 we stayed up all night one night waiting for the day light so we could walk half a mile down the road to another pasture and pick blackberries. We did it but the berry picking didn't last long because we were so damn tired. We got around half a bucket and then walked back home and slept all day. For the rest of that summer our schedule was topsy turvy and now I seem to be back on that schedule. It was fun then. Courtney lived at a house with a swimming pool.