Robin's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/03/2004 20:48 #33250
That GirlieIf y’all are wondering were this Courtney gal came from I can tell you that she’s from the same place as me, Adairsville, Ga. When she told me that she was working third shit at a haunted hotel were the internet was her solitary source of entertainment I told her to start up a journal here, even though she lives in Jacksonville, Fl. I’m sure glad she did though because her entry today made me laugh. Oh Lordy, I miss a few southerners sometimes.
I videotaped the Joyce Carol Oates lecture in the rare books library yesterday. I’ve never read anything by her but I want to now. She was a strange and intriguing woman, a democrat with a capital or lower case D, she said. I’m sure her books are worth reading. There was a GSA reception afterwards that I went to enjoy the food and open bar. The GSA president asked me if I wanted to get my picture made with this Oates lady so I did. Soyeon and I both did it together. I bet it’s going to be a funny picture. It was awkward and that’s my favorite thing, awkwardness.
Last night I went to bed at nine and ended up sleeping for 17 hours. I had dreams about stealing make-up and tank tops and trying to sleep with my virgin cousin. Then I had another dream involving a stick shift bike and a theater. People seem to think that sleeping so long is bad for you but I feel fine. People say wow, if you slept that long you must be overtired today but I say no I WAS overtired that’s why I slept so long. I got some e-mails from and agreed the help get bush booted but I still refuse to vote in some other shithead. If I stay on this sight long enough I may learn to vote, at least I’m pretty sure by the time I’m an old lady I’ll know how.
Emily if your looking for nocturnal friends, you just found one.
03/02/2004 04:17 #33249
February FeedbackI like the web page you can go to see how many people have been hitting on you. It appeals to my voyeuristic sensibilities but I admit that sometimes I get all paranoid about what all you can see going on the site. I mean as web master can you see revisions and who is reading who's journals and shit like that?
03/02/2004 04:10 #33248
Dump that SuckaI think that the apparition of huge pierced cocks would make the breaking up process of smoother
03/01/2004 19:58 #33247
Send Work! Calls for Work, Auditions & Competitions
The following local and national calls for work have recently been announced. If you would like to receive e-mail notification of new competitions and opportunities in the arts, contact Nancy Yager, Development Associate at (716) 856-7520.
Calls for Visual Art
Beyond / In Western New York Call for Entries
Hallwalls Resolutions 2004
Courage Cards Seeks Art
Schoharie County Arts Council 2004 National Small Works Exhibition
'Homage to Salvador Dali' Call for Work
World Peace Art Exhibition and Auction
Artists: Sell Your Work at
Artists Wanted to Exhibit at Churches
Squealer Call for Writing/Art
Art for Greeting Cards
Arnot Art Museum Call for Entries
Call for Work: Myth and Legends in Art
Calls for Singers/Actors
Performers Wanted for Ethnic Festivals at Darien Lake
Princess Grace Awards in Theater and Playwrighting
National Trust Preservation Awards
Civic Empowerment Awards Applications Available
Nonprofits: Enter to Win a Ford Van
Beyond / In Western New York Call for Entries
The art world's source for income and exhibition opportunities.
Access Arts' ArtDeadline.Com has been dedicated to world wide distribution
of information for artists and contemporary visual arts institutions since
1994, with a readership of more than 65,000 North American and
International art professionals 'daily', and a client base of some of the
most prestigious art institutions in the world.
Our publications span subscription based local, national and international
newsletters and magazines; internet based art and artist publications for
the professional community; syndicated art news networks, and other artist
advocacy and promotion services.
Find information on:
1. Juried competitions
2. Call for submissions/exhibitions
3. Artist Grants
4. Jobs in art production, management, education, or related
5. Internships
6. Scholarships
7. Residencies
8. Fellowships
9. Art Festivals
10. Percent-for-arts / public art
11. Writing Contests
12. Art Workshops
13. Artist Registry
14. Special educational opportunities
15. Call for Volunteers
16. Gallery Membership information.
17. Gallery Shows and Articles of Interest.
Access Arts' ArtDeadline.Com subscribers include professional artists in
all media, art educators and students (major Art College & University
Career Centers), art associations, institutions and museums, state art
agencies, gallery owners, event promoters, and of course, general patrons
of the arts.
Top of Page
Courage Cards Seeks Art
CourageCards announced today that it is conducting a nationwide art search to find artwork for its 2005 original fine art holiday greeting card collection.All artists, particularly those with a disability, are encouraged to submit artwork for the 2004 Courage Cards Art Search.
The 2004 Courage Cards Art Search seeks colorful original fine art that is suitable for holiday greeting cards, including traditional Christmas, Thanksgiving and general holiday greeting images. Additional themes needed are wintertime scenes of major cities and world peace designs. In addition to national exposure from the distribution of more than 800,000 catalogs, a licensing fee will be paid for each artwork selected.
Entries for the 2004 Courage Cards Art Search will be accepted from January through May 2004. Between 30 and 40 images will be selected for inclusion in the 2005 Courage Cards collection on the basis of artistic merit, suitability o
bject matter and color. Winners of the 2004 Courage Cards Art Search will be announced in December 2004.
For a copy of the 2004 Courage Card Art Search guidelines, please visit the Courage Cards Gifts Web site at, email at or call Courage Center at 763-520-0211 or 1-888-413-3323.
Top of Page
Nonprofits: Enter to Win a Ford Van
The Ford Dealers of WNY is inviting nonprofit organizations in the 8 counties of WNY and 2 counties in Northern Pennsylvania to apply for its annual van giveaway program. The deadline is April 30, 2004.
To receive an application, go to, or write to: Ford Friendship Express Program, 50 Fountain Plaza, Suite 1000, Buffalo, NY 14202
Top of Page
National Trust Preservation Awards
Each year the National Trust ( celebrates the best of preservstion by presenting the National Preservation Awards to individuals and organizations whose contributions demonstrate excellence in historic preservation.
For 2004, the award categories are as follows:
The Trustees’ Award for Organizational Excellence (Deadline: March 1, 2004)
The John H. Chafee Trustees’ Award for Outstanding Achievement in Public Policy (Deadline: March 1, 2004)
The Trustee Emeritus Award for Excellence in the Stewardship of Historic Sites (Deadline: March 1, 2004)
The National Trust/HUD Secretary’s Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation (Deadline: March 1, 2004)
The National Trust/Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Award for Federal Partnerships in Historic Preservation (Deadline: March 1, 2004)
The National Preservation Honor Awards (Deadline: May 1, 2004)
See the Preservation Trust Web site to download detailed program information and a nomination form.
Top of Page
Civic Empowerment Awards Applications Available
Presented by the Buffalo Niagara All-America City Committee, the Civic Empowerment Awards Program recognizes successful collaboration between citizens, government, businesses and non-profits. Since 1996, 81 community projects have been honored that utilize partnerships to enhance the quality of life in the Erie-Niagara Region. Applications will be accepted from both Erie and Niagara County. The application is a simple two-page format and no filing fee is required.
The 9th Annual Civic Empowerment Awards Honorees will be introduced during a community celebration dinner at the Adam’s Mark Hotel on Tuesday, May 4th, 2004. In addition, the All-America City Committee will present the “Louis Billittier, Sr. Exemplary Civic Action Awards.”
Civic Empowerment Award Applications may be obtained by writing the Buffalo-Niagara All-America City Committee C/O Wellness Institute of Greater Buffalo-Niagara, 65 Niagara Sq. Room 607 Buffalo, NY 14202, calling 851-4052, faxing 851-4309, e-mailing: or downloading the application from the All-America City Web page at:
Top of Page
Schoharie County Arts Council 2004 National Small Works Exhibition
Cobleskill, NY, June 4 - July 2, 2004
Entry deadline: April 1, 2004
April 26: Accepted entries notified, others by May 1.
May 27: Deadline for delivery of artwork.
June 4: Opening Reception, 5:30-7:30 PM.
July 2: Exhibit closes.
For more information and an application, please visit
Top of Page
ess Gr
Awards Available for Theater and Playwright Programs
Deadline: March 31m 2004
The Princess Grace Awards ( are dedicated to identifying and assisting emerging young artists in theater, dance, and film to realize their career goals through scholarships, apprenticeships, and fellowships.
Applications for 2004 are now available for the following programs:
Theater (Deadline: March 31, annually)
Playwriting: (Deadline: March 31, annually)
See the Princess Grace Foundation Web site for complete program guidelines and forms, as well as information on the foundation’s programs for dance and film artists.
Top of Page
Artists Wanted to Exhibit Work at Local Churches
As part of our Community Music, Arts and Wellness Program, North Park Church is initiating a cooperative program between churches and artists.
For centuries the church was a primary supporter of the arts. Many churches today have prominent areas to beautifully display an artist's work. This sharing of space and art benefits you by providing exhibition space which is seen by many people each week. The arrangement benefits the church by providing points of interest within the church and exposure to an artist's work they may not see otherwise.
If you, or someone you know, would like to exhibit your art in a local church, please call Melissa Foster, North Park Church, at (716) 838-2150 for more information.
Top of Page
Articulate, Inc. Seeks Art for Greeting Cards
Articulate Ink is a new company dedicated to the promotion and purchase of fine arts through greeting cards.
If greeting card customers wish to purchase the art featured on the card they may do so from our website. The website address is indicated on the back of each card. The majority of the revenue goes back to the artists.
We are currently looking for original works of art to feature on our greeting cards as well as on our web site. All forms of art are welcome.
Please send a maximum of three digital photos of artwork, pricing and contact information to if you have any questions or need additional information.
You may also visit
for more information.
Top of Page
Call for Work: Myth and Legends in Art
We are planning a special exhibition at the Museum of European Art
for OCTOBER 2004 on the theme MYTH AND LEGENDS IN ART.
Works of art inspired not only by the Greek and Roman mythology, but
also from other cultural and geographical areas and other times,
older or more recent.
Special emphasis will be also on Celtic mythology, which has been
experiencing a revival in recent years.

Artists interested to take part in the exhibition should contact us
already now, so we can have a many-sided, interesting exhibition.
Top of Page
"Homage to Salvador Dali" Call for Work
As part of our SPRING 2004 art exhibition, we will include a 'HOMAGE
TO SALVADOR DALI", in honor of the 100th birthday anniversary of the
genius from Catalonia, Spain.
Exhibited will be a selection of his limited edition LITHOGRAPHS,
WE INVITE artists from BUFFALO AREA and TORONTO, who have been in
some way INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED by the life work of Salvador Dali, to
JOIN this HOMAGE by showing some of their works at this art exhibition,
which OPENS ON APRIL 22, 2004 at the Mu
seum of Eu
ropean Art
nDeadline is March 20, 2004, BUT space is limited.
Interested artists should contact John Zavrel at
Top of Page
World Peace Art Exhibition and Auction
Exhibition to be held at the University of Toronto, April 25th-May 5th, 2004
Work must be received by no later than April 19th, 2004
For more information contact Maxi Boyd 416-466-8425 or
Top of Page
Artists: Sell Your Work at
+ FREE LISTINGS for Online Gallery - Custom Made Art .com +
All listing fees are waived for "excepted" artists who can provide these products..."Handmade" Lamps, Toys, Tableware, Furniture under $1500, Sinks & Tile, Baby items, Blankets & Pillows, Bags, Jewelry and Sculpture. We're also open to other highly functional art that is used in everyday living.
Artists will recieve for free...their listings within our catagories and a personal page for a one year duration. When an item sells the gallery will recieve payment as a small commission, artists recieve 70% of final value plus their shipping, an additional 10% or more depending. Please provide the following for free gallery representation listings ...
SUBMIT ONLY BY MAIL. Deadline is 4/1/04
10-30 Art product examples that are available for sales.
Your Contact Information. Email address required.
Description of your Medium & Technique.
An explaination of how you can customize your art to suit clients needs.
SASE - If you would like your images sent back to you.
All must be in English - Thank you!
Images can be sent as a digital printout, traditional photo, or saved onto a C.D.
Please Mail Submissions to:
Custom Made
Att: New Artist Submit
1556 Shore Club Dr.
St. Clair Shores, MI USA 48080
We can be viewed at to see what we currently have to offer.
Excepted artists will be notified by 5/1/04. Thank you.
Top of Page
Performers and Groups Wanted for Ethnic Festivals at Darien Lake
Starstruck Productions will be producing two events at Darien Lake this summer that use ethnic entertainment; in July a Hispanic festival and in September an International Festival showcasing all ethnicities. Please pass along our information to cultural organizations that have dance groups, bands, and/or other types of presentations.
For more information, please contact Tom McGill at Starstruck Productions, (716) 896-6666 or
Top of Page
Hallwalls Resolutions 2004
Early deadline: April 5, 2004, $10 submission fee
Late deadline: May 3, 2004, $20 submission fee
Please note: Fees are waived for residents of Buffalo, NY
The first annual RESOLUTIONS FESTIVAL, October 22 through 24th, 2004, celebrates Hallwalls¹ return to downtown Buffalo with a focus on original media and performance work that highlights the experimental and resolutely unique. Send us your short (under 20 min.) single-channel video, sound pieces, installations, online art, performance propositions, and film work for consideration and become part of the first RESOLUTIONS FESTIVAL.
All submission fees go towards the design and printing of posters, a brochure detailing all RESOLUTIONS events, and towards the soon-to-be prestigious Most Resolute Award.
All work produced since Jan. 1 2002 will be considered. Include a short biography/
resume, a brie
f description
of the work
you¹re submitting, and whether or not it¹s screened/been performed before and where. Make sure that your submission (VHS in NTSC or PAL, CDs, DVDs, and URLs) is labeled with the maker¹s name, the title of the piece, and total running time. Please send a SASE with your work if you wish to get it back, otherwise your tapes will be recycled. These details are important—any submissions not including all requested information will not be considered.
Send submissions to:
J. Raczynska
c/o Hallwalls
2495 Main St. suite 425
Buffalo, NY 14214
The following local and national calls for work have recently been announced. If you would like to receive e-mail notification of new competitions and opportunities in the arts, contact Nancy Yager, Development Associate at (716) 856-7520.
Calls for Visual Art
Beyond / In Western New York Call for Entries
Hallwalls Resolutions 2004
Courage Cards Seeks Art
Schoharie County Arts Council 2004 National Small Works Exhibition
'Homage to Salvador Dali' Call for Work
World Peace Art Exhibition and Auction
Artists: Sell Your Work at
Artists Wanted to Exhibit at Churches
Squealer Call for Writing/Art
Art for Greeting Cards
Arnot Art Museum Call for Entries
Call for Work: Myth and Legends in Art
Calls for Singers/Actors
Performers Wanted for Ethnic Festivals at Darien Lake
Princess Grace Awards in Theater and Playwrighting
National Trust Preservation Awards
Civic Empowerment Awards Applications Available
Nonprofits: Enter to Win a Ford Van
Beyond / In Western New York Call for Entries
The art world's source for income and exhibition opportunities.
Access Arts' ArtDeadline.Com has been dedicated to world wide distribution
of information for artists and contemporary visual arts institutions since
1994, with a readership of more than 65,000 North American and
International art professionals 'daily', and a client base of some of the
most prestigious art institutions in the world.
Our publications span subscription based local, national and international
newsletters and magazines; internet based art and artist publications for
the professional community; syndicated art news networks, and other artist
advocacy and promotion services.
Find information on:
1. Juried competitions
2. Call for submissions/exhibitions
3. Artist Grants
4. Jobs in art production, management, education, or related
5. Internships
6. Scholarships
7. Residencies
8. Fellowships
9. Art Festivals
10. Percent-for-arts / public art
11. Writing Contests
12. Art Workshops
13. Artist Registry
14. Special educational opportunities
15. Call for Volunteers
16. Gallery Membership information.
17. Gallery Shows and Articles of Interest.
Access Arts' ArtDeadline.Com subscribers include professional artists in
all media, art educators and students (major Art College & University
Career Centers), art associations, institutions and museums, state art
agencies, gallery owners, event promoters, and of course, general patrons
of the arts.
Top of Page
Courage Cards Seeks Art
CourageCards announced today that it is conducting a nationwide art search to find artwork for its 2005 original fine art holiday greeting card collection.All artists, particularly those with a disability, are encouraged to submit artwork for the 2004 Courage Cards Art Search.
The 2004 Courage Cards Art Search seeks colorful original fine art that is suitable for holiday greeting cards, including traditional Christmas, Thanksgiving and general holiday greeting images. Additional themes needed are wintertime scenes of major cities and world peace designs. In addition to national exposure from the distribution of more than 800,000 catalogs, a licensing fee will be paid for each artwork selected.
Entries for the 2004 Courage Cards Art Search will be accepted from January through May 2004. Between 30 and 40 images will be selected for inclusion in the 2005 Courage Cards collection on the basis of artistic merit, suitability o
bject matter and color. Winners of the 2004 Courage Cards Art Search will be announced in December 2004.
For a copy of the 2004 Courage Card Art Search guidelines, please visit the Courage Cards Gifts Web site at, email at or call Courage Center at 763-520-0211 or 1-888-413-3323.
Top of Page
Nonprofits: Enter to Win a Ford Van
The Ford Dealers of WNY is inviting nonprofit organizations in the 8 counties of WNY and 2 counties in Northern Pennsylvania to apply for its annual van giveaway program. The deadline is April 30, 2004.
To receive an application, go to, or write to: Ford Friendship Express Program, 50 Fountain Plaza, Suite 1000, Buffalo, NY 14202
Top of Page
National Trust Preservation Awards
Each year the National Trust ( celebrates the best of preservstion by presenting the National Preservation Awards to individuals and organizations whose contributions demonstrate excellence in historic preservation.
For 2004, the award categories are as follows:
The Trustees’ Award for Organizational Excellence (Deadline: March 1, 2004)
The John H. Chafee Trustees’ Award for Outstanding Achievement in Public Policy (Deadline: March 1, 2004)
The Trustee Emeritus Award for Excellence in the Stewardship of Historic Sites (Deadline: March 1, 2004)
The National Trust/HUD Secretary’s Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation (Deadline: March 1, 2004)
The National Trust/Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Award for Federal Partnerships in Historic Preservation (Deadline: March 1, 2004)
The National Preservation Honor Awards (Deadline: May 1, 2004)
See the Preservation Trust Web site to download detailed program information and a nomination form.

Top of Page
Civic Empowerment Awards Applications Available
Presented by the Buffalo Niagara All-America City Committee, the Civic Empowerment Awards Program recognizes successful collaboration between citizens, government, businesses and non-profits. Since 1996, 81 community projects have been honored that utilize partnerships to enhance the quality of life in the Erie-Niagara Region. Applications will be accepted from both Erie and Niagara County. The application is a simple two-page format and no filing fee is required.
The 9th Annual Civic Empowerment Awards Honorees will be introduced during a community celebration dinner at the Adam’s Mark Hotel on Tuesday, May 4th, 2004. In addition, the All-America City Committee will present the “Louis Billittier, Sr. Exemplary Civic Action Awards.”
Civic Empowerment Award Applications may be obtained by writing the Buffalo-Niagara All-America City Committee C/O Wellness Institute of Greater Buffalo-Niagara, 65 Niagara Sq. Room 607 Buffalo, NY 14202, calling 851-4052, faxing 851-4309, e-mailing: or downloading the application from the All-America City Web page at:
Top of Page
Schoharie County Arts Council 2004 National Small Works Exhibition
Cobleskill, NY, June 4 - July 2, 2004
Entry deadline: April 1, 2004
April 26: Accepted entries notified, others by May 1.
May 27: Deadline for delivery of artwork.
June 4: Opening Reception, 5:30-7:30 PM.
July 2: Exhibit closes.
For more information and an application, please visit
Top of Page
ess Gr
Awards Available for Theater and Playwright Programs
Deadline: March 31m 2004
The Princess Grace Awards ( are dedicated to identifying and assisting emerging young artists in theater, dance, and film to realize their career goals through scholarships, apprenticeships, and fellowships.
Applications for 2004 are now available for the following programs:
Theater (Deadline: March 31, annually)
Playwriting: (Deadline: March 31, annually)
See the Princess Grace Foundation Web site for complete program guidelines and forms, as well as information on the foundation’s programs for dance and film artists.

Top of Page
Artists Wanted to Exhibit Work at Local Churches
As part of our Community Music, Arts and Wellness Program, North Park Church is initiating a cooperative program between churches and artists.
For centuries the church was a primary supporter of the arts. Many churches today have prominent areas to beautifully display an artist's work. This sharing of space and art benefits you by providing exhibition space which is seen by many people each week. The arrangement benefits the church by providing points of interest within the church and exposure to an artist's work they may not see otherwise.
If you, or someone you know, would like to exhibit your art in a local church, please call Melissa Foster, North Park Church, at (716) 838-2150 for more information.
Top of Page
Articulate, Inc. Seeks Art for Greeting Cards
Articulate Ink is a new company dedicated to the promotion and purchase of fine arts through greeting cards.
If greeting card customers wish to purchase the art featured on the card they may do so from our website. The website address is indicated on the back of each card. The majority of the revenue goes back to the artists.
We are currently looking for original works of art to feature on our greeting cards as well as on our web site. All forms of art are welcome.
Please send a maximum of three digital photos of artwork, pricing and contact information to if you have any questions or need additional information.
You may also visit

Top of Page
Call for Work: Myth and Legends in Art
We are planning a special exhibition at the Museum of European Art
for OCTOBER 2004 on the theme MYTH AND LEGENDS IN ART.
Works of art inspired not only by the Greek and Roman mythology, but
also from other cultural and geographical areas and other times,
older or more recent.
Special emphasis will be also on Celtic mythology, which has been
experiencing a revival in recent years.

Artists interested to take part in the exhibition should contact us
already now, so we can have a many-sided, interesting exhibition.
Top of Page
"Homage to Salvador Dali" Call for Work
As part of our SPRING 2004 art exhibition, we will include a 'HOMAGE
TO SALVADOR DALI", in honor of the 100th birthday anniversary of the
genius from Catalonia, Spain.
Exhibited will be a selection of his limited edition LITHOGRAPHS,
WE INVITE artists from BUFFALO AREA and TORONTO, who have been in
some way INFLUENCED OR INSPIRED by the life work of Salvador Dali, to
JOIN this HOMAGE by showing some of their works at this art exhibition,
which OPENS ON APRIL 22, 2004 at the Mu
seum of Eu
ropean Art
nDeadline is March 20, 2004, BUT space is limited.
Interested artists should contact John Zavrel at
Top of Page
World Peace Art Exhibition and Auction
Exhibition to be held at the University of Toronto, April 25th-May 5th, 2004
- all proceeds to Amnesty International – exhibition/auction also online.
- Artists whose work is auctioned for $50 or more will receive a receipt for tax purposes
Work must be received by no later than April 19th, 2004
For more information contact Maxi Boyd 416-466-8425 or
Top of Page
Artists: Sell Your Work at
+ FREE LISTINGS for Online Gallery - Custom Made Art .com +
All listing fees are waived for "excepted" artists who can provide these products..."Handmade" Lamps, Toys, Tableware, Furniture under $1500, Sinks & Tile, Baby items, Blankets & Pillows, Bags, Jewelry and Sculpture. We're also open to other highly functional art that is used in everyday living.
Artists will recieve for free...their listings within our catagories and a personal page for a one year duration. When an item sells the gallery will recieve payment as a small commission, artists recieve 70% of final value plus their shipping, an additional 10% or more depending. Please provide the following for free gallery representation listings ...
SUBMIT ONLY BY MAIL. Deadline is 4/1/04
10-30 Art product examples that are available for sales.
Your Contact Information. Email address required.
Description of your Medium & Technique.
An explaination of how you can customize your art to suit clients needs.
SASE - If you would like your images sent back to you.
All must be in English - Thank you!
Images can be sent as a digital printout, traditional photo, or saved onto a C.D.
Please Mail Submissions to:
Custom Made
Att: New Artist Submit
1556 Shore Club Dr.
St. Clair Shores, MI USA 48080
We can be viewed at to see what we currently have to offer.
Excepted artists will be notified by 5/1/04. Thank you.
Top of Page
Performers and Groups Wanted for Ethnic Festivals at Darien Lake
Starstruck Productions will be producing two events at Darien Lake this summer that use ethnic entertainment; in July a Hispanic festival and in September an International Festival showcasing all ethnicities. Please pass along our information to cultural organizations that have dance groups, bands, and/or other types of presentations.
For more information, please contact Tom McGill at Starstruck Productions, (716) 896-6666 or
Top of Page
Hallwalls Resolutions 2004
Early deadline: April 5, 2004, $10 submission fee
Late deadline: May 3, 2004, $20 submission fee
Please note: Fees are waived for residents of Buffalo, NY
The first annual RESOLUTIONS FESTIVAL, October 22 through 24th, 2004, celebrates Hallwalls¹ return to downtown Buffalo with a focus on original media and performance work that highlights the experimental and resolutely unique. Send us your short (under 20 min.) single-channel video, sound pieces, installations, online art, performance propositions, and film work for consideration and become part of the first RESOLUTIONS FESTIVAL.
All submission fees go towards the design and printing of posters, a brochure detailing all RESOLUTIONS events, and towards the soon-to-be prestigious Most Resolute Award.
All work produced since Jan. 1 2002 will be considered. Include a short biography/
resume, a brie
f description
of the work
you¹re submitting, and whether or not it¹s screened/been performed before and where. Make sure that your submission (VHS in NTSC or PAL, CDs, DVDs, and URLs) is labeled with the maker¹s name, the title of the piece, and total running time. Please send a SASE with your work if you wish to get it back, otherwise your tapes will be recycled. These details are important—any submissions not including all requested information will not be considered.
Send submissions to:
J. Raczynska
c/o Hallwalls
2495 Main St. suite 425
Buffalo, NY 14214
03/01/2004 19:54 #33246
Sleep got MeI couldn't resist my bed in the end. It least I got the packages out. It's time to start working on other stuff now that I'm awake again. It looks like another all nighter. This time I'll try to stay up all day tomorrow. My apartment is a mess now. I need to make a comic that promotes worship of the mother goddess.