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02/29/2004 05:10 #33244

good people
I send my praises to Terry. He is a mighty fine cook, he is! Thanks for a lovely evening y'all.

02/29/2004 05:08 #33243

We were girls experimenting in ecstasy.


02/27/2004 06:01 #33242

uh... yep
"An unjust law is no law at all"
- Saint Augustine (via MLK)

When machines and computers, profit and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered
-Martin Luther King, Jr. Declaration of Independence From the War in Vietnam, April 4, 1967

02/25/2004 09:42 #33241

i come to this website way to much
Paul I'm yer biggest fan

02/25/2004 03:51 #33240

freedom = choices
Yes, the choices suck but Bush is the king of bastards. A total turd. He sucks more than a black hole. I wish that he would have a heart attack, a car wreck, a plane crash, or good old-fashioned kidnapping and torture. Yes, Bush is bad. It almost makes me want to vote, almost... but not quite.
It is sad this anti-voting mind set of mine but the truth is all the candidates are fuckers and not anyone who I would choose as a leader. Where are the fucking lady leaders in this cuntry? eh? It's not that I hate guys, I love dick but I think dick is the wrong choice to lead the people. The woman god has been crushed for long enough. Fucking Laura Bush, What kind of Bitch is she? Not a good one I'd say. I hope she dies a painful death and burns eternally in the fiery depths of hell, even though we all know hell is a bull shit concept. I just hope for a minute that it's real because surly the Bushes would Burn.
So no, as tempted as I am to vote for some other shithead just to do my part in the attempt to get the super shithead out of office, I will refrain. I refuse to make an effort and waste my energy until there is someone worth voting for in the line up.
If however this shithead bush does end up in office again, I predict mass protest, the kind of protest that haven't been seen since the late sixties. Oh dear God I would be a part of that uprising. I would gleefully die for a cause that is correct and progressive.
I'm sick of all these old white men.