02/05/2004 21:40 #33216
Mr. Andy with the nice dong
This is my sweetheart loverboy. I like him so much, why did I leave him in Atlanta 900 miles away? Oh well, at least I have his picture. He pisses me off so bad sometimes but ya know, I love him! Andy where are you right now?
02/04/2004 04:39 #33215
Some Video
It seems stupid so I like it! I've still gotta think up a title. I hate labeling things especially so early on here's a few testers
the manifest projection of a superior Spirit
Geometry as a Sacred Pursuit
free vagina torture pictures for everyone over 18
blood of their hosts
lame commercial adulteration
"slack" and "tension"
parable one
I like nudity but I'm not sure how to deal with it, It's awkward. Why can people not be comfortable in there skin? Nakedness is totally cool but most people are all, eww that's nasty but what if you invited me over to a cup of tea and I decided to just come necked or something. That actually sounds fun. hmmm Just because, think about it, how would you deal with that? I think most people may enjoy a stunt like that. It would be socially awkward. It's damn hard to find people who are willing to be freaky on the camera but i did it. Thanks coconspirators!
I shot the story earlier in the evening. I play joette and re is Billy Jo and tack is Leroy but i never told them their names and I sure as heck didn't have a script. I busted it up into shots of performances. I had a few things planned but the unplanned stuff is fun. I've got editing to do. If this things turns out I'll put it in the love and sex thing at squeaky wheel.
I'm scared of this video but I may as well just spit it out already because I want to use Baubo for another video. Who is Baubo? It is the Greek goddess of obscenity and belly laughter. It has no head it's nipples are it's eyes and it's vagina is it's mouth.
I want to make a music video next. I just want Baubo to sing something spiritual for us. Oh, Lord!
02/01/2004 03:40 #33213
Advice to Myself Last WeekDon't do anything but lay around. Don't get dressed. Don't do the things people ask you to. Don't take a shower. Do eat some food. Do listen to some music. Do smoke if you wanna. Do allow your mind to wander of to distant points of interest.
02/01/2004 03:57 #33212
Searching For...for love and sexLadies who don't mind shaving their twats and painting their torso and letting me get a wide open beaver shot with breast included ... or two guys who don't mind getting into a shower together necked, hugging, making eggs, oh, and recording obnoxious sex noises through the walls.