My apartment is one huge clutter. Looking around the room I can count about 14 empty coke cans some of which are full of cigarette butts at this point. In the middle of the floor is the suitcase I brought from home from break. Its open and clothes and coats as well as shoes and accessories are spreading out everywhere. Cut up paper floats around from a previous pathetic attempt to market myself. There is no possible way to walk a straight line and avoid stepping on something other than the floor. I've purchased laundry soap and I have coins but the task of washing and hanging is one that I am avoiding like the plague. If I were to go down to the basement to wash clothes I would see the box where I could leave a note to the maintenance people to tell them that my refrigerator is fucked and refuses to be cold. I have been keeping things cold lately by the use of the window but this is getting old. I also need to get down to it, you know, working for no money, resurrecting old super beings but...
Robin's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/20/2004 01:03 #33206
To Lazy To Move01/16/2004 00:51 #33205
To My Butt01/16/2004 00:25 #33204
couch potedidableityI've got to admit that I probable watched at least 100 hours of television over the winter break. I enjoyed watching horror movies with my 3 year old niece. She loves monsters. My parents got the 300 channel cable things at some point and I'm a person who has had no cable for years so I don't' watch TV unless truly desperate to see moving humans without leaving my lair. I refuse to throw out my monitor. I need it to look at the Robin's World propaganda I make.
I kind of equate television with resting. I do think that its possible to learn useful information from TV. For instance, around a year or so ago I watched a documentary on scientists who were hooking people up to brain scanners and showing them video imagery. They showed a former crack addict moving pictures of nature then moving pictures of crack preparation. The area of his brain indicating craving lit up with energy when he watched the crack use. Seeing this inspired me to attempt to quite smoking cigarettes because of the wasted of brain energy but then after one miserable day I decided that if I just gave into my nicotine cravings immediately I wouldn't waste my brain energy on craving. Maybe that is stupid but I think its fascinating as well. I've got to admit that most of the interesting things I've learned over the years have not come from the passive intake of TV.
Look at the pretty picture of south campus. I wish the media studies department was there.
I kind of equate television with resting. I do think that its possible to learn useful information from TV. For instance, around a year or so ago I watched a documentary on scientists who were hooking people up to brain scanners and showing them video imagery. They showed a former crack addict moving pictures of nature then moving pictures of crack preparation. The area of his brain indicating craving lit up with energy when he watched the crack use. Seeing this inspired me to attempt to quite smoking cigarettes because of the wasted of brain energy but then after one miserable day I decided that if I just gave into my nicotine cravings immediately I wouldn't waste my brain energy on craving. Maybe that is stupid but I think its fascinating as well. I've got to admit that most of the interesting things I've learned over the years have not come from the passive intake of TV.
Look at the pretty picture of south campus. I wish the media studies department was there.

01/13/2004 01:44 #33203
ramble rambleI am indeed slightly inebriated at the moment longing for sweet Mary Jane, she makes my heart sang. Teaching, what can I teach? I don't wanna teach for free.
Pay me, Damn it! I need money. Baubo is the Greek goddess of obscenity and belly laughter. I plan on bringing her to life through media pretty soon. She has no head her nipples are her eyes and her vagina is her mouth. That's my main area of interest at the moment, that and Dada I'll always love Dada especially Hugo Ball. I wanna fuck his skull.
P.S. Tony Conrad is the coolest dude ever in the world.
Pay me, Damn it! I need money. Baubo is the Greek goddess of obscenity and belly laughter. I plan on bringing her to life through media pretty soon. She has no head her nipples are her eyes and her vagina is her mouth. That's my main area of interest at the moment, that and Dada I'll always love Dada especially Hugo Ball. I wanna fuck his skull.
P.S. Tony Conrad is the coolest dude ever in the world.
01/11/2004 20:46 #33202
pretty prettyI just walked down the street and marveled at the majestic beauty of the snow. Then I thought about how my friend Skip Williamson told me that vaginas are like snowflakes no two are alike so then I started thinking about what it would look like if the streets were covered in vaginas. At first I thought it would be totally disgusting but then I thought about this Photoshop pussy picture I made where I took a video still of my cat (Oliver 2000-2003 RIP) and pasted a still of my vagina over his fur to make a pattern. It kind of looks like either flowers or brains. I have it hanging on my wall here. It's kind of disturbing but nice.