Happy birthday to Paul. I am happy he was born. It's nice to know a true buffalonian. I'm thinking of this party tonight. Soyean is going to give me a ride but I'm so damn tired. I'm wondering if I should brave the cold by dressing like a floozy. I enjoy dressing up for parties but the weather here isn't very friendly on scantly clad legs.
I went to the Pink and got a little drunk last night. Then I woke up for class around 9:30. The class is run by the grad students and the syllabus creation was driving me mad this morning. Most of us just want to discuss our ideas and what we're working on but the formalities of courses can be tiring bullshit. It's interesting not having an instructor. Some people are silent most all the time while others would be tapping out Morse code if they had laryngitis. I think I got bitchy for a second there this morning. I feel like I behave like a spoiled child when I become so frustrated.
I'm ready for access, as well. I need so many things from the fine institution of UB but it takes them a while to get things going. There are a ton of students. It's amazing that things are as well organized as they are. I wish I had a camera. I should buy a VHS camera and shoot whenever I feel like it while I still have student loan money.
Damn, I'm hungry. My dad's always told me that swearing makes you look ignorant. My sister's ex-husband told me once that as soon as there are no women around my dad swears all the time. I love swear words and use them all the time but sometimes I do the substitute words like crap and darn. Those are special words.
I think I'll make a T-shirt. I made one after watching the state of the union address the other day. It has a PIC of bush on the front with a big no symbol over him. At the bottom it says "Bush Sucks REAL bad" the back of the shirt has a picture of a porn model with a shaved cunt and it says "This model had the right idea" I've chosen to see the pornography industry's recent obsession with hairless genitals as a big signifier for