Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/06/2006 18:45 #32845
My AnniversaryCategory: work
What is even more astounding is that I got promotion that I was totally not expecting. I am now a systems analyst/senior programmer for the web team. Thanks Nick Barone, I owe you for directing me here that one day in class and to my boss Del for promoting me.
Everything is going so great right now that I keep expecting to get hit by a car. Hope to see everyone at the party this saturday.
12/05/2006 22:56 #32844
Elmwood Village and MigrainesCategory: elmwood
I wonder what the elmwood strip will be like without Home of the Hits. I will always fondly remember it as the first place I got to buy blue hair dye during my rebellious years. I used to love having blue hair. I am not sure why because blue isn't anywhere near my favorite color. I probably looked like gonzo.
I wish I could say that I remember all the music I bought there but I think I have never purchased music in my life. Maybe one year for christmas I got a gift certificate for a CD and I bought a german learning on.
Tonight I had another massive migraine. That makes like 5 in a month. I know they are gonna start because I get dizzy and it hurts to look at light. Then my nose runs a bit and bam. I feel like I am gonna puke. It has something to do with my my neck look at the ocmputer screen at weird angles. Especially, the laptop.
Luckily, a study came out today saying there is no connection between brain cancer and cell phones. Yet the doctor whose study it was still sai don TV today that he likes to change sides of his head that uses and use speaker phone. Oh that makes me feel freakin' better.
Tasty Animals Are Smart Animals
I ate octopus which was nice. I like to eat the smartest animals, which makes me think that monkey's and dolphins probably taste good.

Running Back and Forth
Last night running home was so cold. My hair filled up with ice because for once I forgot my hat.

Luckily, work is so close to work. I really thought I was gogin to get hypothermia. I came home and sat right by the heater. These are the worst videos I ever took I think. I am glad I went to school for computer art instead of video.
I wonder what it like to have so many people blog about your dissapearance.

Matt and the squirrels in the zoo

I get so excited about my heater. It can get my office to 90 degrees of moist heat. Now it just needs a sofa kind of thing. I am going to buy one soon.
Wow the quality of my flash videos on my journal is way higher than when I put them on youtube.
hey! i had blue hair from dye bought at home of the hits, too! back in like 1995 or something..
i am all about the camomile tea. I think it has magical powers.
Luckily, ibuprofen and camomile tea has been working for me. If it stops working I will go see a doctor.
paul that really sounds like migraines... have you seen anyone? there are pretty good meds out there...
12/03/2006 21:52 #32841
Shaven, well short ofCategory: mustache
12/03/2006 16:10 #32840
The Vaio and The RemoteCategory: stuff

The remote control for my firebox finally came. It has a thermometer. I really wonder if being heated could be any more convenient.

Oh yeah, I forgot about the Terry factor. Maybe that's why I'm in such dire financial straits all the time, haha.
I think it can now that I have this IR interface for it, i can build a much more robust system around that.
Twisted, you missed one very important step. Convincing terry! How much I envy you people that are in charge of your own finances.
It probably could be more conveniant.
It would kick ass if the heating system turned way down when you walked out the door on your way to work (to save fuel money), and you could have it heat your house up 30 minutes before you get home from work (maybe via SMS message, website, whatever).
I'm pretty sure all you have to do is give them your credit card. Unless things have changed drastically since the last time I bought a computer, haha.
12/05/2006 00:19 #32843
The most stressful dayCategory: stress
I decided to finally brave the cold and walk home at 10:30 because I was hungry. I didn't go get lunch because the rest of my team was going to McDonalds for lunch and I haven't eaten there since 1994. I like to keep it that way. Not to say that I will not eat the occasional fast food meal but McDonalds is never going to be part of my menu.
On the web design front I finished surebert 2.09 which is even better than before. I want so bad to integrate it into the new estrip. It would make the site much better but I really don't have time for that right now.
I would do anything to have a week of programming time to work on estrip. I have like 10,000 ideas and re-factoring jobs I want to do. Sometimes, I miss being a student/proferssor for that reason but most of the time I don't so I am not going to dwell on that.
There was an article in the Buffalo News about the salaries of all the hospital CEOs. I know this is my boss's boss's boss so I probably shouldn't even comment on this, but I am surprised that Dr. Hohn, the CEO of Roswell gets paid $644,000/year plus benefits. It's just way higher than I expected. Apparently, he, like many other CEOs in the area helped make the hospital profitable and so that makes him worth so much. He oversaw it's transition from a state organization to a public benefit corporation (WIKIPEDIA - Public benefit corporation).

Quote from the Buffalo News
Roswell is unique in the area because it's not a community hospital. Although it serves cancer patients from a broad geographic region, its other missions are medical research and education, and it gets significant funding from grants, especially from the government.
Founded in 1898, Roswell employs 2,700, including 227 doctors and scientists. But with only 101 beds, it handles less than 5,000 admissions and 153,000 outpatient visits in a year. However, it has about $89 million in grants and contracts, with 522 research projects.
It's one of 39 national comprehensive cancer centers designated by the National Cancer Institute. And it's one of only 10 of the 39 that are separate from a university. So when setting compensation, the board and a consulting firm look at seven hospitals that are most similar to Roswell, including Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York and the Dana Farber Cancer Center in Boston.
"Ultimately, supply and demand drives compensation. There's no way to get around that," said Richard D. Paris, Roswell vice president of human resources. "Ultimately, you get what you pay for."
Hohn, an experienced surgeon and current chairman of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, has led the hospital for about a decade since being recruited here from M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. In that time, he's overseen the hospital's conversion from a state entity into a public benefit corporation.
Yet his pay, as well as that of three other top Roswell executives, is actually less than that of three-fourths of the seven comparable cancer centers, and right at the midpoint for all cancer centers and teaching hospitals, Paris said.
So the kaleida bigshots make millions, yet somehow they can't afford to give us coffee during our conferences? WTF.
At first I was startled by the $1.7m salary that the Kaleida CEO got, but generally this isn't too off base. Honestly I would have thought that the Roswell CEO would have been paid a bit more.
Interesting... 5 out of the top 6 are all from Kaleida. Well I guess it makes sense since they run so many of the hospitals in WNY.
Congrats :)
i would love to be a bartender if I could go. Though that is no way to make money,everyone would be wasted after one drink!
p.s. -- videoing while you cross the street in the snow probably increases your chances of getting hit by a car, haha. Be careful.
There will be plenty of mixed drinks and beer. Anyone want to work as a bartender? I would have had mike do it but he is busy.
A year allready congratualtions on that and the promotion!!! I plan on being at the party. I'm sure it will be a great time. I do have one question though are shots the only drinks we can buy or will there be mixed drinks as well (for example Cranberry Vodaka)? I have no problem paying for drinks just trying to figure out if I need to bring stuff or if what will be sold is good enough. I'm sure it will be a great time.