I wonder what the elmwood strip will be like without Home of the Hits. I will always fondly remember it as the first place I got to buy blue hair dye during my rebellious years. I used to love having blue hair. I am not sure why because blue isn't anywhere near my favorite color. I probably looked like gonzo.
I wish I could say that I remember all the music I bought there but I think I have never purchased music in my life. Maybe one year for christmas I got a gift certificate for a CD and I bought a german learning on.
Tonight I had another massive migraine. That makes like 5 in a month. I know they are gonna start because I get dizzy and it hurts to look at light. Then my nose runs a bit and bam. I feel like I am gonna puke. It has something to do with my my neck look at the ocmputer screen at weird angles. Especially, the laptop.
Luckily, a study came out today saying there is no connection between brain cancer and cell phones. Yet the doctor whose study it was still sai don TV today that he likes to change sides of his head that uses and use speaker phone. Oh that makes me feel freakin' better.
Tasty Animals Are Smart Animals
I ate octopus which was nice. I like to eat the smartest animals, which makes me think that monkey's and dolphins probably taste good.

Running Back and Forth
Last night running home was so cold. My hair filled up with ice because for once I forgot my hat.

Luckily, work is so close to work. I really thought I was gogin to get hypothermia. I came home and sat right by the heater. These are the worst videos I ever took I think. I am glad I went to school for computer art instead of video.
I wonder what it like to have so many people blog about your dissapearance.

Matt and the squirrels in the zoo

I get so excited about my heater. It can get my office to 90 degrees of moist heat. Now it just needs a sofa kind of thing. I am going to buy one soon.
Wow the quality of my flash videos on my journal is way higher than when I put them on youtube.
hey! i had blue hair from dye bought at home of the hits, too! back in like 1995 or something..
i am all about the camomile tea. I think it has magical powers.
Luckily, ibuprofen and camomile tea has been working for me. If it stops working I will go see a doctor.
paul that really sounds like migraines... have you seen anyone? there are pretty good meds out there...