Paul's Journal
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10/18/2006 10:45 #32784
Sickness of the monthCategory: health
Perhaps, I should just buy a bubble for these months.
At first I thought I was getting depressed - which I just about never am and would have no real excuse for. Then as the day went on I realized I was getting sick. It makes me wonder if lots of people's depression is based on some sort of physical unhealthiness.
At least I had a good night programming last night. I still have lots more code cleanup to do today.
10/15/2006 11:13 #32783
Buffalo RisingCategory: web
10/14/2006 11:37 #32782
City Water SafeCategory: water
Boil Water Order For Erie County Authority Customers
Posted by: Athan Kompos, Producer
Created: 10/13/2006 6:05:07 PM
Updated: 10/13/2006 7:55:58 PM
The Erie County Water Authority has issued a boil water advisory for all customers. The authority wants all customers to bring water to a rolling boil for 2 minutes and let it cool, before consuming.
The boil water advisory is only for cutomers of the Erie County Water Authority. Residents in cities such as Buffalo and Tonawanda recieve water from a different source and are not subject to the advisory.
The advisory has been issued because the main pumping station for the water authority is without power. When power is restored, water may include bacteria.
Erie County officials want all residents to consume water spareingly, due to the natural disaster caused by the Friday lake effect snow storm.
"in cities such as buffalo and tonawanda"- what the hell does that mean??
Ya we have power and electricity and my cell phone works fine. It's a miracle because within a block of us it is pitch black at night. I am surprised there was no looting. In any bigger city I think there would have been. Then again I only know about this one little part of town.
paul, do you still have power?
10/13/2006 16:14 #32781
This crazy snowstrormCategory: weather
250,000 WNY residents are without power. That seems insane and they say it may be until Tuesday or Thursday before its all back up. The streets are alive with the sounds of people and chainsaws. It is an interesting combo.
I decided to go for a walk and tour the damages in and around the elmwood strip. Seems like the elmwood village was hit pretty hard in terms of power outages, etc but elmwood itself was clear as was deleware. ELmwood has very few tree left in the first place so they had minimal damage. Many of the stores including LeMetro and Globe Market were open. It appeared even the busses were running.
I ended up going by myself because no on else wanted to brave the cold as we have heat and electricty at the house. Linwood as well as other fancy streets and side streets with big trees were hit kind of hard.
Our house wasn't damages accept the awning in the back.
Here are some pics from where in and around the villagers live.
I called my mom this morning. My dad & our 80-year old neighbor were out in back sawing up tree branches that fell on the power lines. Anyone who knows my dad's skillful savvy when it comes to handyman work knows this is dangerous. Anyway, my mom said it's the worst she's EVER seen our street.
Holy Shit- I can't believe how bad it is.
10/13/2006 02:01 #32780
So Much SnowCategory: weather
Yes, Work will get canceled. :-)
I seem to hit a wall physically/mentally myself come October. I don't know what it is but I just seem to "drop." Every year I try to do my best to prevent it, but eventually I just take a nap one evening and wakup up sweaty and feeling like garbage.
ew gross. im also sick. maybe everyone that's sick should post a picture of their illness.
Oh no! Don't forget to take some Airborne.