Boil Water Order For Erie County Authority Customers
Posted by: Athan Kompos, Producer
Created: 10/13/2006 6:05:07 PM
Updated: 10/13/2006 7:55:58 PM
The Erie County Water Authority has issued a boil water advisory for all customers. The authority wants all customers to bring water to a rolling boil for 2 minutes and let it cool, before consuming.
The boil water advisory is only for cutomers of the Erie County Water Authority. Residents in cities such as Buffalo and Tonawanda recieve water from a different source and are not subject to the advisory.
The advisory has been issued because the main pumping station for the water authority is without power. When power is restored, water may include bacteria.
Erie County officials want all residents to consume water spareingly, due to the natural disaster caused by the Friday lake effect snow storm.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/14/2006 11:37 #32782
City Water SafeCategory: water
Now I feel bad because (e:enknot) and I bought a lot of bottled water last night. I can't believe it will take 8 or 9 days to restore power to everyone.
10/13/2006 16:14 #32781
This crazy snowstrormCategory: weather
This is the worst tree damage I have ever seen in my life. (e:matthew) says that it is because the leaves are still on the tree and hold up the snow which causes a huge weight burden and then the wind whips and cracks the branches off. That sounds about right to me. I don't remember the snow falling on green leaves very often. I feel bad that one of the best visual treaures of our city, the old trees, have been so badly damaged.
250,000 WNY residents are without power. That seems insane and they say it may be until Tuesday or Thursday before its all back up. The streets are alive with the sounds of people and chainsaws. It is an interesting combo.

I decided to go for a walk and tour the damages in and around the elmwood strip. Seems like the elmwood village was hit pretty hard in terms of power outages, etc but elmwood itself was clear as was deleware. ELmwood has very few tree left in the first place so they had minimal damage. Many of the stores including LeMetro and Globe Market were open. It appeared even the busses were running.

I ended up going by myself because no on else wanted to brave the cold as we have heat and electricty at the house. Linwood as well as other fancy streets and side streets with big trees were hit kind of hard.
Our house wasn't damages accept the awning in the back.

Here are some pics from where in and around the villagers live.

250,000 WNY residents are without power. That seems insane and they say it may be until Tuesday or Thursday before its all back up. The streets are alive with the sounds of people and chainsaws. It is an interesting combo.

I decided to go for a walk and tour the damages in and around the elmwood strip. Seems like the elmwood village was hit pretty hard in terms of power outages, etc but elmwood itself was clear as was deleware. ELmwood has very few tree left in the first place so they had minimal damage. Many of the stores including LeMetro and Globe Market were open. It appeared even the busses were running.

I ended up going by myself because no on else wanted to brave the cold as we have heat and electricty at the house. Linwood as well as other fancy streets and side streets with big trees were hit kind of hard.
Our house wasn't damages accept the awning in the back.

Here are some pics from where in and around the villagers live.

iriesara - 10/13/06 17:40
I called my mom this morning. My dad & our 80-year old neighbor were out in back sawing up tree branches that fell on the power lines. Anyone who knows my dad's skillful savvy when it comes to handyman work knows this is dangerous. Anyway, my mom said it's the worst she's EVER seen our street.
I called my mom this morning. My dad & our 80-year old neighbor were out in back sawing up tree branches that fell on the power lines. Anyone who knows my dad's skillful savvy when it comes to handyman work knows this is dangerous. Anyway, my mom said it's the worst she's EVER seen our street.
hodown - 10/13/06 16:43
Holy Shit- I can't believe how bad it is.
Holy Shit- I can't believe how bad it is.
10/13/2006 02:01 #32780
So Much SnowCategory: weather
wow, it's not even sort of slowing down out there and not one plough has come by. Will work get cancelled?

dcoffee - 10/13/06 11:26
Yes, Work will get canceled. :-)
Yes, Work will get canceled. :-)
10/12/2006 20:31 #32779
More disjointed mobile picsCategory: housing
I have been too busy to keep up with y journal these days. Soon, I think the house stuff will calm down and I won't have any outside projects. I really need a rest from other programming so I can work on estrip and my journal. To bad I can't get paid to do that.
Ok, I am offically listed as having graduated on the myUB site but I still haven't received my diploma which I find to be shitty seeing as they were so specific about their fucking deadlines. I should charge them a late fee. I have no idea how I managed to turn a 60-credit degree into a 74 credit degree but let me tell you it had a lot to do with them not being very clear about pre-requistes and changing the rules all the time. Obviously, I wasn't a total fuck-up because I managed to get a 4.0 on all 74 credits. Where is my diploma!

The day before (e:southernyankee) left we went out to pick up the new insurance for the house which we should own next week according to the lawyers. It is nice to have actual insurance that is paid for for the whole year. I can't believe how cheap house insurance is, at least comparatively. I think we paid under $900 on this huge house, while the car insurance is much higher. I guess it makes sense since the house doesn't move. Well at least it shouldn't move. Please god do not let the house move in any way.

On the way back we ate sushi at the Fuji Grill in Williamsville. I could not rememeber for the life of me where it was so I typed (GOOGLE - sushi williamsville estrip) into google and it took me to my journal (e:paul,4307) which had a yahoo map on it while using phone.
I still haven't tried white cockle. I can't decide if it looks like the tastiest thing I ever had, or the most disgusting thing you could eat. I guess it really depends on the consistency.

What I ate.

At the Buffalo Medical Campus they are smashing down a building to make roof for soething. It was so fun to watch them smash it down. Sometimes, I wonder if I picked the wrong career when I watch peope smash things with big machines. I got that same feeling at the dump. There is just something magical about smashing things into peices with big machine.

I ate at Ulriches with y co-workers again.

It is now much closer as we moved to new offices right next to main street and allen.
At first I was in this tiny cubicle with a sawed off desk but Del let me move, thank god or Del. My new cubicle is really big and everything is adjustable. It gives me that Steven Hawkins feeling I always really wanted when interfacing with a computer, the one where everythign fits just right to my body.
Also today, (e:enknot) lauched the new roswell site
. It is awesome. If you didn't see the old site you really can't imagine the difference but it is worlds apart. It is the first non-estrip version of surebert
based javascript living on the web. Thanks for taking the time to learn it (e:enknot)

Okay so the real drama is the roof. Tuesday was so beautiful that I went up on the roof with (e:terry) to repair some sports aroudn the chimney that were damaged. I love being up on the roof looking over this part of the city. Unfortunately, I got a little too thorough and decided to rip off all the roof where the damage was. Del let me out of work at 3PM so I could help (e:terry) with the process. I couldn't stand the idea of rotting wood being covered over. It turned out it was much more damaged then we thought. Luckily, our friend Dave knew about rooves and we went out and bought a circular saw and soe timber. Soon (e:terry), dave and I had the roof fixed but by like 10PM we had to start tarping it because it was supposed to rain and now there is so much snow.
I have no idea when we can uncover and fix it, but it has to be very soon as we have to real roof on the top.
Here you can see some pics during the roof repair. Mind you it did not look liek this until I ripped off the top couple layers for in order to repair the wood. It is all repaired now but the pics didn't come out in the dark. Now it just has to be re-tared and re-shingled. You can see (e:terry) repairing the wood in the video.

My favorite part was when it got dark and we were still working.

Then it goes ahead and starts to freaking snow again. I actually don't mind the snow seeing as I only live about four blocks from work and I never have to drive. It would just be nice if it could have waited until after I finished the roof.

PS Don't worry (e:metalpeter) I will bring the snow back to the site.
Ok, I am offically listed as having graduated on the myUB site but I still haven't received my diploma which I find to be shitty seeing as they were so specific about their fucking deadlines. I should charge them a late fee. I have no idea how I managed to turn a 60-credit degree into a 74 credit degree but let me tell you it had a lot to do with them not being very clear about pre-requistes and changing the rules all the time. Obviously, I wasn't a total fuck-up because I managed to get a 4.0 on all 74 credits. Where is my diploma!

The day before (e:southernyankee) left we went out to pick up the new insurance for the house which we should own next week according to the lawyers. It is nice to have actual insurance that is paid for for the whole year. I can't believe how cheap house insurance is, at least comparatively. I think we paid under $900 on this huge house, while the car insurance is much higher. I guess it makes sense since the house doesn't move. Well at least it shouldn't move. Please god do not let the house move in any way.

On the way back we ate sushi at the Fuji Grill in Williamsville. I could not rememeber for the life of me where it was so I typed (GOOGLE - sushi williamsville estrip) into google and it took me to my journal (e:paul,4307) which had a yahoo map on it while using phone.
I still haven't tried white cockle. I can't decide if it looks like the tastiest thing I ever had, or the most disgusting thing you could eat. I guess it really depends on the consistency.

What I ate.

At the Buffalo Medical Campus they are smashing down a building to make roof for soething. It was so fun to watch them smash it down. Sometimes, I wonder if I picked the wrong career when I watch peope smash things with big machines. I got that same feeling at the dump. There is just something magical about smashing things into peices with big machine.

I ate at Ulriches with y co-workers again.

It is now much closer as we moved to new offices right next to main street and allen.
At first I was in this tiny cubicle with a sawed off desk but Del let me move, thank god or Del. My new cubicle is really big and everything is adjustable. It gives me that Steven Hawkins feeling I always really wanted when interfacing with a computer, the one where everythign fits just right to my body.
Also today, (e:enknot) lauched the new roswell site

Okay so the real drama is the roof. Tuesday was so beautiful that I went up on the roof with (e:terry) to repair some sports aroudn the chimney that were damaged. I love being up on the roof looking over this part of the city. Unfortunately, I got a little too thorough and decided to rip off all the roof where the damage was. Del let me out of work at 3PM so I could help (e:terry) with the process. I couldn't stand the idea of rotting wood being covered over. It turned out it was much more damaged then we thought. Luckily, our friend Dave knew about rooves and we went out and bought a circular saw and soe timber. Soon (e:terry), dave and I had the roof fixed but by like 10PM we had to start tarping it because it was supposed to rain and now there is so much snow.
I have no idea when we can uncover and fix it, but it has to be very soon as we have to real roof on the top.
Here you can see some pics during the roof repair. Mind you it did not look liek this until I ripped off the top couple layers for in order to repair the wood. It is all repaired now but the pics didn't come out in the dark. Now it just has to be re-tared and re-shingled. You can see (e:terry) repairing the wood in the video.

My favorite part was when it got dark and we were still working.

Then it goes ahead and starts to freaking snow again. I actually don't mind the snow seeing as I only live about four blocks from work and I never have to drive. It would just be nice if it could have waited until after I finished the roof.

PS Don't worry (e:metalpeter) I will bring the snow back to the site.
jenks - 10/13/06 01:30
oh but my point- 4.0(00) on 74 credits?! Way to go!
oh but my point- 4.0(00) on 74 credits?! Way to go!
jenks - 10/13/06 01:27
I love watching them tear that building down too. Can't believe that blue sky pic was just yesterday.
and i'll give you a hint- white cockle definitely looks like the WORST sushi ever. Right up there with giant surf clam. ew.
I love watching them tear that building down too. Can't believe that blue sky pic was just yesterday.
and i'll give you a hint- white cockle definitely looks like the WORST sushi ever. Right up there with giant surf clam. ew.
10/09/2006 12:25 #32778
Glass, North Korea, Electricity, CanadaCategory: mobile
Who broke this glass onto my computer and all over my new curtain in my office? There were little shards of glass and coca-cola everywhere.

Maybe it was the squirrel demon that I found in the Attic.

North Korea
North Korea exploded a nuclear bomb and I really have no idea what we can do about this. I imagine it would be a really bad idea to start a war on two fronts, especially on the Chinese border. On the other hand isn't it ironic that we decided to attack Iraq about the Weapons of Mass Destruction while they were really a danger in North Korea the whole time.
"It is a setback for American prestige and influence in the region," Wolfsthal said. "The adminsitration will argue this will further increase North Korean isolation, but the fact is North Korea has stood up to the Bush adminsitration policy and won. There are very few options now to reverse what has taken place."

I almost electrocuted myself with a metal socket cover. I forgot to screw it on tighly after painting and then it fell out and made the two sides of the plug touch, shooting sparks and fire into the air and melting the petal plate. I ended up kicking out the plug with rubber boots. Thank god this didn't happen when I wasnt home or there would not be any more house. I think I know why the socket covers are made of plastic most of the time now. It really is a better idea. Imagine if the plate got wet.
We ended up going to Niagara On The Lake
with (e:southeryankee) and company. Turned out to be a very pleasant day of wine tasting, eating and shopping. (e:matthew) got some fancy ass plant stands at an art store that was closing. We get yumy british candy including black current gummies. I love them.
This was (e:matthew)'s gluten-free meal at Cafe Shaw. The place was kind of pricey but super tastey.

Inside a pretty flower on the street.

Wineries were neat but I am not into wine enough to ever go on a full day tour. I would much rather go on an eating tour. Say a chesse tour, is there such a thing?

Nicole, one of (e:southernyankee)'s friends has a Russian Toroise she is looking to give away and that is exactly what we were looking for so we might have a new roomie soon. On a side very funny note, I asked Anika to bring in Basra yesterday and she had't seen him much before. When she went to go look for him she found the dead turtle that we had found in the basement, which I put in the backyard for the bugs to eat. At first she thought Basra had died. I feel bad for not having mentioend about the dead turtle, haha.
Who broke this glass onto my computer and all over my new curtain in my office? There were little shards of glass and coca-cola everywhere.

Maybe it was the squirrel demon that I found in the Attic.

North Korea
North Korea exploded a nuclear bomb and I really have no idea what we can do about this. I imagine it would be a really bad idea to start a war on two fronts, especially on the Chinese border. On the other hand isn't it ironic that we decided to attack Iraq about the Weapons of Mass Destruction while they were really a danger in North Korea the whole time.
"It is a setback for American prestige and influence in the region," Wolfsthal said. "The adminsitration will argue this will further increase North Korean isolation, but the fact is North Korea has stood up to the Bush adminsitration policy and won. There are very few options now to reverse what has taken place."

I almost electrocuted myself with a metal socket cover. I forgot to screw it on tighly after painting and then it fell out and made the two sides of the plug touch, shooting sparks and fire into the air and melting the petal plate. I ended up kicking out the plug with rubber boots. Thank god this didn't happen when I wasnt home or there would not be any more house. I think I know why the socket covers are made of plastic most of the time now. It really is a better idea. Imagine if the plate got wet.
We ended up going to Niagara On The Lake

This was (e:matthew)'s gluten-free meal at Cafe Shaw. The place was kind of pricey but super tastey.

Inside a pretty flower on the street.

Wineries were neat but I am not into wine enough to ever go on a full day tour. I would much rather go on an eating tour. Say a chesse tour, is there such a thing?

Nicole, one of (e:southernyankee)'s friends has a Russian Toroise she is looking to give away and that is exactly what we were looking for so we might have a new roomie soon. On a side very funny note, I asked Anika to bring in Basra yesterday and she had't seen him much before. When she went to go look for him she found the dead turtle that we had found in the basement, which I put in the backyard for the bugs to eat. At first she thought Basra had died. I feel bad for not having mentioend about the dead turtle, haha.
metalpeter - 10/09/06 19:41
The problem is starving them hasn't worked. Sometimes it does work. But this leader has told the people stories and myths about him and has them almost brainwashed. It is odd that A guy who loves our movies and culture dislikes us. I think the real answer maybe in south korea and if they can ever both get along and unify.
The problem is starving them hasn't worked. Sometimes it does work. But this leader has told the people stories and myths about him and has them almost brainwashed. It is odd that A guy who loves our movies and culture dislikes us. I think the real answer maybe in south korea and if they can ever both get along and unify.
jason - 10/09/06 13:19
Starve them of the resources they need to continue this work.
Starve them of the resources they need to continue this work.
paul - 10/09/06 13:00
"What this episode has told rogue nations around the world is that political correctness has completely paralyzed the west to the point of being incapable of making tough decisions."
What do you think is an appropriate non-politcially correct reaction?
"What this episode has told rogue nations around the world is that political correctness has completely paralyzed the west to the point of being incapable of making tough decisions."
What do you think is an appropriate non-politcially correct reaction?
joshua - 10/09/06 12:55
Americans gave North Korea nuclear technology and other aid in 1994 in exchange for a *promise* of nonproliferation. We can see where that went.
The fact that NK tested a nuke is not GWB's fault, regardless of how anybody is incredulously trying to portray it.
Its not over though. Iran is watching this and seeing that the world doesn't have the guts to do the right thing with regards to NK, so Iran is saying to themselves, "why not us?" Iran will test a nuke within a couple years, possibly with the help of NK. What this episode has told rogue nations around the world is that political correctness has completely paralyzed the west to the point of being incapable of making tough decisions.
This is going to lead to a regional arms race. Japan and South Korea are now going to want nuclear weapons. China will throw a fit and try to stop it although they were the only ones that really could talk NK out of making a bomb. This is going to be the end result. The only question is, how will the USA be involved in all of this?
Americans gave North Korea nuclear technology and other aid in 1994 in exchange for a *promise* of nonproliferation. We can see where that went.
The fact that NK tested a nuke is not GWB's fault, regardless of how anybody is incredulously trying to portray it.
Its not over though. Iran is watching this and seeing that the world doesn't have the guts to do the right thing with regards to NK, so Iran is saying to themselves, "why not us?" Iran will test a nuke within a couple years, possibly with the help of NK. What this episode has told rogue nations around the world is that political correctness has completely paralyzed the west to the point of being incapable of making tough decisions.
This is going to lead to a regional arms race. Japan and South Korea are now going to want nuclear weapons. China will throw a fit and try to stop it although they were the only ones that really could talk NK out of making a bomb. This is going to be the end result. The only question is, how will the USA be involved in all of this?
"in cities such as buffalo and tonawanda"- what the hell does that mean??
Ya we have power and electricity and my cell phone works fine. It's a miracle because within a block of us it is pitch black at night. I am surprised there was no looting. In any bigger city I think there would have been. Then again I only know about this one little part of town.
paul, do you still have power?