It's so disturbing to see grown men act like childish, immature fools. I hope she disowns you, because the three of you do not deserve a friend like her.
Disclaimer, this is a little unnecessary because we mean nothing to each other but in the spirit of the drama this friday:
Fuck you stupid bitch. (e:terry) and I had nothing to do with this and what happend with (e:matthew) was really a misunderstanding. I hope we never see each other again because I can only imagine it would be extremely unpleasant.
Frankly, I hated you from the beginning and most of the reason I stopped hanging out with (e:ladycroft) and calling her is because you annoy the fuck out of me. I actually hid from her at Thrusday in the Square once just to avoid getting stuck with you. I think I realized this most of all when we attended your housewarming party and you threw everyone out at the end.
Apparently, that is a theme with you.
- leetee 19:41 she's not always been so nice to me, either paul. i got told to get the hell out of the house by her after i spent 2 days helping her roomate move in...
- leetee 19:46 she was talking to HER roomates when she asked 'do you want to go to dinner later?
- leetee 19:46 and i thought she was talking to me and her roomates, since i was in the room
- leetee 19:46 and when i said i couldn't, that i was tired from 2 days of moving
- leetee 19:46 she said i wasnt talking to you
- leetee 19:46 get the hell out
- paul 19:46 holy fuck
- leetee 19:46 i was talking to my roomates
- leetee 19:47 at first, i thought she was joking
- leetee 19:47 and i laughed
- leetee 19:48 but then i thought she looked mad, so i left. got a ride home
There is more asbestos in my life

(e:terry) on a high up ladder in the house. I never thought my house would be big enough to have such a huge ladder inside.

Ulrich'es Tavern has been open for 50,000 days. Can you believe it. The food tastes so good but it seems a little dirty. What do you expect for some place that has been open for 136 years.

Has anyone else eaten one of these marshmallow hamburgers. They taste really good but (e:theecarey) and I couldn't even finish one together. Inside is a really hard crunchy sugar surface.

They have them all walgreens.
um that burger sounds gross...yet intensely attractive and I want to try it