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10/06/2006 20:11 #32773

Random Mixings
Category: drama

It's so disturbing to see grown men act like childish, immature fools. I hope she disowns you, because the three of you do not deserve a friend like her.

Disclaimer, this is a little unnecessary because we mean nothing to each other but in the spirit of the drama this friday:

Fuck you stupid bitch. (e:terry) and I had nothing to do with this and what happend with (e:matthew) was really a misunderstanding. I hope we never see each other again because I can only imagine it would be extremely unpleasant.

Frankly, I hated you from the beginning and most of the reason I stopped hanging out with (e:ladycroft) and calling her is because you annoy the fuck out of me. I actually hid from her at Thrusday in the Square once just to avoid getting stuck with you. I think I realized this most of all when we attended your housewarming party and you threw everyone out at the end.

Apparently, that is a theme with you.

  1. leetee 19:41 she's not always been so nice to me, either paul. i got told to get the hell out of the house by her after i spent 2 days helping her roomate move in...

  1. leetee 19:46 she was talking to HER roomates when she asked 'do you want to go to dinner later?

  1. leetee 19:46 and i thought she was talking to me and her roomates, since i was in the room

  1. leetee 19:46 and when i said i couldn't, that i was tired from 2 days of moving

  1. leetee 19:46 she said i wasnt talking to you

  1. leetee 19:46 get the hell out

  1. paul 19:46 holy fuck

  1. leetee 19:46 i was talking to my roomates

  1. leetee 19:47 at first, i thought she was joking

  1. leetee 19:47 and i laughed

  1. leetee 19:48 but then i thought she looked mad, so i left. got a ride home

There is more asbestos in my life

(e:terry) on a high up ladder in the house. I never thought my house would be big enough to have such a huge ladder inside.



Ulrich'es Tavern has been open for 50,000 days. Can you believe it. The food tastes so good but it seems a little dirty. What do you expect for some place that has been open for 136 years.


Has anyone else eaten one of these marshmallow hamburgers. They taste really good but (e:theecarey) and I couldn't even finish one together. Inside is a really hard crunchy sugar surface.
paul - 10/06/06 20:41
They have them all walgreens.
mike - 10/06/06 20:19
um that burger sounds gross...yet intensely attractive and I want to try it

10/05/2006 00:13 #32772

Email, nerd style, and surebert
Category: programming
Don't bother sending any more email to my old address. The only way to email me is throught the little envelope under my userpic, when you are logged in or if I gave you my address. If I email anyone with my new address and find out they gave out my email to anyone else I will break their arms.

The other option is to simply send me a postit.

Nerd Style
So yesterday before work I noticed that my shirt was inside out. The tag out the back, the seams on the outside, etc. The sad part is today I didn't notice. Then when I came home from work at 10:30PM (ya I know, damn that's a twelve hour day) (e:terry) and (e:lilho) started laughing at me because my shirt was on inside out. It makes me wonder if anyone else noticed or not. I met with so many people at work today. I am sure someone noticed. They probably just thought, "oh he is a super programmer nerd and left it at that."

As soon as I have some money ( I guess that was my old excuse) patience with shopping - I should buy all new clothes and start dressing up for work.

I also released surebert 1.45 and updated a bunch of the docs. I think it is really a great javascript toolkit with lots of useful features but I don't include a forum or wiki on the site because I don't want to deal with people asking for features and asking for help. Since I quit teaching I kind of hate those things. That is why I don't promote lots of things I do. Speaking of which, tell me if you notice anything weird after the upgrade to surebertCo 1.45 on estrip today.

hodown - 10/05/06 09:00
What's with the new email paranoia?

09/28/2006 01:06 #32771

I am fascinated by ebay asbestos
Category: web
I am always looking up asbestos on ebay because I am so amazed that people sell the stuff still. Is it even legal?

This one is by far the weirdest. I can't imagine who would want it and why?




The original box that contained Keene Corporation Thermasil Calcium Silicate and Asbestos Pipe Insulation from Keene Industrial Insulation, Trenton, New Jersey. The cardboard box is labeled as shown in the images. Images 7 and 8 show the item as it contain the pipe insulation. This item does not include the asbestos pipe insulation, just the box. The box will be shipped folded.

Warning: This material contains asbestos and asbestos exposure can cause asbestos-related illness. This item will be shipped wrapped in plastic.

paul - 08/08/08 10:12
I wonder why anyone would just buy the box. Are their really asbestos collectors. Maybe people involved in lawsuits who need to prove exposure?
mrdeadlier - 10/02/06 09:37
I don't get it. You can sell asbestos, which kills you, but you can't sell a kidney, which would save someone's life. Huh?

09/28/2006 13:32 #32769

Graduation Error
Category: school
Katie dropped off a box of letters that came to the 444. In them was a letter from UB dated Sept 21st that said they regret to inform me that I was removed from the list of graduation candidiates. So after freaking out for 5 minutes, I called them up and they said it was a mistake and that I really am graduating. I am so glad it is really over. For a minute I thought I was going to have to go back to UB. Frankly, I never want to see UB again. (e:shawnr) IMed me about something similar the other day. I wonder if his was a mistake too.

shawnr - 10/07/06 20:49
that's exactly what happened to me -- they told me that pretty much everyone who graduated on 9/1 got that letter... haha
carolinian - 09/28/06 21:58
I had a slightly different experience on the other end of school life. For two years I had been going to NC State as a part time student, and two separate times, once for winter and once for fall, I had applied to be a full time student. The first time admissions had gotten my Social Security number wrong, so all the record of all the good grades I had received at the school were not applied to my application (my grades at a previous school sucked). I found out about their mistake and asked them to fix it for the second time I had applied. The second time, again they lost the social. Eventually they let me in on a technically of making the same administrative screw-up twice. But dammit, I was pissed when that happened.
metalpeter - 09/28/06 19:55
Canisius Has me listed as the wrong year of graduation. I finished in 96 but had classes that had to transfer. I walked the stage but to graduate I would have had to asked the teachers and then if my grades where good enough to gaurantee that they would at least be a C then they would state that and then the credits would transfer before I had a final grade then I would graduate. There is no way I would be that arrogant to ask a teacher that. Oh well I could care less with comuteing I only met a few people who I liked in school anyways. The people I knew from swim team where preaty cool but I had none of them in any of my classes so never really stayed in touch with any of them. That is one disadvantage of comutiing.
kookcity2000 - 09/28/06 13:48
dude I got the same letter from UB when I finished my undergrad.
One of my professors hadn't turned in my grade in time.
It defaulted to an 'I' grade and they said I couldn't graduate. Even thorugh I could have graduated (GPA-wise and requirement-wise) with an 'F'.

10/02/2006 23:48 #32770

Firefox Vulnerability
Category: web
I love how the news jumps on shit before confirming it.

Here is the story from Ars Technica

Firefox is loaded with security flaws, according to a hacker duo that presented at this year's ToorCon. Mischa Spiegelmock and Andrew Wbeelsoi used a session at the show to highlight what they have called "a complete mess" that is "impossible to patch" in Firefox's JavaScript implementation. According to the pair, the implementation is home to at least 30 possible exploits, all of which they plan to keep to themselves. CNet's Joris Evers brought the story to light this past weekend, but reports are surfacing everywhere.

Here is the Mischa Spiegelmock's repsonse as posted on the mozilla developer network site.

Update: Possible Vulnerability Reported at Toorcon

We got a chance to talk to Mischa Spiegelmock, the Toorcon speaker that reported the potential javascript security issue referenced earlier. He gave us more code to work with and also made this statement and agreed to let me post it here:

The main purpose of our talk was to be humorous.

As part of our talk we mentioned that there was a previously known Firefox vulnerability that could result in a stack overflow ending up in remote code execution. However, the code we presented did not in fact do this, and I personally have not gotten it to result in code execution, nor do I know of anyone who has.

I have not succeeded in making this code do anything more than cause a crash and eat up system resources, and I certainly haven't used it to take over anyone else's computer and execute arbitrary code.

I do not have 30 undisclosed Firefox vulnerabilities, nor did I ever make this claim. I have no undisclosed Firefox vulnerabilities. The person who was speaking with me made this claim, and I honestly have no idea if he has them or not.

I apologize to everyone involved, and I hope I have made everything as clear as possible.


Mischa Spiegelmock