Here is a good example I wrote of javascript prototypes that extend other objects.
(e:paul,4369) was part one and both were in reference to
<script type="text/javascript">
/*create a sound object for making sounds*/
sound = function(noise){
/*add new prototype to output the noise */
sound.prototype = {
/*set the noise echoed on sound.out)*/
setNoise : function(noise){
this.noise = noise || 'plain sound';
/*output the noise*/
out : function(numTimes){
var noise ='"';
noise += this.noise;
if(x<numTimes-1){ noise +=', ';}
return noise+'!"';
/*create a animal object for making animals that make sounds*/
animal = function(name, noise){
this.vocals = new sound(noise);
animal.prototype = {
/*set the name of the animal*/
setName : function(name){ = name || 'another animal';
/*prototype to wrap sound.out*/
talk : function(times){
alert( +" said "+this.vocals.out(times));
/*prototype to wrap sound.setNoise*/
changeVocals : function(noise){
/*instantiate an animal ( a squirrel that barks) and make it talk */
mySquirrel = new animal('squirrelio', 'bark');;
A lot of people have come up with different methods for dealing with inheritance. Here is one page that explains it

and here is another that abstracts it a bit.
Once you are into the prototyping system you can make your own system to make extending and inheriting easier.
oh gosh that poor woman. She is completely insane. I saw her the other day at the Co-oP going off. Maybe someday that will be me screaming about government conspiracies and aliens. And yes, they are too expensive. If I were rich, I would buy organic. Why do we have to be rich to care about the environment or in (e:matthew)'s case buy wheat free products?
Go to Guercio's... we rarely spend more than 15 bucks there... and get tons of produce and goodies. :O)