At about 4:40 I decided to stop programming and head off to bed. The sugar glider seemed really unjhappy with this decision. Maybe it is because I shut off al the lights and she was hunting for ants. She ate one of those giant tanker ones. It was fun to watch her captture it. So when i wen tto bed she started barking like crazy. It is really as loud as a dog.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/26/2006 13:16 #32628
My house at 3:30amCategory: pets
05/26/2006 23:27 #32627
Terrible FeelingCategory: dance
I feel the beginning of being sick on the night I wanted to go see Dieselboy and Dj Dara at the OPM lounge. I guess it cost $15 which was kind of expensive considering there would be very little dance space I am sure but it is probably the last opportunity I would have to see that combo in my life. I guess I have to start giving shit up in order to pay for the mansion.

05/25/2006 23:35 #32626
LunchesCategory: food
Everyday I eat lunch with (e:enknot). It is probably the favorite part of my day. We talk about nerdy computer stuff and get really excited about what we are doing, gossip a bit and eat good food. Today we decided to switch it up and eat at the sub shop on North.
Besides the walking and beautiful weather it was a waste. The food was really bad, as was the service. The counter girl was kind of nice, but the kitchen dude was kind of a jerk. The atomsphere was ueber tacky and the paneling wasn't even sheik in the 70s.
I didn't even take a picture of the food. My french fries tasted like fish and not in a good way.

It was so pale in comparison to the roswelll lunches. I feel bad that it was so plain the day (e:jenks) visited. The next day, this was the entree.

This morning at work we had a fire alarm that freaked me the hell out. I didn't even breathe because I was so scared of what could be burning in the cell and virology building. The alarm was so loud and scary.
Besides the walking and beautiful weather it was a waste. The food was really bad, as was the service. The counter girl was kind of nice, but the kitchen dude was kind of a jerk. The atomsphere was ueber tacky and the paneling wasn't even sheik in the 70s.
I didn't even take a picture of the food. My french fries tasted like fish and not in a good way.

It was so pale in comparison to the roswelll lunches. I feel bad that it was so plain the day (e:jenks) visited. The next day, this was the entree.

This morning at work we had a fire alarm that freaked me the hell out. I didn't even breathe because I was so scared of what could be burning in the cell and virology building. The alarm was so loud and scary.
05/25/2006 19:58 #32625
Thursday at the squareCategory: downtown
Here I am at thursday in the square with (e:enknot), increaisngly frustrated that I have not developed a tool to send a mass sms (text messgae) to peeps about where I am. I am going to make it tomorrow so we can easily meet up on the go. It will be great.
I have 4 bumper sticker with me in case I met anyone.
Beer makes my face numb.

Why do these satan worshipping freaks come to protest.

I have 4 bumper sticker with me in case I met anyone.
Beer makes my face numb.

Missing Image ;(
Why do these satan worshipping freaks come to protest.

mrmike - 05/25/06 22:05
Shit, I knew I should have headed down. Weather forecast had me thinking about bailing, then daughter needed homework help. Curses!!
Shit, I knew I should have headed down. Weather forecast had me thinking about bailing, then daughter needed homework help. Curses!!
metalpeter - 05/25/06 20:03
Glad you are having fun. Have fun for me ok. Here is an Idea. Find a light post or other flat metal object and attach one so it looks like a street sign.
Glad you are having fun. Have fun for me ok. Here is an Idea. Find a light post or other flat metal object and attach one so it looks like a street sign.
05/25/2006 00:08 #32624
I miss you NonnaCategory: nonna
As (e:mike,500) has pointed out, it has been a year since Nonna died. It was weird to relive the moment on my journal (e:paul,3377)
I still often think that she is there when I go to the house. I always expect her to answer the door.
I still often think that she is there when I go to the house. I always expect her to answer the door.
uncutsaniflush - 05/25/06 00:37
my grandmother died Memorial Day Weekend 2001 after being in a skilled care facilty for a couple of years.
She had congestive heart failure a day after my mom told her that she (my mom) had lung cancer.
My mom died of post-op complications after lung surgery in October 1999.
I was the one who had to tell my gran that her daugher died.
My mom told me not to tell her mom (my gran) that she died unless she (my gran) asked.
my gran called my mom's house within the hour that I was told that my mom died.
I am their only living family in the U.S.
I don't know where the fuck I am going with this story, except that I might slightly understand what you and (e:mike) are feeling.
my grandmother died Memorial Day Weekend 2001 after being in a skilled care facilty for a couple of years.
She had congestive heart failure a day after my mom told her that she (my mom) had lung cancer.
My mom died of post-op complications after lung surgery in October 1999.
I was the one who had to tell my gran that her daugher died.
My mom told me not to tell her mom (my gran) that she died unless she (my gran) asked.
my gran called my mom's house within the hour that I was told that my mom died.
I am their only living family in the U.S.
I don't know where the fuck I am going with this story, except that I might slightly understand what you and (e:mike) are feeling.
wow, they sound just like little dogs. that's kinda cool
There is no way i could fall asleep with that barking noise. How do you do it? In fact, how do you survive the next day after going to sleep so late? I guess i'm just unfortunate or lazy, 'cause i need a solid 8 hours a night... or i am grumpier than i usually am.