The inkycap mushrooms in our yard are destroying everything near them. I have never seen them be so killer. It kind of looks like a miny gang of zombies. I wonder if the plants have nightmares about them.
There are spreading, where will it stop.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/27/2006 16:39 #32632
Inky Caps Eat PlantsCategory: nature
05/27/2006 16:20 #32631
The Crazy Lady on ElmwoodCategory: elmwood
The crazy lady on elmwood was extremely riled up today. Frankly, she seems like she is starting to be dangerous. She was screaming at people and got in the coop and started freaking out. Then she marched outside and started screaming at the top of her lungs. I recorded a bit but then decided to get the hell away from here. (e:mike), it the one that freaked out that you weren't fighting in Iraq.
Anyways, she seems like she really need help, like maybe she forgot to take her medication but I think everyone is so afraid of her that she will never get help. I can't imagine what she must feel like. Does anyone know her story?
After the recording some guy out front of the laundromat told her to shut up and she freaked out on him too. You can hear him say shut up at the end of the recording. She told him that he doesn't even care that he ripped her off and stole her money because he is just going to get in his starship and fly away. She has seriously lost it.
Coop food is too damn expensive. I think I am done shopping there again. I can't afford a mansion and yuppy food. It's one or the other.
I mean it cost about $30 for some fruit and a couple thai soup packs.
Anyways, she seems like she really need help, like maybe she forgot to take her medication but I think everyone is so afraid of her that she will never get help. I can't imagine what she must feel like. Does anyone know her story?
After the recording some guy out front of the laundromat told her to shut up and she freaked out on him too. You can hear him say shut up at the end of the recording. She told him that he doesn't even care that he ripped her off and stole her money because he is just going to get in his starship and fly away. She has seriously lost it.
Coop food is too damn expensive. I think I am done shopping there again. I can't afford a mansion and yuppy food. It's one or the other.
I mean it cost about $30 for some fruit and a couple thai soup packs.
libertad - 05/27/06 17:04
oh gosh that poor woman. She is completely insane. I saw her the other day at the Co-oP going off. Maybe someday that will be me screaming about government conspiracies and aliens. And yes, they are too expensive. If I were rich, I would buy organic. Why do we have to be rich to care about the environment or in (e:matthew)'s case buy wheat free products?
oh gosh that poor woman. She is completely insane. I saw her the other day at the Co-oP going off. Maybe someday that will be me screaming about government conspiracies and aliens. And yes, they are too expensive. If I were rich, I would buy organic. Why do we have to be rich to care about the environment or in (e:matthew)'s case buy wheat free products?
leetee - 05/27/06 16:30
Go to Guercio's... we rarely spend more than 15 bucks there... and get tons of produce and goodies. :O)
Go to Guercio's... we rarely spend more than 15 bucks there... and get tons of produce and goodies. :O)
05/27/2006 10:37 #32630
Javascript Prototypes Part IICategory: programming
Here is a good example I wrote of javascript prototypes that extend other objects. (e:paul,4369) was part one and both were in reference to (e:zobar,59)
<script type="text/javascript">
/*create a sound object for making sounds*/
sound = function(noise){
/*add new prototype to output the noise */
sound.prototype = {
/*set the noise echoed on sound.out)*/
setNoise : function(noise){
this.noise = noise || 'plain sound';
/*output the noise*/
out : function(numTimes){
var noise ='"';
noise += this.noise;
if(x<numTimes-1){ noise +=', ';}
return noise+'!"';
/*create a animal object for making animals that make sounds*/
animal = function(name, noise){
this.vocals = new sound(noise);
animal.prototype = {
/*set the name of the animal*/
setName : function(name){ = name || 'another animal';
/*prototype to wrap sound.out*/
talk : function(times){
alert( +" said "+this.vocals.out(times));
/*prototype to wrap sound.setNoise*/
changeVocals : function(noise){
/*instantiate an animal ( a squirrel that barks) and make it talk */
mySquirrel = new animal('squirrelio', 'bark');;
A lot of people have come up with different methods for dealing with inheritance. Here is one page that explains it and here is another that abstracts it a bit.
Once you are into the prototyping system you can make your own system to make extending and inheriting easier.
<script type="text/javascript">
/*create a sound object for making sounds*/
sound = function(noise){
/*add new prototype to output the noise */
sound.prototype = {
/*set the noise echoed on sound.out)*/
setNoise : function(noise){
this.noise = noise || 'plain sound';
/*output the noise*/
out : function(numTimes){
var noise ='"';
noise += this.noise;
if(x<numTimes-1){ noise +=', ';}
return noise+'!"';
/*create a animal object for making animals that make sounds*/
animal = function(name, noise){
this.vocals = new sound(noise);
animal.prototype = {
/*set the name of the animal*/
setName : function(name){ = name || 'another animal';
/*prototype to wrap sound.out*/
talk : function(times){
alert( +" said "+this.vocals.out(times));
/*prototype to wrap sound.setNoise*/
changeVocals : function(noise){
/*instantiate an animal ( a squirrel that barks) and make it talk */
mySquirrel = new animal('squirrelio', 'bark');;
A lot of people have come up with different methods for dealing with inheritance. Here is one page that explains it and here is another that abstracts it a bit.
Once you are into the prototyping system you can make your own system to make extending and inheriting easier.
05/27/2006 00:11 #32629
Javascript PrototypesCategory: programming
Believe it or not, I love javascript so much.
If you want to use surebert for any AJAX stuff at artvoice, feel free. It allows you to easily post data to any page. Here is the non-compressed js version so you can see what is going on.
(e:zobar,59) if you already know this then maybe this is a waste because no one else is going to read it besides maybe (e:enknot) who already knows this because we talk shop all day at work, but in case you haven't thought about it, you can write very extensible objects in javascript using protypes.
In fact, I would argue that the prototype if the basis of complicated OOP in javascript. The prototype is applied to every instance of the object without having to copy the function as it is when declared as a function within the constructor.
Here is how I would write it
Greeter = function(yourName){
this.yourName = yourName;
Greeter.prototype.getTimeOfDay = function(timeOfDay){
alert('Good ' + timeOfDay + ', ' + this.yourName);
greetZ = new Greeter('Zobar');
greetP = new Greeter('Paul');
greetZ.getTimeOfDay('afternoon');//'Good afternoon, Zobar'
greetZ.getTimeOfDay('evening');// 'Good evening, Zobar'
greetZ.getTimeOfDay('evening');// 'Good evening, Paul'
Because everything is an object in javascript, if you have mutliple prototypes for an object you can easily write them like below which look very neat and organized when used with large objects.
Greeter = function(yourName){
this.yourName = yourName;
//javascript object notation for attaching multiple protoypes to an object.Although you could write each one as of function, I think when have lots of protypes this looks neater. You can also add any of properties as a prototype. In this case I am also creating a property called job. that can be referred to as instanceName.job e.g. greetZ.job you can even attach protoype arrays this way
Greeter.prototype = {
'job' : 'programmer',
getTimeOfDay : function(timeOfDay){
alert('Good ' + timeOfDay + ', ' + this.yourName);
getRandNumber : function(min,max){
min = min || 0;
max = max || 100;
sayHello : function(){
alert("Hello, "+this.yourName);
greetZ = new Greeter('Zobar');
greetP = new Greeter('Paul');
greetZ.getTimeOfDay('afternoon');//'Good afternoon, Zobar'
greetZ.sayHello();// 'Hello, Zobar'
greetZ.getRandNumber(10,30);// 'Good evening, Paul'
If you want to use surebert for any AJAX stuff at artvoice, feel free. It allows you to easily post data to any page. Here is the non-compressed js version so you can see what is going on.
(e:zobar,59) if you already know this then maybe this is a waste because no one else is going to read it besides maybe (e:enknot) who already knows this because we talk shop all day at work, but in case you haven't thought about it, you can write very extensible objects in javascript using protypes.
In fact, I would argue that the prototype if the basis of complicated OOP in javascript. The prototype is applied to every instance of the object without having to copy the function as it is when declared as a function within the constructor.
Here is how I would write it
Greeter = function(yourName){
this.yourName = yourName;
Greeter.prototype.getTimeOfDay = function(timeOfDay){
alert('Good ' + timeOfDay + ', ' + this.yourName);
greetZ = new Greeter('Zobar');
greetP = new Greeter('Paul');
greetZ.getTimeOfDay('afternoon');//'Good afternoon, Zobar'
greetZ.getTimeOfDay('evening');// 'Good evening, Zobar'
greetZ.getTimeOfDay('evening');// 'Good evening, Paul'
Because everything is an object in javascript, if you have mutliple prototypes for an object you can easily write them like below which look very neat and organized when used with large objects.
Greeter = function(yourName){
this.yourName = yourName;
//javascript object notation for attaching multiple protoypes to an object.Although you could write each one as of function, I think when have lots of protypes this looks neater. You can also add any of properties as a prototype. In this case I am also creating a property called job. that can be referred to as instanceName.job e.g. greetZ.job you can even attach protoype arrays this way
Greeter.prototype = {
'job' : 'programmer',
getTimeOfDay : function(timeOfDay){
alert('Good ' + timeOfDay + ', ' + this.yourName);
getRandNumber : function(min,max){
min = min || 0;
max = max || 100;
sayHello : function(){
alert("Hello, "+this.yourName);
greetZ = new Greeter('Zobar');
greetP = new Greeter('Paul');
greetZ.getTimeOfDay('afternoon');//'Good afternoon, Zobar'
greetZ.sayHello();// 'Hello, Zobar'
greetZ.getRandNumber(10,30);// 'Good evening, Paul'
leetee - 05/27/06 10:19
Ah, but i did read it.. i didn't understand it, but i read it.
Ah, but i did read it.. i didn't understand it, but i read it.
zobar - 05/27/06 07:18
I have a newfound respect for Javascript. I did know about prototypes, but since I come from a class-based OOP background I probably don't grok them completely. Is there some way that prototypes can have their own prototypes, ie inheritance? Or am I missing a better way to do the same thing?
[The reason I'm all into this now is that I'm doing the database backend for our calendar in XUL :::link::: , and since XUL does not provide any kind of transactional form processing like X/HTML does, the only way to interact with the server is through XMLHttpRequest and its ilk.]
- Z
I have a newfound respect for Javascript. I did know about prototypes, but since I come from a class-based OOP background I probably don't grok them completely. Is there some way that prototypes can have their own prototypes, ie inheritance? Or am I missing a better way to do the same thing?
[The reason I'm all into this now is that I'm doing the database backend for our calendar in XUL :::link::: , and since XUL does not provide any kind of transactional form processing like X/HTML does, the only way to interact with the server is through XMLHttpRequest and its ilk.]
- Z
05/26/2006 13:16 #32628
My house at 3:30amCategory: pets
At about 4:40 I decided to stop programming and head off to bed. The sugar glider seemed really unjhappy with this decision. Maybe it is because I shut off al the lights and she was hunting for ants. She ate one of those giant tanker ones. It was fun to watch her captture it. So when i wen tto bed she started barking like crazy. It is really as loud as a dog.
boxerboi - 05/26/06 14:53
wow, they sound just like little dogs. that's kinda cool
wow, they sound just like little dogs. that's kinda cool
leetee - 05/26/06 13:24
There is no way i could fall asleep with that barking noise. How do you do it? In fact, how do you survive the next day after going to sleep so late? I guess i'm just unfortunate or lazy, 'cause i need a solid 8 hours a night... or i am grumpier than i usually am.
There is no way i could fall asleep with that barking noise. How do you do it? In fact, how do you survive the next day after going to sleep so late? I guess i'm just unfortunate or lazy, 'cause i need a solid 8 hours a night... or i am grumpier than i usually am.
paul, can we like dry them and eat them? do you think we'll see pretty colors and shapes on the walls?