Here is a good example I wrote of javascript prototypes that extend other objects.
(e:paul,4369) was part one and both were in reference to
<script type="text/javascript">
/*create a sound object for making sounds*/
sound = function(noise){
/*add new prototype to output the noise */
sound.prototype = {
/*set the noise echoed on sound.out)*/
setNoise : function(noise){
this.noise = noise || 'plain sound';
/*output the noise*/
out : function(numTimes){
var noise ='"';
noise += this.noise;
if(x<numTimes-1){ noise +=', ';}
return noise+'!"';
/*create a animal object for making animals that make sounds*/
animal = function(name, noise){
this.vocals = new sound(noise);
animal.prototype = {
/*set the name of the animal*/
setName : function(name){ = name || 'another animal';
/*prototype to wrap sound.out*/
talk : function(times){
alert( +" said "+this.vocals.out(times));
/*prototype to wrap sound.setNoise*/
changeVocals : function(noise){
/*instantiate an animal ( a squirrel that barks) and make it talk */
mySquirrel = new animal('squirrelio', 'bark');;
A lot of people have come up with different methods for dealing with inheritance. Here is one page that explains it

and here is another that abstracts it a bit.
Once you are into the prototyping system you can make your own system to make extending and inheriting easier.
paul, can we like dry them and eat them? do you think we'll see pretty colors and shapes on the walls?