I decided to write to the Buffalo News about this as my newest version of the IE clipabord security exploit is so sinister that it can constantly monitor your clipboard data in IE for windows and send it to my database, no matter what app you are in as long as you leave IE open.
Although, there is a solution for this which I posted in the computer journal, almost no one has it installed as I have collected thousands of clipboard for my news epoem entitiled "Microsoft Security" which I am reading that I am reading at the e-poetry symposium next week.
Here was my letter, let's see where it goes.
Hey Steve,
I think you will find this extremely interesting. This week I accidentally discovered a major security flaw that affects IE for PC which allows me to read the visitors clipboard contents from a website with just a few lines of code. Just think what is in your clipboard, sensitive data such as passwords, account numbers, contact data, copied emails, copied instant messenging conversations, private documents, etc. Also, there is essentially no limit to the size of the clipboard, so the amount of data can be pages long including entire documents.
While people may have already known about this clipboard security exploit, as far as I know, no one has combined this flaw with current AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) technology. With this technology combo I can create a web site that continuously monitors the contents of a user's clipboard and forwards it to a database any time the content has changed without any indication to the user. It doesn't even matter what windows application they are using when copying new data, as long as the web page is open somewhere in the background. This is the global system clipboard, not something specific to the browser.
You can see it for yourself. Copy some innocuous data to your clipboard and then visit

I think this particular security flaw is newsworthy because people can see the results right in their browsers. What is most incredible is that unlike flaws where you could say search for data on a users computer, using this method, it's almost like the users brings you their most sensitive data to you.
There is a solution to this that involves disabling paste scripting in your internet options but by default it is enableed which leaves 90% of people wide open.
You cannot believe the data I have collected with this, remember that each bit of data can be associated with an IP addr. If a particular organization was targeted your could definately compromise security in a serious way.
Feel free to email me if you have any questions.
Paul Visco
Paul (e:Be) is brandon! The one who used to dress pretty.
OMG... he needs to have big muscles -- to lift everything in his shorts! Are those workout balls he has?
Of course you are a recreational programmer, (e:Paul)! All us members of (e:strip) are thankful for it, too.
building muscle is a slow, slow process. keep it up and you'll reap the benefits. increase weight, increase intensity and keep workouts short to prevent muscle cannabalization. in good circumstances figure about building 1/4 lb of muscle a week naturally but double now because your still a begginner.
my robot finds them for me
Any of us could have told you that you are a recreational programmer, fortunately for us! (thank you! thank you!)
oh yeah paul- meant to tell you that i got a text this am saying that my mobl post (from weeks ago) had gone through. It didn't appear, but it seems like something was fixed. I'll try again when I find a worthwhile pic.