When I first got to the geek meet I seriously thought no one was gonna come. The screens weren't set up and I was convinced we didn't have enough speakers. I was definately wrong because we went way almost till 9PM and the discussion room was packed most of the time.
It actually seemed like a really sucessful show accept for the crappy sales pitch from 3created. Unlike (e:kara) [inlink]kara,35[/inlink] I have no problem saying that I thought that his work totally sucked. He offered nothing new or particularly original and was a sales. You guys know how I feel about that.
I got a couple job offers not that I ever plan on leaving my wonderful state job at Roswell Park.

My talk was about AJAX. It was really hard to balance getting into details with being general enough to keep peoples attentions. I think I did a good job of balancing the two. It is hard to describe a complicated set of tehcnologies in twenty minutes.

The night before was the Squeeky Wheel Peep Show at The Hotel Lenox. Each room of the eigth floor of the hotel was an installation with the them of a peep show. I really felt at home at this event because I knew some of the particpants and becaus eit was in a hotel where I was wearing pajamas. (e:robin)'s exhibit encourage the viewer to get into pajamas and lay on her bed with her. Needless to say I drank too much Tequilla for me first time drinking tequilla. It made my head hurt really bad in the morning, thanfully it went away by the geek meet.

After the hotel we I went we the epeepettes to the pink and the towne restaurant. When I came hoem (e:robin) and (e:terry) were playing with the sugar gliders. All in all it was a nice weekend.
Looks like a fun weekend!
p.s. - do you ever wear clothes anymore? ;-)
Was I the only one who went "Awwwwwwww! How cute!" when seeing the little Apple at the front table?
the gliders flaps remind me of vulvas. i guess i like a closed vulva like this :::link:::