Today while spending the whole morning cleaning the house I thought to myself, why am I wasting my time doing this. I mean at one point I was cleaning out the fridge and sweeping and I would have been spending my time setting up the server for the move on monday.
I mentioned to
(e:terry) that I thought we should pay someone to clean our house. I would be willing to pay someone like $50 for three hours of laundry and dishes. He thinks that makes me a classist asshole.
I think it's way above minimum wage and not everyone wants full timework, say students, so why not contribute to the trickle down effect.
When I was in high school I was a butler for this guy. He paid us around $8/hour to prepare and present his dinner in the evening and wash the dishes. For me it presented an opportunity to make more money than I was making as a cashier at Vicks and frankly, it was much nicer not having to deal with retails and the low level chain of command politics.
I just don't see anything wrong with it.
Recycling was so out of control this time because I found lots of stuff that had to go when I was cleaning the frigerator. There must have been 4 pickle jars and 4 speghetti jars. My hands smell sour in such a gross way now. Next time I am wearing gloves.
Wish me luck with the server. It is going to be so much work. I wish I had another server, database person to work with.
Classist? hmmm, y'reckon?
I don't consider hiring someone to clean your house any more classist than hiring a plumber or a roofer or even a web-designer.
Even if you know how, you don't have the time or the energy to do it.
But that's just me. I'm an elitist. And you know it has to be true 'cuz I told you so.
So please take my advice, don't listen to me.
Cleaning sucks. Belive me I need to paysome one for myplace more then you do. There is nothing wrong with paying someone to clean. There are lots of cleaning services. I don't know if you would go with a service or with someone you know. but the bottom line is someone has to remove garbage, clean houses, pickfruit, wait tables, or clean up after concerts. Through out life people try to rise up out of the tougher jobs and get beter jobs but there are services that someone has to do. For example I would never want to work constrution (way to hard) or be a truck driver but some people like it. If no one drove trucks society would fall apart when we went to the store and there was no food or other goods. I don't know as paying someone to do laundry makes sense. With it being you matt and terry that person would have to know whos clothes where whos either that or just pile them somewhare and if they are doing that then what is the point.
there's nothing wrong with having someone clean your house. i've done it plenty of times for old people, young people, bosses, friends...if someone wants to make a few bucks, let em. a lady i used to babysit for would also hire me to work her dinner parties, preparing the plates and serving them.