In response to Jim's comment on my last journal:
I would like a reasonable upload rate >1mbps with a static IP. The cheapest quote I could get without a two year commitment or an insane installation fee was through adelphia which quoted me at $99/month.
Verizon would be alright if we had a phone line but we don't as we all have cell phones. They refuse to sell me a static IP with a reasonable upload rate without first buying a business phone line which too much extra with the three mobile lines we already have through sprint. The last time I checked they wanted to charge me about $120-30 per month plus taxes and a $100 installation fee along with a contract. Maybe things have changed as that was last semester.
Any other ideas? I tried some other DSL companies that offered to sell DSL without phone service but none of them serviced the area.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/02/2006 20:24 #32433
Response To JimCategory: server
01/02/2006 14:57 #32432
Depressed a LittleCategory: depressed
I am a little depressed but I am sure it's the weather. I really can have no complaint in life. I got love, a great job, good food, cute pets, and almost too many friends. I guess the problem must be the weather or the server. or the weather's affect on my feelings for the server.
Sometimes I find myself really hoping for global warming. Like in that movie, Where in The Hell Is North Tonawanda . I suppose it is almost here because it has barely snowed yet and here we are approaching mid January. Its the greyness that really kills me. I don't want to leave Buffalo. I love it here in tems of the people, the size of the city, the housing, food, etc. It is just that I spend so much time sitting inside thinking about how horrible it would be to go outside. Maybe I should just try and get into freezing rain and mud. I mean if I could just overcome my aversion to those two things, I gues soutside could be funside.
I slept really crappy because I was up till 6am updating the server. That last thing I saw before I fell asleep was that PHP 5.1.1 and all the extensions I needed had finally compiled. Thank god that's over. I had to upgrade to the new version of PHP so that the server was compatible with the new site code.
Honestly, I am so sick of maintaining the site from afar. I really need to get my server at home connected. (e:terry) doesn't want me to pay for it to be here. At least not yet because it costs around $100/month. There are many days where I spend 5 hours doing a 2 hour task because I have to do it across the network. I mean there are ways I could offset the cost, for exmaple hosting other sites. The thing is that I don't have time for another job at this point and the thought of being responsible for more sites sounds sickening.
I think so far I spent about ~$5000 and way more than 3000 hours of work on this site. That is assuming that I only worked on it 20 hours a week. While recently, I have been holding true to that, before I definately spent many more hours than that. Especially during the time when the site's abse code was being developed. There are so many things I had to redo because of lack of experience in 2003. The 20 hours are not just programming. I do server maintence, graphic design, PR, testing, answer customer service questions, deal with optimization of the database, fix old bugs, and make new stuff. Its pretty much like being a one man volunteer company.
The remember bufflao site is just going to die unless I get a connection and more importantly some serious volunteers because I can't afford to spend more time on another long distance internet project at this point. I think the idea is so great but I have yet to score even one committed volunteer.
I was going to try and work with artvoice but I am too afraid I will get dragged into a lot of other stuff and I can't afford the time right now and having the server across town is frankly just far away as having it in Vancouver. At least that is my thinking at this point. I also cannot manage to have a daytime business appointment with anyone.
Sometimes I find myself really hoping for global warming. Like in that movie, Where in The Hell Is North Tonawanda . I suppose it is almost here because it has barely snowed yet and here we are approaching mid January. Its the greyness that really kills me. I don't want to leave Buffalo. I love it here in tems of the people, the size of the city, the housing, food, etc. It is just that I spend so much time sitting inside thinking about how horrible it would be to go outside. Maybe I should just try and get into freezing rain and mud. I mean if I could just overcome my aversion to those two things, I gues soutside could be funside.
I slept really crappy because I was up till 6am updating the server. That last thing I saw before I fell asleep was that PHP 5.1.1 and all the extensions I needed had finally compiled. Thank god that's over. I had to upgrade to the new version of PHP so that the server was compatible with the new site code.
Honestly, I am so sick of maintaining the site from afar. I really need to get my server at home connected. (e:terry) doesn't want me to pay for it to be here. At least not yet because it costs around $100/month. There are many days where I spend 5 hours doing a 2 hour task because I have to do it across the network. I mean there are ways I could offset the cost, for exmaple hosting other sites. The thing is that I don't have time for another job at this point and the thought of being responsible for more sites sounds sickening.
I think so far I spent about ~$5000 and way more than 3000 hours of work on this site. That is assuming that I only worked on it 20 hours a week. While recently, I have been holding true to that, before I definately spent many more hours than that. Especially during the time when the site's abse code was being developed. There are so many things I had to redo because of lack of experience in 2003. The 20 hours are not just programming. I do server maintence, graphic design, PR, testing, answer customer service questions, deal with optimization of the database, fix old bugs, and make new stuff. Its pretty much like being a one man volunteer company.
The remember bufflao site is just going to die unless I get a connection and more importantly some serious volunteers because I can't afford to spend more time on another long distance internet project at this point. I think the idea is so great but I have yet to score even one committed volunteer.
I was going to try and work with artvoice but I am too afraid I will get dragged into a lot of other stuff and I can't afford the time right now and having the server across town is frankly just far away as having it in Vancouver. At least that is my thinking at this point. I also cannot manage to have a daytime business appointment with anyone.
jim - 01/02/06 20:06
What do you need to host it at home? Business class DSL?
What do you need to host it at home? Business class DSL?
metalpeter - 01/02/06 19:08
It is the rainy weather that does it. When it snows there is some sun shine and sun also reflects off the snow. Make in my Cross Country sking days I got a slight ok a verry slight sun burn from the sun and then from it reflecting off the snow. In terms of the Remember Buffalo project I think it is a verry good Idea. It is to bad you can't give the project over to someone who has the time to really work on it more. The only thing that I can really suggest is maybe getting in touch with the preservation board or comitte or what ever they are called they might be willing to help out or give you ideas of how to get grants or volunteers. (sorry for my shity spelling it is really bad today).
It is the rainy weather that does it. When it snows there is some sun shine and sun also reflects off the snow. Make in my Cross Country sking days I got a slight ok a verry slight sun burn from the sun and then from it reflecting off the snow. In terms of the Remember Buffalo project I think it is a verry good Idea. It is to bad you can't give the project over to someone who has the time to really work on it more. The only thing that I can really suggest is maybe getting in touch with the preservation board or comitte or what ever they are called they might be willing to help out or give you ideas of how to get grants or volunteers. (sorry for my shity spelling it is really bad today).
jenks - 01/02/06 18:44
The weather makes me glum too... How was the dinner party??
The weather makes me glum too... How was the dinner party??
matthew - 01/02/06 15:16
you never went outside when it was beautiful and sunny out.
you never went outside when it was beautiful and sunny out.
ladycroft - 01/02/06 15:10
I think it is the grey atmosphere. Cold drizzeling gloom. Blah. Know your hard work is appreciated very deeply!!! I love this site, I'm so grateful to have met so many new people through it. I told you I'll help out with PR or whatever, whenever I can. We can make those new videos :) Ciao.
I think it is the grey atmosphere. Cold drizzeling gloom. Blah. Know your hard work is appreciated very deeply!!! I love this site, I'm so grateful to have met so many new people through it. I told you I'll help out with PR or whatever, whenever I can. We can make those new videos :) Ciao.
01/01/2006 16:55 #32431
pre dinner partyCategory: food
The dinner party looks like it is going to be a success. (e:matthew), (e:terry) and (e:lilho) have done a fantastic job. Now it is my turn.

01/01/2006 00:50 #32430
The Ball DropCategory: holiday
we made it to the ball drop. I put a video of the Bufalo, NY 2006 New Year's Ball Drop on 
It is definitely only a myth that First Night is alcohol and drug free.

It is definitely only a myth that First Night is alcohol and drug free.

metalpeter - 01/01/06 10:45
Yes First Night is Drug and Alcohol Free and always has been. Well except that i think they sold stuff at the plays. However the Ball drop isn't. They don't sell anything but with the chip strip right there and Other places that sell alcohol there was always lots of drinking. I did take pictures of some of the festivities on TV maybe I'll try posting them. In any event it looks like you had fun.
Yes First Night is Drug and Alcohol Free and always has been. Well except that i think they sold stuff at the plays. However the Ball drop isn't. They don't sell anything but with the chip strip right there and Other places that sell alcohol there was always lots of drinking. I did take pictures of some of the festivities on TV maybe I'll try posting them. In any event it looks like you had fun.
I can't wait for FIOS though. 15mbit up and 5mbit down for $100/month. :P
It'll just take another 8 or 10 years to get to our little backwater.
$100 - $150 is about the same we end up paying at my work in our other markets for the same sort of connection. Actually, for ~756kb up. Which is a bit much even when you're making money off the line, much less when you aren't.