Yesterday, my coworkers and I went to Ted's hotdogs in the galleria for lunch. No I did not eat a hotdog, even though
(e:enknot) kept telling my how yummy they are. I left hotdogs back in the early 90s for good. However, I did have a really good double cheeseburger. Such an event would normally make it on my journal, but I forgot to bring my stupid phone.
The people who work in the food court at the mall are really amazing. I don't think I could ever deal with that as an adult.
(e:terry) and I were talking about how retail and food service jobs of that nature are really the harest jobs in the world. My newer jobs have involoved much more mental excercise but in reality the stress of working at an icecream store is unbelieveable. He worked at Baskin Robin's and I worked at Parfait, which used to be on Sheridan and Niagara Falls Blvd where the cingular store is now.
The guy at Ted's who was the cook was so into it his job. My cowrokers thought that perhaps he was Ted himself but then we saw pictures from the 30s on of the Ted's family empire of store, so I doubt it is Ted himself.
Well we still haven't made plans for tonight. Well, accept for my mother's dinner party at 7PM. That is usually my favorite part of new years. She makes all kind of seafood usually in conjunction with some sort of steak and bacony thing. It is really quite an extravaganza.
Tomorrow night the family dinner party is at our house for the first time. I think
(e:terry) is going to make enchiladas. The party will be sans
(e:mike) who is having his own dinner party at my parent's house.
I will definately post some pics of the evening tonight. I have been so busy that my journal has suffered.
No offense meant! Was that from metafilter?