Today was the day that windows decided it was time to reinstall. It seems like once a year it needs this happen. I think the registry just gets out of control and then everything becomes crappy. Instead of fighting with it all I just backup my data to an external drive and reinstall everything.
Even though it is annoying, I think it is a good process to follow through with for anyone that needs to use windows.
Tonight I am off to my aunt's for Chirstmas Eve. It is the first year in about 5 that (e:terry) isn't coming so he won't be dressed up as Santa Claus [inlink]paul,381[/inlink] this year. He is instead going with (e:matthew) to his aunt's house. I can't go there because they have animals. I hope this doesn't mean that I have to be Satan Claws.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/24/2005 14:17 #32420
Windows Reinstall and Satan ClawsCategory: computers
12/23/2005 21:08 #32419
The are just overwhelmingly cuteCategory: pets
12/22/2005 23:33 #32418
I think we might get a new petCategory: pets
Not that basra isn't cuddley but this is just so cute and snuggley. It's called a sugar glider. Here is some info 

paul - 12/24/05 16:50
They actually eat baby chickens
They actually eat baby chickens
buffalopundit - 12/24/05 16:29
Tastes like chicken.
Tastes like chicken.
alicia - 12/23/05 11:19
i want one toooooooooooooo :)~
i want one toooooooooooooo :)~
iriesara - 12/23/05 01:13
Paul, Is this something you might not be allergic to? God bless it, embrace the mammals, or rodents, or whatever the fuck a chinchilla is.. is that even really a chinchilla?
see you soon, love Sara
Paul, Is this something you might not be allergic to? God bless it, embrace the mammals, or rodents, or whatever the fuck a chinchilla is.. is that even really a chinchilla?
see you soon, love Sara
leetee - 12/22/05 23:57
OMG... get one! Get me one too! I think they sooooOOoooo cute. Won't effect your allergies, will it Paul? OK, well, maybe i should read the link you posted before i ask you than, huh?
We used to go to a flea market in the Knoxville area and every week we were there, so were people selling their sugargliders. There were people there selling bunnies and birds, too. One kid was a pretty good salesperson... almost had me going home with a bunny.
OMG... get one! Get me one too! I think they sooooOOoooo cute. Won't effect your allergies, will it Paul? OK, well, maybe i should read the link you posted before i ask you than, huh?
We used to go to a flea market in the Knoxville area and every week we were there, so were people selling their sugargliders. There were people there selling bunnies and birds, too. One kid was a pretty good salesperson... almost had me going home with a bunny.
12/22/2005 21:15 #32417
Miss KittinCategory: music
So I was listening to keith's radio again I heard this song that I think i s by Miss Kitin
. At least google thinks it is. So I looked her up. I fond her website and I love it. It breaks all the traditional web design pre-conceptions I have. It kind of reminds me of something jesse would make.

At work I programmed surebert's
server side companion called poser. It transcends all of the normal security boundaries associated wih AJAX as it poses as a local page and allows you to load llive xml from anywhere on the net into your page. It even eats and forwards cookies with no effort and poses as any site on the web. It makes XML data that surebert can eat virtually limitless. I wish anyone I talked to outside of work would have any idea what I am talking about because it is pretty cool.

At work I programmed surebert's

12/21/2005 23:23 #32416
CrustaceansCategory: food
Man what a stressfull day. At about 3PM I realized that they had shut the server down because it was acting a spam server. I was so stressed out waiting to get homeand deal with it.
Apparently, millions of aol users got spam because someone was using our email forms to send email.
I fixed it all now and now the site should be better without sending so much spam.
We are eating lots of crustaceans these days. I hope I don't go crazy from the mercury.
Cliff bars has a new peanut butter toffe flavor, yun. Also orgabic crackers were on sale at wegmans. (e:mike) and I had a crazy time trying to buy like 2 shopping carts worth of groceries with a basket.

Apparently, millions of aol users got spam because someone was using our email forms to send email.
I fixed it all now and now the site should be better without sending so much spam.
We are eating lots of crustaceans these days. I hope I don't go crazy from the mercury.
Cliff bars has a new peanut butter toffe flavor, yun. Also orgabic crackers were on sale at wegmans. (e:mike) and I had a crazy time trying to buy like 2 shopping carts worth of groceries with a basket.

shawnr - 12/22/05 15:58
holy crap i hate spammers. what a bummer. i was worried that something had gone wrong in a server move or something... glad to see the site back up. we miss you. get on IM! haha <3 from Idaho
holy crap i hate spammers. what a bummer. i was worried that something had gone wrong in a server move or something... glad to see the site back up. we miss you. get on IM! haha <3 from Idaho
merry christmas!!!