There was lots of screaming toward the end until about 5 in the morning. I have learned my lesson about arguing with drunk polish people so I just went to bed. (e:enknot) you having amazing patience.

The baked goods were out of this world. My favs being ladycrofts yellow cookies and leetee amazing chocolate bark. You guys rock.
It was nice to see everyone, I didn't take any pictures because I was trying to be less tech more social. It's my new weekend lifestyle. I hope someone posts pictures on the site. (e:metalpeter), I will download some of your pics from ebshots and see whats up with them.
First of all thanks paul for looking into the pics. Secondly I can't figure out how both you are hodown both slept (sepertately) for so long with the loud discusion or argument going on. I have to admit it was very interesting.