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11/27/2005 17:50 #32365

Buying Computers and fixing cars
Category: shopping
(e:mike), (e:terry), (e:matthew) and I went shopping for a christmas computer for my parents and an imac for us. They ran out of imacs at crapusa so we ended up with the mac mini. For the parents we got an HP mini comp. Maybe now they can get DSL and actually get online.

For both computers it was so hard for me to buy a not cutting edge comp. It's amazing how cheap a non-server, non 3D graphics computers can be. I wanted to buy them one at Computers for Children but (e:mike) said no. He wanted new, namebrand, and warranty.

In the picture of our car, you can see the missing tire. Hopefully, the axel is all ok.

Has anyone noticed that Bestbuy super plaza on Niagara Falls Blvd is insane. I remember when I was a kid it was a field, now there are multiple football field sized stores and one of the largest parking lots in Buffalo.





11/26/2005 21:36 #32364

Serious Drama2
Category: estrip
So I woke up today to discover that something I programmed back in 2003 broke which meant that all the journals got set back to 1969. It was horrible, luckily I had evertything backed up in various formats but I spent the entire day working on it. I got to fix up the old stuff to use the new format which is great but right now the next ten button is broken and it will just have to be that way because everyone will freak out on me if I don't stop now.

--update: If I had only checked my email earlier I would have seen that (e:twisted) had sent me a heads up about this way before I realized what was going on.

You've received email via


hey - the time stamp seems to show when the post was last modified instead of
originated. Your journal goes from 11/25 to 11/19 and back to 11/25. Looks like a
bunch of journals got "touched" on 11/25.

leetee - 11/27/05 10:10
Thank you for working so hard on estrip, (e:Paul)! I know it is a lot of hard work and we all appreciate what you do. Sorry everything took so long to fix, (e:Terry) and (e:Matthew)!!!

11/26/2005 03:42 #32363

Google Ads
Category: commercialism
--update I removed them - time to go chill out

I decided to try out google ads on recommendation from (e:shawnr). He uses them for his site at

Personally, I hate the flamming comericalism of it and I think it does a really bad job targeting the ads. It is easy on his site because it is all about games and gaming systems, but on our it is really diverse and it doesn't seems smart enough yet. But seeing as he makes enought to pay for his hosting, I figure why not try it.

What is the point of targetted ads when you have targeted ads that are fake. Like this one from (e:leetee)'s journal where it choose cranberry sauce because of some mention of thansgiving.

Buit notice the ad is for ebay. Who the fuck buys cranberry sauce on ebay? Nobody - that is such a lame, fake ad. Why bother with targeted key word ads when they are just blantant ads for other things. Hoenstly, I would rather just see a glossy ad for ebay than a fake one for cranberry sauce on ebay.


Peeps that log in do not see them and as it is free to log in I see no point in feeling to guilty. I might just get rid of them either way, but seeing as not one signle person has donated in over 4 months - I am really sick of paying for it all myself. Although, I love the project and promise it will not go away ever - i just need to figure out some other means of support.

Soon enough we will be moving to the artvoice space. The server is all set up now, I am just waiting for the new mac ton arrive to replace it before I move it. I also cannot screw it all together right now becaus eit is in the tortoise room and its too cold for Basra when I open the closet that the server lives inside of.

If it picks out a few more god things then it's gone.
uncutsaniflush - 11/26/05 20:12
Damn! That'll learn me (as they might say in the south) not read Estrip on a daily basis.

I missed the google ad for buying cranberry sauce on eBay!!

The mind boggles.

11/26/2005 19:00 #32362

Busy Day
Category: estrip
I spent the day making the XHTML mobile version of the site pretty functional. It's not pretty yet but it is definately working. You can search, write in your epad, chat, read your messages, read the latest entries, and publish all from your mobile XHTML handset. The wap version of the site can do most of the same things on an older phone.

11/25/2005 21:42 #32361

Some pictures from back in the day
Category: oldtimes
My stupid phone does not save pics right anymore, so I am reduced to screen captures from the phone, lame.

Jessica Ho (e:hodown) - Yearbook Quote: Some people think happiness is friends and love. I just want power and money.


Paul Visco - Yearbook Quote: To flash to the Real Intraworld Push: hard to the other side.


My mother has turned my old room into a craft/storage extravaganza.

hodown - 11/25/05 07:57
Dude I am going to kill you for posting my yearbook picture.