I took the subway to Roswell from Utica. I was the only person in the stop - it was freaky.
View toward south campus
View toward Downtown
I home from getting a TB shot at the place I will soon call work. I find it overly depressing at Roswell. I hope that where I work it will be slightly more isolated from the hospital portion because I think the sadness might overwhelm me otherwise.
I go my last TB shot and go in for the results on Wednesday. If I don't have TB, which I expect that I don't I will be all set to start work. Walking home from work only takes 20 minutes. I just go down Allen to Franklin and then straight down Linwood.
Although the trees are bare, it is so warm out. All the snow is gone and I didn't realy even need a jacket.
For some reason all of the businesses at the corner of Main and Allen are vacant including the corner store that was there.
I always wonder what this staircase went up to before it was the edge of a blacktop parking lot. The address was 295 Franklin maybe.
I wish my camera was no in 256 color mode!!
hey paul,
when i had my tb test i actually came back positive. they tried to put me on some heavy duty meds for like a year! but what they didn't understand is that since i was born in poland, i had a vacination for tb and that is why i was probably testing positive. they tried to tell me that even if i did have the vaccine it would have worn off by now. but i personaly think they are full of shit.
ps. the vaccines were never used here because they were thought to be not very effective. who knows.