I spent the evening helping Buffalo Rising

get their website up and and running so that it would be ready for the official launch on Monday. Here you can see the counter on the front page that I put up.
I also created a custom WBFO NPR RSS feed parser for the site which is based on moveable type. I am not a big fan of moveable type which is perl based. Too bad Jesse wasn't there. I just fixed everything with PHP mods. I just don't understand why everyone uses prebuilt CMS systems. Especially other programmers. There is just way too much overhead and I would rather spend my time programming than reading through the million page manual of some else's API. I seriously would go nuts working on a project like that full-time. It was so frustrating to want to make a change to the underlying system but only having access to the very surface through some sort of gui web interface. I like more direct access to my stuff.
At one point zack had to read a 104 page manual to set up an ad server. I could make one in less time than it would take to read through that manual. Maybe I should focus my time on making a CMS system.
I also fixed the search tab javascript. It was a sucessful evening that will hopefully pay for my cell phone bill which is way over my budget thanks to the million and a half fees from cingular. they promised a bill of $44.99 but the first month it came to $111.00 with setup fees and service charges. What a ripoff.
Little did I know that I would be near a dog. For some reaosn even in its mega fluffiness this dog did not make me very allergic.
Here is George and Zack working hard on a plugin.
Here is one of my student's Mike looking very tired after a 16 hour day. I tried to tell him that was the life of a programmer.
"earth living" stamped in plastic, not recycleable I assume. hmpph!
Oh by the way, while I am thinking about it, some of the Wegmans cereal that is otherwise labeled GF, isn't. The makers screwed up and all Wegmans has done is post a small white sign on the shelf. I am inclined to attack the boxes with a sharpee marker. Pass it on to Matthew?!
i dont think it was a translation error, i bet it is a stupid marketing gimmick
yummy edamame!