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09/17/2005 20:59 #32238

More Mobile Pics
Category: peeptalk
Today (e:matthew) got a new giant tank. He is documenting the process of rebuilding the environment from the old tank to the new one. The new tank is moved to the den. Many of you saw the old ocean tank in living room, this one will get more use, because we spend way more time in the den.


While we were at Niagara Aquarium on Military Rd in Kenmore, I foudn these things called triops. They are some werid sort of prehistoric looking animal that lives in a state of suspended animation till you water it and then it grows. Kind of like sea monkey but they get to be up to 2 inches in length and live about 70 days. Appartently, they eat each other too.

Here someone else posted pictures. (e:mike) said (e:beast) had them. Maybe she could talk about it sometime. I am sure you will see plenty of pics of ours.


We also ate at Globe Market. It tasted yummy as always but the portions keep getting way smaller each time I go. I even have pictures of this over time to prove it. This time my half of a sandwich was really mini. Also there are always way too many flies in the windows. Where do they come from? It freaks me out.


09/17/2005 20:33 #32237

Category: buffalo
I was tranferring data on my phone [inlink]paul,3782[/inlink] to the new memory chip and found some photos to post. It is such a cool phone. With the new chip I can store 12,477 images at 640x480 and over 2500 at 1.3Megpixels.

On Thursday night (e:sang) came to visit my office and to ride the subway home with me so he knew how to get to my house.


We got on the subway at Main and Humboldt and rode it down to Utica. As usual there was no one inside and we sat and waited about 15 minutes. When we did get on we were the only white people on a crowded train. It is strange how public trasnportation in Buffalo has such a race line. I think East Utica scared him. It's funny because he is way tougher than I am. I always wonder why more students don't ride it at night time, there were only a few others.



I love taking pics swinging the phone around. It is like painting with lights.


When I got home I noticed that the happy face ballon from (e:ladycroft)'s party looked like he was throwing up. He just kept bobbing his head up and down in a retching motion. I felt bad for him.


ladycroft - 09/17/05 21:08
That's too funny. Poor little smiley face balloon.

09/17/2005 06:45 #32236

At The Airport
Category: travel
I am sad to have to part with (e:terry) for a couple days. It will be good for him to see his family and get a chance to be with his grandmother.


I would have gone accept it was expensive, I figured there would be a run in with cats and I have a feeling (e:matthew) would go crazy alone. Everytime I go to Saint George, I end up hanging out at the library while everyone else is at the house because they have animals. I really wish that someday I will have a job with real health insurance so I can just get the shots.

Tonight is (e:theecarey)'s party and I have a feeling it is going to be the same problem. Especially, if the weather is bad. I have had so many bad experiences where everyone else ends up going inside and I end up hanging out in the car for hours having to pee.

I don't think people realize how annoying it is to have serious animal allergies. I hate animals - they ruin so much of my life - well alergies to them do.

On another note, word on the town is that my father is considering buying a bakery. What a strange but interesting twist. I hope he does it.

Terry, I miss you already.

Okay back to sleep.

shawnr - 09/17/05 15:38
It's so sad, Paul. I know you would love the animals so much. Tech, tech everywhere, yet still we have to breathe. I'm going to get you one of those hypoallergenic Chinese hairless dogs. They're so ugly you have to love them.
alison - 09/17/05 12:21
should the weather be i bitch, i hereby give you my solemn oath to chill with you in the out-of-doors, except to go into the house to get you toilet paper and to pee myself.
theecarey - 09/17/05 11:06
its true, I have tents set up, a comfy semi clean garage with chairs (i'll even bust out a recliner or couch if weather is crappy), a small porch, also a screened canapy tent thing. Lots of options, without cat hair. Its all good. :)
leetee - 09/17/05 10:57
I'll stay outside with you, Paul. I like the rain. You can stay in a car while i dance in the rain... while you sit in the car laughing at the silly fool that i am.

I am sorry you have alergies to animals. I think i would probably go nuts if i did... oh, wait... maybe i am already.

Keep us updated on the bakery. Ain't nuthin' better than some fresh baked goods. Yum.

Safe journey, Terry!!!
ladycroft - 09/17/05 09:11
Promise we'll stay outside! Tents and a discoteque garage man!

09/16/2005 23:48 #32235

Party Leftovers - This Weekend
Category: events
(e:terry)'s grandfather died yesterday and he is leaving for Utah so I don't know if we will be going anywhere this weekend. (e:ladycroft), this is what is left from the party - we finished the gin during cleanup. You can get it whenever, just give me a shoutout. I should be around most of the evening. If you email me I can get it form anywhere.


09/16/2005 16:33 #32234

Life without a stylus
Category: mobile
Has anyone else tried data entry with a stylus? Some of you must have PDAs or phones with a stylus. It is werid at first but then it starts to become familiar and before you know it you can write really fast.

I lost my stylus. I have two others ordered and on the way but in the mean time I discovered that if I cut my thumbails into points I can use them as built it styli. (e:terry) says that I should make this into some sort of clipon stylus tip and sell them. Maybe there is a market.