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09/12/2005 21:37 #32224

we lost
Category: artvoice
The Artvoice/Absolut Best of Buffalo party was held at the Town Ballroom formally known as Sphere. The owner was a pretty awesome guy named Mr. Jackson.




As I expected Buffalo Rising's lame ass blogger based three person blog won. It makes me sick to hear people talk about their awesome prefab design. Its like a suburban prefab house winning best architecture. I guess money does mean everything. How I wish we had an advertising budget and a glossy magazine. Luckily, lots of other good things happend.

Also props to Jamie Mosses for having an a-political moment of silence slide show for New Orleans depicting images of the mass suffering. You should have seen it (e:jason), not one mention of Bush or politics.


There were so many people and tasty free food items at this fabulous event, I just wish we won and that cassie was my wife and mayor because she has all the connections.

There was live entertainment

Update from the future -- Mr. Jackson and Cassie started dating. Jamie Moses turned out to be a real cool guy. I helped Buffalo Rising with some programming and George from Buffalo Rising wrote me a reocmmendation letter that helped me get the job at Roswell.

theecarey - 09/13/05 17:49
They have a blog. We have a community. Don't need an award to prove it..
But we can still work on kicking some ass for next time around :)
You rock, thanks for all that you do!
buffalopundit - 09/13/05 14:01
Thanks for not ripping _me_ a new asshole, guys.
jason - 09/13/05 08:52
Wow, I'm impressed. I've said a tragedy on this scale should transcend politics. Now I wish I had seen it, lol.
leetee - 09/12/05 21:11
Yeah, what Ladycroft said! We really do appreciate all the work you put into estrip, Paul!
ladycroft - 09/12/05 21:08
Well, you know how much we all appreciate your hard work and the great community we have here at elmwoodstrip. We should create our own awards!
alison - 09/12/05 20:41
anyone who matters knows that elmwoodstrip does far more for it's limited number of users than buffalo rising could ever hope to do for the masses.

09/12/2005 18:21 #32223

Protesting at lafayette Square
Category: politics
(e:jason) [inlink]jason,244[/inlink] Don't you find irony in the fact that you can't stand people protesting the status quo when in fact you believe that your rants are doing exactly that here. They are saying the same thing you are. That they are sick of the way things are and they want them to change and I think we should all support their right to peacefully say whatever the hell they want. I defend your right to that here, even when i whole heartedly disagree. It is what America is based on. Protest is a way for people to inform other people about their views, and it is particularly useful in a place where so many people have no political view.

Why don't you go down there and talk to those people about the issues? There are always plenty of conservatives at any of these events. Maybe you will change people's minds. I am not saying this sarcastically. I mean it, a young, handsome moderate guy with a fresh view is going to have a much better chance of getting a message across than some bible thumper.

Do you really think that mixing issues is liberal thing? Mixing issues worked famously for the republicans in the last election. One of the main reasons that George Bush got elected was people who couldn't bear to think they would vote for a president who might not fight abortion and that is not a fraction or minority of the populations, I am sure it is a huge percent of the people voting. In fact, without mixing of issues, there would never be the need to have anything so broad as political parties, which are formed to help like minded people support each others issues in our representative government.

Have you ever even been to a political event? I have been to hundreds of political events and all of them involve mixing, on both sides. And before you go assuming I have only been to liberal events, I would like to point out that I have attended protests from liberal green peace ones prtotesting gentech soybeans down to neo-nazi rallies in Germany. During my "catholic" years, I even went to an anti-abortion rally once on the side of the anti-abortionists. Don't tell me you haven't seen pro-life signs at events that having nothing to do with abortion. I've even seen them at football games.

Onto the real issue of the troops. Many people at the protest do care greatly, especially the ones who just want their husband, brother, father, sister, mother back safely and as soon as possible. How can you not see that? Imagine the a-political high school sweetheart girl whose boyfriend has been whisked away to war and just wants her "billy" to come home. Do you not believe these people exist? A lot of this is not about political affiliation. I can guarantee that a liberal mother who lost her son in Yugoslavia under Bill Clinton would ask the same questions about responsibilty and reason. Why shouldn't she?

This is especially true as the war drags on and people no longer associate Iraq with Septemeber 11th, leaving many people unsure about what the troops are fighting for anymore. (that was meant to be read sarcastically)

Now for my rant...
You are right though some of those people hate troops. I freakin' hate the troops. I hope they all die, especially the ones in Iraq and I don't care about any excuses about why they are there. To me they are all pawns of satan creating nothing but chaos in an already chaotic place. But that is my personal view and I would say it does not fit into the liberal status quo by any means. In fact I have fought as much with liberals as I have with conservatives about this, just ask (e:holly) who notoriously defended them throughout out friendship.

As I said before, I see no reason to ever kill other people. I value my life and the life of many family members and friends over any political ideology. My brother (just picture (e:mike) with a gun), father, sister, mother, etc are never going to war and likely never will unless god forbid someone attacks the homeland with ground troops and even then honestly, I/they would most likely adapt to the conqueror than fight, Italians ar famous for that.

P.S. Why do you bother to assume they are chubby asses?
mike - 04/10/13 22:56
I love when talking about our family you say "I/they would most likely adapt to the conqueror than fight, Italians are famous for that" hilarious and true
alicia - 09/12/05 20:29
I think the soldiers over in Iraq have no idea what they are fighting for. For the most part the avergae joe or jane over there only joined the army cos they couldnt or didnt want to go to college. Now they are just on Bush fueled power trips. they think they are hero's but deep down inside they know their wrong. I am not proud of them or this country. I feel sorry for their families. I feel sorry for the fact they have to die without a purpose. All thatks to the greedy Illuminati pricks that turned this country into a capitalistic scumhole. yes i plan on moving out of America when i'm done with my education. sorry this rant is solong but it feels good!!!

09/12/2005 12:22 #32222

Long Day
First I need to start out with a meeting about the VR website and then move onto the artvoice event if I end up finding a ride. Anyone want to go?

09/11/2005 15:53 #32221

Party Part 3
Category: party
The pinata part was the next phase of the party. (e:ladycroft) made the most amazing pinata out of paper mache and a bunch of things she found on the ground off elmwood. It was need to see what kind of refuse she found. We spent about an hour trying to bust through its solid iron construction.













(e:mike) started to feel sick.


(e:terry) gave (e:theecarey) a lapdance followed by turning into a chocobo goat


After that (e:mattew) and (e:terry) had gone to bed yet (e:theecarey), (e:mike), and I partied it up for another hour or so. We played with glo sticks and got a visit from our neighbor.


ladycroft - 09/12/05 11:16
Awesome pics Paul! Remind me to buy more glo sticks for the next party :) Thanks again!
theecarey - 09/11/05 15:59
Paul, you are awesome. Party: parts 1 through 3, great commentary and pics! I am just going through the pictures that I took; the grand total is 143. I hope to include some in my post. Oh the stories that could be told :)

09/11/2005 15:36 #32220

Mid Party Show Time
Category: party
The night got crazier once people started drinking from (e:ladycroft)'s over the top bar. People drank a lot of beer. I think (e:cutsaniflush) or (e:terry) won the prize for that. But many people drank vodka. this was a full bottle of sky vodka when the party started. It is empty now.


I put it next to a 2 liter coke bottle so you could get an idea about how much vodka it represents. (e:ladycroft) also brought me a mini bottle of goldschlagger. She really knows how to keep a programmer happy.


(e:ladycroft) also brought melon shots. We consumed every single one.

So then the craziness began.

(e:drchlorine) got a makeover from some of the ladies. Later he got locked out and (e:lilho) refused to pick him up. SHe can be so mean sometimes.

While we were ont he scavenger hunt, (e:jim) (write a freakin journal already) and James, and (e:uncut) and (e:matthew) got in a fight about the home schooling system.


At some point my brother (e:mike) decided to get in his underwear and put on a show with (e:lilho) and (e:jill). The show was an extravaganza involving flashing lights, daning, a spray bottle and the casio keyboard in demo mode.


Some of you may have experience the magic of demo mode before.






He spent the rest of the night in his undies, even outside, even humping jesse's car.


(e:ladycroft) got a dance tease out of the show. At this point I realized she really looks like (e:holly).
