You may ask yourself where is
(e:paul) and all the new stuff that usually happens every two weeks. Well, he got roped into a million and half other things. Soon I will be back and there will be a bizillion updates I'm sure.
In the mean time I have been hired to work on stuff for the Virtual Reality Department at UB. My first task was redoing their web site which used to look like this.
Now it looks like this. The white is supposed to be the profile of one of the characters I created for one of Josephine's VR projects and the yellow shooting out the eyes is the beam from the projector that make sthe VR happen. The grommets are just my usual grommets from Cinema 4D. I wonder how
(e:strip) made it so far without them. I put the beta version here
The biggest changes however are in the way it is coded. Now it is XHTML compliant with js separated from HTML and style separated from content. It can also be updated by the professors there without work on my part. Hopefully, that works out.
I like this logo even if gears are cliche.
I love how the spell check always wants to change Josephine's VR project to Josephine's VCR project!
On a side note while I was checking the new page for XHTML compliance I tested out the media studies site at UB

and wow what a totally not standard piece of crap code job it is. It doesn't even have a doctype not that it would be valid for any doctype. The css and javascript are all included in the main doc instead of included as external files so that they could be cached. It is basically lame code side, although it at least looks nice.
It just proves the fact that I wasted so much time and money at the crappy school. The guy who taught the web classes sucked so bad. I heard that he was paid like $7000 to make that site and then paid students to do it for like $500.
i was in my photo class today, looking at the site, and my superneato teacher say 'wow, awesome site! the graphics look incredible!' so i told her who you were and she was extremely impressed. she said she was surprised she hasn't met you because she knows a lot of the graphic-y people at canisius.
haha. obviously you are just too cool for school.
That'll make the perfect photo for your "wanted" poster.