Well, the phone is finally arriving although the guy I bought it from wrote to say he forgot the stylus. That would be okay for any other phone but this one only uses a stylus as input. He is sending me the other one right away. Luckily it will work with the wacom stylus until then, although that is quite bulky. Maybe I will stop and pick up a treo stylus while I am waiting. The only thing I am really disappointed about is that the really amazing nokia SDK for the symbian phones only runs in windows! I haven't used windows in weeks, argh.
On another note, I am supposed to be filling out my tax paperwork for the job at UB but I lost my freakin' social security card and passport. Someone out there is probably trying to assume my debt right now. So I am basically nobody and moreover, I can't leave the country very easily. I am going to go sign up for a new social security card today and to report my passport is missing. It was time for a new one anyways because mine looked so different than a normal one. I got it in Berlin at the Consulate after my bag was stolen from a discotheque in Flensburg.
It had numbers stamped right through all the pages and the picture was glued on. Basically it looked very non-official and it expired this year anyways.
In the mean time, I can't really start my job. I find this to be quite annoying because it is for the same school I have been paying in state tuition at for four years and everything they do is filed under my social security number. Can't they just let this one slide and verify it another way.
Last night we watched part of a documentary about homeless gay street prostitutes in Hollywood. The ones in the worst situation had no papers. You never really think about how important your "papers" are until you don't have them fo a moment and you are suddenly nobody.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/02/2005 11:35 #32203
Am I a citizen, I get a phoneCategory: work
09/02/2005 00:36 #32202
Stop Media BiasCategory: media
(e:joshua) [inlink]joshua,50[/inlink] and (e:jason) [inlink]jason,231[/inlink] read this one. I think you will be surprised by my take.
(e:uncutsaniflush) is right, there is no such thing as unbiased media. I have removed myself from the main stream media for about ten years now. Our television does PBS on antenae at about the same quality that this website would be at 28k.
With the internet offering so many thousands of alternatives, and the fact that the majority of you have broadband net connections, I don't understand why anyone subjecting themselves to the biased, commericial, corporate media from either side. We are not propagnda prey in a world controlled by one government media source. It's not like we live in China.
If you don't like the messages that the media you watch are giving you than change the media source. You can tune into what you want to hear via the net and tune out the other crap instead of watching it all the time. Maybe even try mixing news from various countries to get a better overall view of the situation. Why stress yourself out over it?
I used to get so mad listening to Rush "the hypocrite, pill popper" Limbaugh in the car on the way to or from work. I would actually find myself arguing with the radio. Then one day I realized I just didn't have to take it anymore and tuned him out permanently. I realized that he doesn't even matter and when I am not tuning in, he is essentially gone. Try podcasts! Better yet, make your own media alterntives.
No matter what side you are on, corporate level main stream media is essentially all about advertising and even if you are watching and critcizing you are still watching, paying and subconsciously absorbing the advertisements that make the whole system profitable. We live in a time when you can afford the luxury of just saying no. Biased corporate media can only die if we kill it.
Simply turn off the freakin' television. Don't buy "their" newspapers. Refuse to watch "their" movies and play "their" propaganda laden video games. Vote with your conscience and your money and if enough people agree with you the biased media source will simply go the way of dinosaur. If it doesn't then it means that the people want it, and that the bias in fact reflects the majority of the population. If that is the case then you are fighting a losing battle because Amerika is the home of majority wins.
Ok, I am off to go dream about high speed cell phone networks.
(e:uncutsaniflush) is right, there is no such thing as unbiased media. I have removed myself from the main stream media for about ten years now. Our television does PBS on antenae at about the same quality that this website would be at 28k.
With the internet offering so many thousands of alternatives, and the fact that the majority of you have broadband net connections, I don't understand why anyone subjecting themselves to the biased, commericial, corporate media from either side. We are not propagnda prey in a world controlled by one government media source. It's not like we live in China.
If you don't like the messages that the media you watch are giving you than change the media source. You can tune into what you want to hear via the net and tune out the other crap instead of watching it all the time. Maybe even try mixing news from various countries to get a better overall view of the situation. Why stress yourself out over it?
I used to get so mad listening to Rush "the hypocrite, pill popper" Limbaugh in the car on the way to or from work. I would actually find myself arguing with the radio. Then one day I realized I just didn't have to take it anymore and tuned him out permanently. I realized that he doesn't even matter and when I am not tuning in, he is essentially gone. Try podcasts! Better yet, make your own media alterntives.
No matter what side you are on, corporate level main stream media is essentially all about advertising and even if you are watching and critcizing you are still watching, paying and subconsciously absorbing the advertisements that make the whole system profitable. We live in a time when you can afford the luxury of just saying no. Biased corporate media can only die if we kill it.
Simply turn off the freakin' television. Don't buy "their" newspapers. Refuse to watch "their" movies and play "their" propaganda laden video games. Vote with your conscience and your money and if enough people agree with you the biased media source will simply go the way of dinosaur. If it doesn't then it means that the people want it, and that the bias in fact reflects the majority of the population. If that is the case then you are fighting a losing battle because Amerika is the home of majority wins.
Ok, I am off to go dream about high speed cell phone networks.
uncutsaniflush - 09/02/05 09:52
Paul I, dare I say it, totally agree with you about using the 'net to see how the news of events is reported in other countries.
It is amazing to me how different some events are reported outside of the U.S. The perspective can be totally different and ocassionally bewildering (especially from Asian news sources)
Paul I, dare I say it, totally agree with you about using the 'net to see how the news of events is reported in other countries.
It is amazing to me how different some events are reported outside of the U.S. The perspective can be totally different and ocassionally bewildering (especially from Asian news sources)
09/01/2005 14:46 #32201
Don't host at GlobatCategory: web
For the first year of the site we had two horrible web hosting companies in a row (whn and globat) till we found mosnterhosting.ca, which has been pretty reliable. Today I got an email fromt he old host globat saying for a $29.00 upgrade fee I could get 10GB space/and 300GB/transfer which sounds like a good deal but I remember they had the worst customer service and tons of problems.
I decided to look up a current review on the web and found this I guess they haven't changed at all.
I decided to look up a current review on the web and found this I guess they haven't changed at all.
09/01/2005 12:38 #32200
Diesel BoyCategory: events
Buffalo Rising reported that Diesel Boy will be playing at Opium Lounge on 9th. The last time I saw him spin was in Phoenix in 2000. It's amazing that he is still going. Does anyone want to go? It costs $10.
This not having a mobile phone situation is killing m, I keep seeing so many things I want to take pictures of but I can't!
Friday, Sept 9th, at the Opium Lounge: Dieselboy.
North America's biggest drum-n-bass dj/producer/label chief, and is also one of the biggest dj's in the world, period! He hasn't played Buffalo in several years, and this appearance is much anticipated by people from all over Upstate NY and Southern Ontario.Quoted from: Buffalo Rising Journal
This not having a mobile phone situation is killing m, I keep seeing so many things I want to take pictures of but I can't!
08/31/2005 22:01 #32199
Teaching and PhonesCategory: mobile
I had my first day back teaching again and I love it. I forgot how much fun it was. Maybe I really need to move away so I can get a good teaching job. First the thesis needs to be completed and my jobs dealt with. Next year could be the big year. Or maybe I will just stay in Buffalo and adjunct and work on the side. It is nice doing two things in a way.
Today I taught them how to make an interactive DHTML game. The homework is to add to it. I wonder what the results will be, the students seemed pretty into it.
I finally ordered and am receiving the Nokia 7710. Unfortunately, I had them switch my service today for Friday when the phone comes and they shut off my sidekick, which is essentially my lifeline to my journal. I guess I will make up for it in the long run because the new phone can record voice and video in addition to being able to store up to 800 pictures on it. It even has a 1.3 megapixel camera. Unfortunately, it is in fact the one with no keyboard so my journal is going to lack in text what it gains in media. I suppose they do say a picture is worth 1000 words.
I think the best part will be being able to draw journal entries on the go. It lets you draw on the large screen with the stylus and save the images. That seems very much like the esketch program to go, however, the phone does flash too, so maybe my very own sketch program can be developed into a mobile thing. Sadly, enough the man who sold me the phone said he forgot to send the stylus, argh - so he is overnight monday when he can get it. I hope that a wacom or treo stylus will work on it.
We went to cingular today to get an edge plan for the phone but it was $79/month. Even with (e:terry)'s government discount that is too much money. Someday I will have high speed mobile service, even if it means I have to move to Sweden or japan. For now I am stuck with 40k, but 40k is better than no k.
Whoa, the spellcheck insisted I capitalize Sweden but didn't care about japan. I need to work on that.
Today I taught them how to make an interactive DHTML game. The homework is to add to it. I wonder what the results will be, the students seemed pretty into it.
I finally ordered and am receiving the Nokia 7710. Unfortunately, I had them switch my service today for Friday when the phone comes and they shut off my sidekick, which is essentially my lifeline to my journal. I guess I will make up for it in the long run because the new phone can record voice and video in addition to being able to store up to 800 pictures on it. It even has a 1.3 megapixel camera. Unfortunately, it is in fact the one with no keyboard so my journal is going to lack in text what it gains in media. I suppose they do say a picture is worth 1000 words.
I think the best part will be being able to draw journal entries on the go. It lets you draw on the large screen with the stylus and save the images. That seems very much like the esketch program to go, however, the phone does flash too, so maybe my very own sketch program can be developed into a mobile thing. Sadly, enough the man who sold me the phone said he forgot to send the stylus, argh - so he is overnight monday when he can get it. I hope that a wacom or treo stylus will work on it.
We went to cingular today to get an edge plan for the phone but it was $79/month. Even with (e:terry)'s government discount that is too much money. Someday I will have high speed mobile service, even if it means I have to move to Sweden or japan. For now I am stuck with 40k, but 40k is better than no k.
Whoa, the spellcheck insisted I capitalize Sweden but didn't care about japan. I need to work on that.
jason - 09/01/05 08:59
The motherland deserves to be capitalized!! =)
The motherland deserves to be capitalized!! =)
Hey Paul, stop by someday when you get your new phone and you are in the hood. I want to check it out. Or actually I do have a DVD full of jazz and funk for (e:Matthew) - I gotta drop that off sometime when I'm not a lazy fuck.
paul you get a replacement social security at the local social security office if you have a drivers license here's a link the social security admin's website on how to replace a card
the buffalo office's address: