Today I officially own a house in Buffalo. I had to go buy insurance this morning. To get landlord insurance, I needed to get renters insurance. However, when they all combined in the computer I qualified for the trifecta car, home and rental insurance so I got a 10% discount of the car insurance for it. The discount paid for the rental insurance, so why did I need it again? At least I know know that the vaio will never leave me, at least in spirit.
While out I overheard some insurance gossip that some secretary who files claims with Celino and Barnes said it was so corrupt that she knew which doctor, physical therapist, etc each person went to without opening their files because they were all the same,implying that they are all getting kickbacks along the chain.
What's up with these signs on the train?

To promote safety. To make sure you watch out for shaddy characters I guess. I didn't know there where really that many problems but it is good to let people know to be aware.