The time is ticking between now and the end of my cell phone contract and I still can't decide on a replacement for the sidekick. The sidekick was a nice phone but it is history now. I had it for two years and I am ready for something else. I was hoping something else with a stylus like the treo 650 but when I went to go test it out at the store, I couldn't type on because my fingers were to big for the stupid litlle keys. I hated it.
Seeing as I am determined to have a phone with a nice web browser, instant messenging, bluetooth, GPRS (with edge capabilty) a camera, and a non windows OS, I am down to two choices both from nokia. I also like nokia because they are real up front about development on the phone unlinke stupid danger which thwarted my every move.
The nokia 7710 is so cute. It is a totaly touchscreen stylus driven operating system. The problem is that it has no keyboard. It does have an onscreen keyboard and can do handwriting recognition. That could work out for me. The camera is 1.3mp which is awesome and it can record video. It also comes complete with flash player 6 and a 640 x 300 screen. Unfortunately, it does not have wifi.
Which leads me to the Nokia 9500 Communicator.
This baby has bluetooth, 802.11b wifi, and a keyboard. The camera is only 640 x 480px. It does do video and it runs an older operating system symbian 80 which is actually probably better because it means there is more stuff developed for it. The phone is heavier and seeing as I am not using the phone part I find that whole part unnecessary. I really like the idea of having 802.11b because there are so many times I am on the go and there are 802.11b networks. It would almost make having edge not very important, although having edge might make the 802.11b very unimportant. At least the wifi is free!
What the hell am I gonna do. I have like 20 days to decide on a new phone and maybe even a new carrier although I don't know how anyone could turn down t-mobiles $29.00 all you can eat internet plan even if it is slower than cingulare's edge plan.
oh my, aren't i influential?!