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07/23/2005 21:20 #32122

eating at shogun
Category: food
We are eating at shogun on Transit tonight. Our neighbor
Katie is taking us out to dinner for particpating in the creativity
study. It smells so yummy here. I ordered the Calamari steak.


07/23/2005 03:22 #32121

Post Programming Painting
Category: design
I had a great day solving this problem that was making me batty and decided it was time to paint something.


We were gonna go go out butthen we read the flyer and found out it would have been $30 but the three of us to go. Maybe we'll go out again in the fall, lol.

07/23/2005 21:09 #32120

This might look familiar - nokia fix
Category: programming
I stole this image off of (e:shawnr)'s mobile blog


I was going to make a derivitive work but it was against his license, lol. Anyways, the real reason this is here is to prove that I fixed the nokia picture phone bug. After hours of studying the jpeg format and playing with a hex editor, I wrote a nice PHP class to test for and fix images from certain nokia phones that write bad jpegs. Shame on you nokia for making such nonsense files. Basically any open source program that was based on a certaing jpeg library could not deal well with them including GIMP and GD, as well as, many other programs. At least now people with mobile blogs can use there nokia pics again! You can find it in p:labs if you need a copy yourself.
shawnr - 07/23/05 21:09
bravo to paul. we all bow to your gnawledge.

07/22/2005 21:21 #32119

Searching the web
Category: web
Has anyone seen google directories before, I somehow had missed them completely.


This totally revolutionizes the way you surf the web.

I am hopelessly working on a jpeg fixing filter for some corrupt jpegs from a cell phone. WHile I was poking around at the structure of a jpeg file I found this windows command-line program that strips out meta-data from jpegs. I ran it on a photoshop saved jpeg and it took 10k off the image. Thats a lot of extraneous data.

Here are some important magic numbers for file types

ajay - 07/22/05 21:21
"Google Directory" is not Google's; it is the DMOZ project, :::link::: . Credit where credit's due.... ;)
uncutsaniflush - 07/22/05 19:31
Paul, the link that I use for Google Directory is :::link:::

The link you provided didn't work for me.

07/22/2005 15:18 #32118

painting the property
Category: renting
We got the giant retractable painting poll. It extends to 12 feet.
So I will be three stories up dangling from a rope weilding a giant
retractable poll? This landlording job seems more dangerous everyday.

So the remaining question remains what color. We decided to consult
with (e:matthew) about that first. They have this machine at home depot
that can take real life objects and tell you what color they are to find
the paint color you need. It judged terry to be deep topaz. It was
about the color of strong chai mixed with chocolate milk. For those of
you that have seen (e:terry), you can appreciate how poor that machine
judges color.
