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07/21/2005 03:07 #32113

i really should be sleeping now
But instead I am not tired because I slept too late yesterday
morning. All of a sudden I am very awake an thinking about all of the
things I have to do but have no motivation for. Tommorrow is the last
day working at nonnas before our tenant moves in.


I decided to program a newer mobile phone posting system based on the p:blogs system I built for (e:shawnr). It is amazing how complicated some things can be. You can learn about how to set up your mobile phone posting account here gohelp:p:pmobl

Using it is free and easy.

07/20/2005 20:26 #32112

My First Real Girlfriend
My first real grilfriend from my high school years is getting married. I am so happy for her. I know for sure that he is one lucky man. Congratulations!

07/20/2005 15:06 #32111

The Study Of Creativty
Category: property
So last night at about 11PM, we began our inquiry into the creative method as part of a study conducted by our neighbor Katie. She is enrolled in the Creative Studies Masters program at Buffalo State.

I am sorrry the picture for this blog were taken with my crappy sidekick1. Someday I will get a better phone. Basically, we were interviewed about a group problem we were having last week. The problme being, deciding on and moving into a home. The process involved lots of paper products. I probably wrote out about 130 post-its. I think the process really needs to be digitlized. In the end we decided on the home that we had decided on before, but we feel much more confident about the decision. Thanks Katie.








For part of the study, we had to look at these pics. After we completed looking at each level of the picture, we had to guess what we thought it was. For the first three stages I guessed the following.

1. Priests looking at Jesus

2. Priests looking at Jesus and a stained glass window.

3. Priests looking at Jesus dressed as a woman.

07/19/2005 13:36 #32110

Writing the Thesis!
Category: thesis
I was writing my thesis for a change when I looked up toot in the thesaurus. It turned out to not be the word I was looking for.

toot - 1. a bout of heavy drinking 2. to inhale an illegal drug, especially cocaine

07/19/2005 18:47 #32109

What landlording sounds like
Category: renting


Here is (e:matthew) smashing out a cabinet, that needs to be replaced. Check out his triceps.
