So I thought I would be able to have been done writing my thesis by now. i was quite wrong. I never anticipated how much time landlording takes. Today I had to paint the bathroom cabinet, fix the shower, cap the pipes, and paint the tub. Then I scraped paint from a part of the house and want to begin painting ASAP. It is so time consuming.
I forgot the sidekick I piece of crap phone so I don't have any pictures of today's progress. You will just have to beleiev me that it occurred ;)
Paul's Journal
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07/18/2005 18:05 #32106
Another Day LandlordingCategory: renting
07/17/2005 21:12 #32105
The mini mansionCategory: property
Here is a pic of the house I was talking about before. We really want t to move here but I think I would have a hard time leaving linwood.

leetee - 07/17/05 21:12
i agree... very nice mini mansion....
i agree... very nice mini mansion....
uncutsaniflush - 07/17/05 20:01
Wow, paul that house looks great (and also vaguely familar).
I can understand why you wouldn't want to leave linwood, but that is a great looking house. I bet you guys could make it a great home.
Wow, paul that house looks great (and also vaguely familar).
I can understand why you wouldn't want to leave linwood, but that is a great looking house. I bet you guys could make it a great home.
07/17/2005 17:10 #32104
The shower showoffCategory: renting
Our friend Dave came over around 2am for an inspirational speech. I think he convinced us that being landlords would be a good idea. A part of me wants to go back to a pre-manual labor era and another part of me finds it all fun to do something besides compute.
Update --> It is done. We have built a shower for our new tenant. Soon it will be all done and we can buy the other house down the street.

Update --> It is done. We have built a shower for our new tenant. Soon it will be all done and we can buy the other house down the street.

07/17/2005 09:20 #32103
Plumbing, I hate plumbing sort ofCategory: renting
Well at least I hate getting yelled at while attemping plumbing. After reading google, I just realized that I was wrapping the teflon tape counterclockwise instead of clockwise. Now I feel dumb because the side where I wrapped the tape the wrong way is leaking.
I am so sad about this whole thing. (e:matthew) and (e:terry) don't want to be landlords anymore. I wish that they were more excited because it is bringing me down. I am really happy when I have to try and solve problems that are time consuming and tricky. I think that is why I like prgoramming so much. They just get really bored and angry.
The downstairs neighbors also told us that the lady we rented to is bringing her kid to live there. I wish that she had told us that. I hate it when people aren't upfront. I am also tired of being too nice. We are going to make virtually no money on this until after 5 years the way it looks. Sometimes, it seems important to work for things that will pay off in the future as I am getting older. On the other hand I can do so many cerebral things that make lots of money, that I don't know if it is worth getting my hands greasy.
I am so sad about this whole thing. (e:matthew) and (e:terry) don't want to be landlords anymore. I wish that they were more excited because it is bringing me down. I am really happy when I have to try and solve problems that are time consuming and tricky. I think that is why I like prgoramming so much. They just get really bored and angry.
The downstairs neighbors also told us that the lady we rented to is bringing her kid to live there. I wish that she had told us that. I hate it when people aren't upfront. I am also tired of being too nice. We are going to make virtually no money on this until after 5 years the way it looks. Sometimes, it seems important to work for things that will pay off in the future as I am getting older. On the other hand I can do so many cerebral things that make lots of money, that I don't know if it is worth getting my hands greasy.
07/16/2005 15:32 #32102
Here is the leakCategory: renting
Here it is mr.leaky leak.

There is a leak in the back.Hopefully, someteflon tape will fix it.(E:twisted) has patched me through to her plumber friend.Long live the sidekick 1.

There is a leak in the back.Hopefully, someteflon tape will fix it.(E:twisted) has patched me through to her plumber friend.Long live the sidekick 1.
Good luck Paul. I know how much work all of that stuff is, since we did a ton of it before we listed our house in Knoxville. And btw, i belive you that it all occured... i guess you could say i have faith. :O)