Last night after the amazing dinner at Shogun, we got a call that
(e:southernyankee) was in town for her friend lisa's birthday. By the tim ewe got back from dinner and out of the house it was about 1am. We met them at Cozumel on elmwood and had a great time gossiping, taking pictures, catching up.
(e:mike) missed us because he had his phone turned off. I think the same thing happend the last time
(e:southernyankee) was in town and staying with us! This week is going to be crazy because
(e:hodown) is also coming for a visit starting wednesday and staying with us. I am supposed to be in charge of finding a date for her. So if anyone is looking for a date, give me a shoutout.
Last night I also saw matt who I went to high school with. He is supposed to be moving north west. I hope it works out for him, I am so freakin; jealous of the wanderin gtypes, although I guess I get to have stability which is also kind of nice in it's own way.
seriously, I hate that I always miss southernyankee. I was like sitting here watching tv but had put my phone on silent for the night cuz i was getting ready to go to bed... : (